The secret to any good lasagna starts with a flavor packed Bolognese sauce! By properly layering your levels of vegetable, meat and tomato flavor you can produce a sauce that will be the star of your dish. Pro tip: When making lasagna, start your bolognese first. A sauce like this needs time to simmer before its finally ready.
Check out our full lasagna recipe @DadsGuideToTheUniverse

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We’re going to Brown our freshly ground beef with our ground sausage and a little bit of olive oil and once it’s cooked through and has a little bit of color we’re going to add our vegetables carrot juice we’re not going to move forward until the vegetables are cooked

Through and that water is evaporated Ragu is about to happen oh yeah this smells worth living for you want to add a little paste I think so I don’t think I’ve ever made a bnise without tomato paste right now we’re going to cook some of the rawness

Out of that tomato paste this is insane right here in Italy they measure wine added to recipes by glass of wine isn’t that insane great the equivalent of a glass of wine oh yeah who’s glass uh just two fingers exactly let’s add the pada pada is tomato puree that is thick

It’s not soupy but I got to show you the trick my grandmother gave me that’s the trick I mean my grandmother did that too the next step is patience has to cook down for quite some time

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