Australian olive oil giant Cobram Estate has expanded into California — and they are fully committed to California olive oil! Molly Riehl is getting a taste!

A look at local estate artists in line of oils and learning more about the process Molly reel is hanging out this morning in Woodland ready to make some olive oil yes oh boy okay yes ready to make some delicious food with delicious olive oil so we are in the Woodland

Headquarters of cobram estate uh this uh Olive Oil Business started in Australia currently the number one producer of olive oil in all of Australia but also a giant here in California as well now you might see uh this probably looks familiar to you in almost every grocery

Store uh in our area you’ll see the cob estate oils but they are about to release this new Artisan line of flavored olive oils and all the way from Australia is co-ceo Leandro here to tell us all about it so these are going to be released hopefully in April uh brand new

Tell us a little bit about them yeah absolutely brand new first through our online and then probably in some local stores like nugget or R you’ll get to see them rolling over it’s it’s a it’s a fantastic range you know we put a lot of effort into it mainly focusing on

Getting high quality flavors which is really all what cam is is about but also with health in mind I mean we know that extra ventive oil is a very healthy product but here we have been thinking on those 10 15% of the adult population in Americans that have IBS or some

Intolerances particular to garlic and onion these oils have been certified low for map so they’re actually quite good for that perfectly for those that have the intolerance yeah right so what he’s saying is if garlic or onion if those hurt your tummy uh these will not hurt

Your stomach which is probably kind of life-changing for those who love the flavor of garlic and oil and cannot eat them uh so here to show us just how to put these flavored olive oils to use we have the famed Chef Allison Harvey of notra firm now uh if you don’t know Chef

Allison she is part of the team responsible to bring a Michelin star to Sacramento it’s first Michelin star so pretty talented uh and Chef you have whipped up some incredible things for us today uh you are an ambassador for Cobra and state you’re a big fan of this

You’ve told me anecdotally not just on television so what have you prepared using these flavored olive oils so this morning we did a homemade fasha with the garlic olive oil we added um a little chili oil to this crunchy garlic dipping um in the middle we did a um lemon olive

Oil cake and then on the far end we did a com Fe of potatoes with uh the onion olive oil okay so what of these should I be trying right now you’ve you’ve given me a taste of this fasha earlier and the best fasha I have ever had uh these

Potatoes look absolutely delicious and these olives uh these olive oils they’re good for cooking as well not just drizzling they’re amazing to cook with um we’re very fortunate to to have an olive oil that we can cook with that can withstand the high temperature um there’s ‘s a lot of you know

Miscommunication on that we we really enjoy using this all around so perfect I think I need to take a bite of one of these potatoes is that okay okay so Leandro as I am taking a bite of this just really quickly uh let people know how and when they can get these flavored

Olive oils yeah we’ll be releasing them in April through our online Coram Estate website and then soon after that in a lot of our um local stores okay I I need to use both hands for for this oh my goodness here we go taste it taste

It I’m going just melt into that oh my gosh Chef Allison with the right tools I mean with the right tools I can make something like that but you especially can make something like that uh just a whole lot of talent and beautiful olive oils congratulations on the new line

Can’t wait for the public to get to enjoy it as well cheers we’ll send it back to you guys Molly

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