Recette des baguettes de tradition française.
– Farine T65 (sans additif) : 1000g
– Sel: 18g
– Levure: 5g
– levain: 100g
– Eau: 700 g pour démarrer + 50g de bassinage

Boulangerie ANTONE
125 Rue de Laseppe 33000 Bordeaux
Tom Piegelin :

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00:00 présentation de “TOM”
00:30 Préparation de l’Autolyse
01:05 Recette de la baguette et pétrissage
02:50 Pointage et rabat
03:55 Division et mise en forme
05:25 Façonnage de la baguette
07:38 Bien rafraichir son levain !
09:10 Enfournement des baguettes
09:30 Comment bien lamer une baguette ?
11:40 Dégustation !

o Abonne toi :

A bientôt sur boulangerie pas à pas par Fabrice Cottez .


How to make such a magnificent traditional French baguette, come on, I’ll give you the recipe and the whole process, let’s start to make a good baguette, we need quality flour without additives, a thermometer, a good scale that works correctly

And a little knowledge -let go go fire well the most important thing is the temperatures so we calculated the pouring temperature we are at 30° so here we go we are going to pour into the mixer we

Start at 70% water compared to the mass of flour and we start with an autolysis of one [Music] hour so the frasage is finished we will leave 1 hour in autolysis and then we will start the kneading so we put 10% of liquid leaven compared to the flour and leaven at T65 which

Refreshes the day before and at 10°C all night so we are at 0.5% yeast and 1.8% salt after 1 hour of autolysis we will start the kneading so we start with 8 minutes in first gear after these 8 minutes we will baste so we add 5% water

Still in relation to the flour we will pass it in second gear for about 2 minutes [Music] so yeah small minutes just to smooth it out give it a little bit of a little fishing so we see that it comes off nicely once it has come off we stop the

Kneading temperature so we want a dough between 24 and 25 this is the best so if we have a dough between 24 and 25 we are between 1 hour and 1 hour 15 minutes of clocking so you don’t leave it for 1 hour yeah that’s it

Or so trade 7 hours 30 so not to mix the brushes and not to get lost so we are used to writing down everything the times of pointing on a small sheet like that we are up to date so our dough is kneaded you should know that we can divert the dough

To make mixtures so here corn bread we can make cereal baguettes uh fougace there are plenty possibilities so as the dough is kneaded it will just be a mixture there is no need to repeat it from behind so with our ingredients

After 1h15 of pointing in the tank we devatted we made bins at 6 kg 750 no flap in the tank only in a deconvent and a flap in the tray then put in the cold until the next day

Pointing delayed all night we will block the dough at 4°C in a cold room continue to start Kindly [Music] yes hop on see you tomorrow We have bins at 6,750 that gives us baguettes at 330 g divide them by 20 no shaping it’s to shorten the time a little afterwards and there 10 minutes of relaxation in the morning when I arrive I see the consistency of the

Dough depending on if a lot of force not a lot of force and well I let it relax more or less in general we are on a time of 10 minutes an hour after the division you don’t wait that the dough rises to 15 16 17 18 no I think that if we

Waited for it to rise to this temperature there it is much too relaxed and there we can shape it I shape it all the time with the shaper or we can get very good results with the shaper so it’s a time saver we might as well take advantage of it we’re around

400 baguettes it’s not it’s not a lot a lot we’re here at ant we rather value the big pieces the specials all that rather than just the baguettes what is super important is not to tighten the baguettes too much during the preparation so that

They develop correctly and then there will be no excess force during cooking and for afterwards I leave the room temperature for 1h15 pretty much we have there are two ways of shaping so either the machine or by hand it all depends on the time we have ahead of us so generally for

Competitions I favor shaping by hand because we are still a lot more regular and it avoids strangulation things like that very important when shaping by hand it is to degas as much as possible to avoid irregularities suddenly turns gray and the weld therefore upwards

Closely on the rods shaped to the hand is always shorter than machine-made chopsticks because the degassing is always a little less important so we can reduce by half an hour an hour that will be more than enough so while the baguettes are fermenting we attack the refreshed

Sourdough so here we have our old sourdough from the day before which we are going to refresh so the basic recipe for Sourdough is 1 kg of water 1 kg of flour and 200 g of strain water temperature between winter it is more between 38 and 40°C and in summer we decrease

A little so here we are at 40° we are going to make a small recipe we don’t need a huge one for tomorrow in the Sourdough always the traditional flour cannot afford to put it in the corrected flour to respect the charter always when

We always refresh our the sourdough by hand in the old fashioned way in jumps so stir the sourdough and the water well at the bottom and then mix the flour and the water and the sourdough so every day we taste our sourdough if it is too acid we reduce a little strain

Or we can add a little honey to it or otherwise if it is too little acid and and if it lacks taste and well we increase the strain we let it ferment a little longer

So there our Sourdough is mixed we are going to leave it out for about 1 hour until it starts to develop in fact as soon as we see it develop a little bit which will dig on the on the around

The edges of the jump and well we will be able to come in all night at 10°C which above all hygiene is very important a good baker has passed the [Music] broom we do assembly after 1 hour of preparation we move on to inserting the baguettes cooking

265 in ground and 255 in vault for around twenty [Music] minutes [Music] so my little technique to blade well already raise the carpet a little like that it allows the blade to tilt automatically because if I blade like that

I will be too above of my wand and my stroke of the blade it will be too straight so I lift my mat like that and automatically there is an inclination which occurs and then really hold the blade with two fingers and not pinch it too hard you really have to be delicate

So it’s a regular stroke of the blade if possible we put a stroke of steam before and a stroke of steam after putting it in the oven it’s important to dose the steam well for the coloring and good development what yeah about twenty minutes about twenty

Minutes afterwards we do different cooking for the customers adapts to the customers of course Unless in Very crispy baguette coloring not too bad honestly I like baguettes well cooked like that and there is more than ‘has ! tasting come on let’s open one so what we want to obtain on a beautiful traditional baguette is a beautiful

Fatty crumb so very irregular cells very large and then a crumb of very creamy color excellent good let’s move on to the tasting anyway you like it ah yeah not too acidic just enough but very fatty a little half-salted butter and we’re good can you

Do the same thing I’m going to try to imitate the master! come on thank you for everything ciao ciao


  1. Bonjour fabrice
    Comment on calcule la temperature de l eau
    Car il parle de 30 degres
    Peux tu me dire comment faire
    Merci beaucoup

  2. Ce jeune est un magicien. J'adore ce métier. Par contre y'a des choses qui diffèrent en regard des autres vidéos regardées. Par exemple, la TB n'est pas à 50°C. Le pétrissage après l'autolyse est bien plus important. Le passage de la grigne est très léger. Un grand merci pour cette précieuse vidéo. Pat

  3. Aucun intérêt nutritionnel et gustatif la baguette, il ne faut pas s'étonner que la consommation des français baisse d'années en années. Préférez les pains bises ou complets au levain.

  4. Je suis japonais, je étudie français, et aussi je commence à faire des baguettes que j’adore. Votre vidéo est très intéressant pour moi, malgré que je peux pas encore comprendre tout de votre explication française.
    Je vais essayer de faire des baguettes chez moi en voyant ce vidéo beaucoup de fois. Merci beaucoup!!

  5. Merci pour cette vidéo de qualité, encore une fois ! Que du plaisir !

    Pourquoi le levain n'est pas utilisé seul, il ferait bien la pousse tout seul non ? Pkoi le mélanger avec de la levure ?

  6. Hello, nice vlog, the preparation looks delicious, thanks for the recipe. a subscription from me. I wish you the best ✅🌳

  7. Bonjour, dans sa recette, son levain n'est pas active ? Levain actif + Levure on aurait un pain qui aurait trop fermenté ? Merci

  8. bonjour , très belle baguette de tradition , super travail et très bon professionnel, j'aurais une question , peut on mettre en froid ces baguettes de tradition après le façonnage pour les cuires le lendemain matin en pousse contrôlée environs une heure ou deux une vingtaine de degrés ? en attende de votre réponse , bien cordialement

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