Tagliatelline, cime di rapa e gamberi rossi è un piatto delizioso e raffinato, perfetto per un pranzo o una cena elegante.
La combinazione del sapore amarognolo delle cime di rapa con la dolcezza dei gamberi rossi è davvero squisita e il tutto è reso ancora più speciale dalla delicatezza delle tagliatelline all’uovo.
Ecco alcuni aspetti positivi della ricetta:
Sapore equilibrato: Il contrasto tra il sapore amarognolo delle cime di rapa e la dolcezza dei gamberi crea un equilibrio perfetto in bocca.
Freschezza: Le cime di rapa e i gamberi sono entrambi ingredienti freschi e di stagione, che donano al piatto un sapore vivace e leggero.
Semplicità: La ricetta è relativamente semplice da realizzare, anche per chi non è un esperto in cucina.
Presentazione elegante: Il piatto si presenta in modo elegante e raffinato, perfetto per una cena speciale.
Naturalmente, come per tutte le ricette, ci sono anche alcuni aspetti da tenere a mente:
Tempo di preparazione: La ricetta richiede un po’ di tempo per la preparazione
Costo: I gamberi rossi possono essere un po’ costosi, a seconda della stagione e del luogo in cui li si acquista.
Sapore amarognolo: Se non amate il sapore amarognolo delle cime di rapa, potete sostituirle con un altro tipo di verdura, come gli spinaci o i broccoli, ma le cime di rapa sono il TOP.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:

320 g di tagliatelline all’uovo
400 g di cime di rapa
200 g di gamberi rossi
1 spicchio d’aglio
1 peperoncino fresco (facoltativo)
Olio extravergine d’oliva
Pepe nero
Pangrattato tostato
Scorza di limone grattugiata (facoltativo)

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Good morning friends Today I found the tops of R so Today we will make some tagliatelline turnip tops and some Rossi prawns to complement our whole recipe, very good, very simple, it doesn’t take much, let’s go and prepare some broccoli, take only the top part, therefore the famous tops and

The put these tops aside, we won’t boil them, we’ll cook them directly because if we boil them they become softer but the flavor is all here inside our stem then we will need some chilli garlic and some prawns, red prawns

Or some normal prawns. we will put them on top raw Once the dish is finished we will put others in the pan to fry together with everything else very easy it takes very little let’s first cook our turnip greens because being raw we practically don’t boil this stem it probably needs to be

Cooked slowly in the pan a little, let’s go, we’ll move the heat. So in a pan we’ve put a garlic split in half to fry, the soul doesn’t matter because we won’t eat it anyway, now

We’ll remove it and a chilli pepper, let’s wait for it to brown for the garlic well And then we add our turnip tops when everything is browned enough we remove both the chilli pepper and our garlic we always keep the oil high enough and we add our

Turnip tops Please be careful not to let the leaves burn practically we have to let them suffocate so that they dry up and become soft. However, please always keep the heat under control so that it is not too high. Keep in

Mind that when we put them here piaro viaro the broccoli will start to take out a little water so Oh, the same water will lower the heat a little. So let’s let them cook for a while. When they’re cooked. When the broccoli, the turnip tops will be tender. Let’s let them cook and

In the meantime let’s go and clean our prawns. Then clean the prawn. It’s a shame to throw away all this. because basically Eh we get an exceptional fish broth so we keep them aside I recommend it because next time you use them You put them and fry them

With garlic oil and chilli pepper you put this in then Add some hot water broth and boil, mash everything, filter and this water that comes out of this broth is exceptional for seasoning pasta so I advise you not to throw away all the

Heads of the shells. This is the good part that we will keep later. If you want to eat them raw, try to remove the back which contains blood Nothing in particular but if you eat

It raw I advise you to remove it in a small pan I put all the heads of the shells and the tails I put them to fry with garlic chilli pepper a little salt Then I added some hot water already

Hot and I put them to boil. In a little while I will put this sauce inside our turnip tops to add flavor and we will also add some prawns to cook in the meantime I put the water to boil our tops. of turnip have soaked enough so it seems they are

Quite cooked and Let’s start by adding a little bit of In fact, let’s add I cleaned some shrimps, precisely the Red prawns and let’s add some grated lemon zest , let’s sauté our prawns and add broth we put our tagliatelle which will take two 2 minutes let’s drain our

Tagliatelle inside our pan without draining them too much because we will need a little water but I remind you that you will have the broth that we prepared So friends our dish is ready we put some raw prawns on top. I recommend

That they must be killed. Don’t eat the raw prawns. Even if they are fresh, they must be killed. Please remember, this is our dish and I think it is a beauty to see and eat. A beautiful dish scented with lemon soap. and

I invite you to do it again if you liked it, put a like, come back to the channel and enjoy your meal everyone

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