This classic Sicilian appetizer or side dish is perfect for late summer meals. This recipe combines roasted (not fried) eggplant with sautéed bell pepper, celery, tomatoes, olives and capers. Red wine vinegar and honey make it irresistibly tangy and sweet. If you generally enjoy these bold flavors, you’re going to love caponata.

Caponata’s flavors are even deeper and more complex largely due to the intense agrodolce factor, or the interplay between sweet (honey and raisins) and sour (vinegar and capers).

Caponata is a great make-ahead dish.
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Anyways welcome into the wake up Nigeria kitchen and right here with me I have Chef Tad Chef Tad run away but he’s back now welcome back all right and whenever shf t comes he always comes with something interesting let me call it that so tell me what are we making today

Chef actually we’re making eggplant konata caponata is an Italian Dish but as it is I I couldn’t get some stuff at the market so okay we’re missing some ingredients yes so what ing tell me let’s start with that what ingredients are we missing so I’m I’m like I’m

Infusing Indian dish into an Italian Dish so okay it’s an infusion it’s an infusion all right so what ingredients were you hoping to get that you couldn’t get so actually I’m looking for C butter bread sea butter bread but instead we got I got mini Co Mina okay so please

What’s the difference between sea butter and mini COA s but is made with olive oil all right yeah while this your there’s uh oil in this as well but you still have a little bit of butter of butter okay just so okay ca is made with

Only olive oil only H all right amazing and it’s always very dry it’s always very dry okay cuz this one actually seems a bit fluffy actually looks like it’ be nice to eat amazing I mean and uh I couldn’t find pine nut so I got um

Casew nuts in all right is that are those the only two yes I um eggplant konut is kind of a sweet and sour sauce okay so as it is I had to remove the sour part and make it the also the sweet part to um Indian dishes are full of

Spices SP yes and and Curry so I had to remove the sugar part out of it remove the S part out of it to you know to just remix the remix we making anyways okay so now tell me run me through um um the ingredients we’re going to be using so

Wait so are we having the bread with sauce yes is that what it basically is so what we’re making is the sauce the sauce all right amazing so run me through what we need for the sauce so we have the um pepper flakes we have the white wine oh that’s white wine Olive

Hul okay we have the Celery Stock mhm we have um what’s it called th th fres fresh time we also have uh Tomatoes we have white onions mhm uh cash nut the seasoning Cube basil okay then we have a egg we have uh salted uh butter salted

Butter so now in this bowl what do we have in this bowl this is tomato sauce tomato yes which type of which one which type Indian or Italian cuz not Nigerian an Italian sauce is an Italian sauce what exactly do we have in that bowl so here we have um carrot we have

Oh uh Tomatoes we have uh what’s it called uh ginger garlic okay and all other things okay my friend has actually been telling me to try making carrots or try making stew with carrots and I’m like always very tasty always very tasty right I’ll definitely try that out maybe when next

You teach us how to do it okay so now tell me run me through the process of making this particular sauce what goes in first and so the very first thing is to you have to use your hole yes then you cut your onions into it make it

Caramelized a little bit then you had every other thing every other thing in what we need to know now what progression does the Tomato go first chili flakes nuts after the onions when you have the this in it every other thing can go every other can go in all

Right amazing you’ve heard that right today we’re making a dish that I cannot necessarily pronounce consistently so shf help us eggplant konata eggplant konata but I don’t see the regular eggplants here yes we have it I I didn’t bring it oh you didn’t bring ha but we’re going need to

Wash all right amazing so we’ll definitely be back and we’ll show you what exactly that eggplant looks like so in the meantime do stay with us we’re going in a quick break and when we come back wake up Nigeria continues it’s going great chef T is just here doing his thing not even

Minding the fact that I’m standing right beside him but it’s fine chef how’s it going where are we at it’s fine we’re almost true we’re almost true we’re literally almost done it’s actually a really quick dish and uh in no time at all our eggplants cabon cabona konata cabon I

Got I actually got it yeah we’ll be ready what we having now what’s that H tomato tomato sauce tomato sauce is going in right now uh and yeah I mean smells really great already how is that tomato sauce not red it looks because it has carrots in it oh yes because when

You measure tomato sauce I was wondering how is how is it not red but now I understand looking forward to how that will particularly turn out welcome back into the Wake Up N direct kitchen I’m still here with chef taty and we’re making eggplant kabanata hi chef how are

You doing I’m fine okay so how far have we gone we’re almost done we’re literally almost done in case you you’re just joining us I don’t know how to help you next time wake up early okay thank you so the eggs now we have are they boiled they’re not boiled they’re not

Boiled so what are we going to do with them I will have to add it to it oh so you’re adding it into the oh okay oh so it’s more of like an eggu not really not really okay so in case let me just try to run over what we

Have in our pan right now just in case let me see also how much I was paying attention so in there we have oil right we had onions we had some Tomatoes we had eggplants and we had um tomato sauce that had tomato garlic ginger carrots

Yeah what else do we have was that all yeah we have nuts yes and of course we have um Kew nuts in there we have our time our lifetime we have cery stock we have we not put a Bas yeah had Bas yes we have chili flakes as well we have

Salted butter our white wine is yet to go see I’m bad what do you mean our white wine is yet to go and all of that and now we literally just added two eggs right so the eggs weren’t bitten just put them on top yes have we’re going to

Wait for them to cook like that all right okay interesting I mean it smells really good right now in the studio and of course we’re having it with that with our min mini culture bread mini culture bread are we going to bring this out of this what’s what’s what s is this just

Herb herb yeah okay all right and uh really I think you can even this one with yam now sure you can it doesn’t have to be BR so we can use anything with yam with plantain people will go and try it to your rice yeah up to you right okay amazing

And now we’re just waiting for the eggs to get cooked okay and then what happen what happens next add this one into it okay we add so we we split our Tomatoes into two batches so we added two batches yeah some of it ear very nice color yeah

Color so it comes alive and all of that but yeah I mean Al together everything’s looking and smelling really really good so you should definitely try this out it’s not every day swall swu swallo right not every day V sou try out some of our eggplant cabata

All right if you in case you missed it from the top and you need the entire um recipe don’t forget to check it out on YouTube where we have all of this kitchen session up there all right and right now we actually have to go on a

Break but there’s still so much more coming on right here on wake up Nigeria do stay with us now Monday has finally begun when when it wraps up wake up Nigeria Monday starts yes of course welcome sir welcome to wake up Nigeria kitchen it’s nice to

Be here yes it’s nice to have you here have been here with um Chef taty had at work putting together this meal wow so Chef taty Made bread and of course eggplants cabona right I would like for you to try it out and tell us EX exactly what you

Think about it Jeff while he does that can you tell us what exactly is inside the eggplant kabanata yeah um I have eggs in it I also have um chili flakes chili flakes yes Makey spicy actually I I infused it into an Asian meal okay

Yeah all right so so what do you think what do you think good it’s good tastes good all right you should taste the bread he made the bread too you taste the bread so you know it’s it’s so interesting the way um Asian Cuisine is where they have bread and sauces and a

Lot of them have similar Cuisine but this smells amazing there’s tomato in this too yes yeah there is tomato there’s eggplants there egg nuts and a lot of things all right well done well done thank you so much Mr for coming and Chef taddy well done great one right it’s been a wonderful

Show we will see you tomorrow byebye all right bye

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