La Panzanella es una ensalada de pan duro y verduras, un plato tradicional italiano especialmente adecuado para el verano. Rápido y fácil de hacer, solo tienes que dar un poco de tiempo de reposo para que los sabores se mezclen al máximo. Es perfecto como aperitivo o para un almuerzo rápido y ligero.

INGREDIENTES: (para 4 porciones)

500 gr de tomates maduros y firmes
400 gr de pan de 1 o 2 días, tipo Toscano o casero
1 cebolla morada mediana
1 pepino
15 hojas de albahaca
200-250 gr de agua (aproximadamente)
85 gr de vinagre de vino blanco (7 cdas)
40 gr de Aceite de oliva virgen extra (3 cds)
Pimienta negra molida

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Hello and welcome to “El Pastificio de Nicola” Today I´ll show you how to make “Panzanella” It is a salad made of stale bread and vegetables. It is very tasty and aromatic This simple and delicious dish is loved by Italians and is especially served during the summer months. For the classic Panzanella recipe,

Country or Tuscan style bread that is no longer fresh is preferably used that is one or two days old. It also has fresh tomatoes, red onion, cucumber, and fresh basil. Cut the bread into thick slices About half inch thick. This is a Tuscan style bread, without salt and made with “Biga”

You can find the recipe on this same channel but you can also use good country style loaf Arrange the bread slices on a baking dish. and drizzle them with a little water It is about 200 or 220 ml of water, depending on the type of bread

It should not be soaked in water just moistened Let it rest for about 40 or 45 minutes. Cut the red onion into thin slices put them in a container and let them soak with a little bit of water, about 5 tablespoons and the same amount of white or apple cider vinegar

They are left to macerate for 15 or 20 minutes for a milder flavor Mixing them from time to time And then the cucumber… One whole or half depending on the size of the cucumber or the amount of salad Peel it cut it in half lengthwise and then into thin slices

Put them in a salad bowl and reserve them And don’t forget to mix the onions from time to time. Continue with the tomatoes, which should be ripe and juicy. Cut them into small cubes Panzanella is a dish from the “Cucina Povera” (food of the poor) of Tuscany.

And is consumed throughout the central region of Italy. From Tuscany to Le Marche, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo And where does the name of this salad come from? It is a food of ancient origins, prior to the arrival of the tomato in Europe.

It was a typically peasant meal, prepared by the women of the house with leftover bread. They took it for lunch to the fields where the men worked And they ate this food based on wet bread, sitting in the rainwater drainage ditches. What was called “Zanella” Hence the name: Bread eaten in the “Zanella”

The “Pan-Zanella” Once you have cut the tomatoes into cubes, put them in the salad bowl along with the cucumbers. Then add the sliced onion, draining them previously. In another salad bowl, crumble the bread soaked in water. If it is too wet, squeeze it to drain

Like I said, it shouldn’t be too soaked, rather damp. Mix the tomatoes with the sliced cucumbers and onion. and add them to the bread. Finally, add some fresh basil leaves shredded by hand. Mix everything well… Then let it rest in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Before serving, season it with 2 tablespoons of vinegar, salt to taste, a pinch of ground black pepper, and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Mix it… And if you decide to prepare it in advance, season it just before serving it, so as not to ruin the texture of the vegetables.

And now, it is ready to be brought to the table and enjoyed in all its freshness. It is an ideal dish for summer, fresh and aromatic. And a good option to use bread that is no longer so fresh. I hope you liked this recipe and I hope you to try it.

If you liked the recipe, don’t forget to support the channel with a “like” and a comment I invite you to subscribe if you have not already done so. As always, thank you very much for taking a few minutes to watch this video,

I’m Andrés, from “El Pastificio de Nicola” and until next time. Ciao!


  1. Mi padre preparaba uno con pimientos verdes,cebolla ,pepino, pan duro ,agua, aceite de oliva virgen extra,sal y vinagre era como sopa pero fria parecido al gaspacho pero con los ingredientes en trozos y le llamaba soque😋😋 y el gaspacho me encanta también y le pongo uvas 🍇 🤤🤤pero ahora aqui en Europa estamos en invierno ☃️😁 ya sera para el verano que probare tu receta fresca 😋 🤗

  2. Me encanta. Eso, majado en un mortero y con algo de ajo y agua, comida de campesinos andaluces. Vamos, gazpacho!

  3. per una panzanella ottimale ci vuole l'ottimo pane toscano sciapo che a Roma non si trova ed il pane fa piuttosto schifo!!! Un vero peccato

  4. Люблю такие салатики. Я бы хлебушек чуть подсушила бы ,чтобы немного хрустел)).

  5. Buen aspecto.
    Cierto parecido con el gazpacho (de la época anterior a las batidoras eléctricas).
    En Toledo, al menos.

  6. Ну, беднота, возможно, так чёрствый хлеб помидором размачивала. Это как суши и тд – жрачка бедноты – которая теперь в культе. Вы-то можете себе позволить салатик и со свежим хлебом заточить?)))

  7. Ciao, sono italiano e complimenti per la spiegazione della ricetta. La panzanella è del centro Italia mentre nel meridione abbiamo le Frise. Prova a buscar la Frisa Salentina. Salutos

  8. Tienes una voz tan relejante, para explicar las recetas, eres un gran maestro de la cocina, recién te encontré ya me he suscrito a tu canal. Te saludo desde México.

  9. It's a very beautiful video. It is clear that you love your work. The recipe is strange to me. Why put bread in a salad? I make this salad often, but instead of bread I put canned tuna. 🤷

  10. Прикольно,в эмалированной посуде, как у бабушки – но мы любим много масла или сметаны и хлебушком помакать🤗🤗🤗!!!😍😍😍😘😘😘

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