This is one of my favorite go-to lunches that is delicious, fast and easy! I know there are tons of different ways to make it, but these ingredients together are my favorite. How do you guys make your tuna salad?

Also, how cute and funny is my cat? LOL

Here’s a black bean burger recipe that I LOVE for lunch as well!

Hey guys so it is 10:07 but I am prepping lunch right now because I’m about to go meet my friend and go to the playground with the boys so I want to prep so that by the time we get home we can just like put it on some bread so

Today I’m going to make some tuna salad sandwiches I love sorry I love Tuda I love it if I go to Subway or a sub shop or Panera I’m always getting the tuna salad sandwiches so that’s what we’re going to make today and I just got these

From Aldi they’re so so inexpensive you know obviously it’s another non-cook meal so I’m using my beloved oako oo can opener and by the way any products that I share is listed in the products tab of um YouTube like you can it’s like a popup and it’s the exact one

That I use at the time step that I mention it right now it’s 10:08 so let’s see how fast I can make this I actually kind of want to leave at like 10 35 so you know I want all the um boys to be ready before then and stuff so I just

Want to quick put this together and then put it in the fridge and then we’ll be out the door I love this can opener because it’s so safe it’s so easy and when it doesn’t have like the little uh whatever you call it to open it to peel

It back this opens it really well grab this little beak thing and then yeah just like that it doesn’t have any sharp edges cuz we all know that terrifies everyone so yeah I’m just uh emptying these it’s super liquidy into Here so this is definitely kind of like a hitter Mist for the kids so we’ll we’ll see if they like it there is a recipe that I followed last time but I’m just going to eyeball everything and my cat is going crazy cuz she smells tuna fish she really wants

It so I don’t love Matt and I don’t love Mayo but obviously that’s definitely ingredient that you have to put kind of like give it that creaminess and uh keep it together too um we put I put this I want to say fake lemon juice but it’s just a little bit easier when

Making really quick meals lemon I think mustard gives it that little nice sour taste to it and then I don’t know if this is a secret ingredient but Matt sorry smell thing Matt told me that his mom always um grew up he always grew up with is Mom putting Relish in their tuna

Fish and so I thought that sounded good it kind of gives it that sweet oh gosh sweetness to it and then of course you got to put the black pepper I don’t know if this calls for salt but I’m just going to not put it in there cuz I think it’ll taste fine

Without it so put the my cat is a literally going crazy she really really wants this tuna and then I cannot eat a good old tuna salad without celery that’s the best part it gives it that nice crunch so I’m going to go ahead and cut some

And we be done that quickly it’s so fast literally so let me get the cutting board and go this [Applause] way oh my you hear her yeah mad she’s screaming at me yes okay so I might end up using more celery than this looks like it’s kind of went bad

Towards the end so you definitely want to make it really really small I love that crunch but you don’t want it to Lola no do you guys see this I don’t know if you can see this with this over top view but Lola is going crazy she really wants this

Tuna I mean I would have given her some if uh I didn’t already mix it with all the ingredients is so funny I actually remember going to the vet once and the vet told me like every anytime she makes like salmon or tuna she’ll just like

Kind of give her cat some um I don’t know what do you guys do she is just all over me right now she’s trying to show me she’s trying to stck up some I can give her some this too so funny so this is this is the only

Part I mean it doesn’t even take long but like if you don’t add celery you see how fast it took you can see on my digital clock in the background how long it took just to like put that together so now I’m going to cut this I

Mean this doesn’t even take that long but if celery is just one of those things you might want it you might like it or you might not lately we’ve been trying to eat like fish in the week so sometimes haven’t done a while I want to bring it back but sometimes

We’ll do like salmon or tuna fish she said cinnamon she said cinnamon what okay put this in and I am going to taste it before I put it in the fridge I looked up on the on Google the old CH Google and it said you can keep tuna out of the

Can in the fridge for up to like 3 to 5 days or something so it’s only going to literally be 2 hours that it’s going to be in the fish one okay let’s see what this tastes like it’s pretty good it’s really good I actually think it needs a little more

May give it that cre I I kind of didn’t put as much in cuz I I don’t know I didn’t really want to but also I don’t know if you guys have ever tried vegan Mayo I’ve tried one from this Target brand I was not a fan I’m not going to

Lie I think I tried it it depends on what you use it in like I’ve made doubled EG before you couldn’t really taste it in there but I feel like when I’ve tried to use it in like things like tuna salad or something like that I just

Didn’t like it just didn’t taste very good maybe it’s just the brand but yeah I think this is going to be good now so yeah I want a little bit more sourness and then I won’t leave it taste it again but that’s good that is so good

Especially on sourdough bread oh my gosh love sourdough bread let me know if you think I should learn how to make it cuz I know that’s just the thing I feel like so many people over the pandemic especially learned how to make that throw this all away okay and

Just like that I will if I remember I’ll try to film me putting it on the uh bread but that literally took 10 minutes it’s not bad at all so good I have these little covers instead of using like Stam wrap I don’t know it works but um I’m

Going to go ahead and put this in the fridge and then come back and then hopefully make two sandwiches and the kids will eat this for crackers would be awesome I’ll put this in the fridge anyways I’ll see you in a little Bit oh I missed mom I missed it’s 12:36 we are back I just toasted this before I turn on the camera but um the kids are eating right now I’m just going to slap this on I’m eating lunch right now sometimes all right and just like that

It is so simple I’m actually going to cut this in half and then eat it I’ll take a bite on camera I love me oh my gosh this is so good simple ingredients super fast super easy super good and I’m going to pair this with BBQ chips and um yeah let me know if you guys like this make or make this this is the rest for mat and I’ll see

You in our next one bye


  1. I love tuna salad! Try adding to the sandwich Genoa Salami and guacamole . Or even if you guys are eating healthy add the tune to the salami and roll it up like a burrito .

  2. Whoa! that shrill voice repeatedly saying "She said cinnamon!" almost made me jump out of my skin! 😮😂 sounded like a scary creature from some horror movie. 🤣😂🤣 Anywho ..that tuna fish on sour dough bread looks tasty Mrs.Brooks….now me want sammich! Oh yea…give Lola piece too.

  3. I’m so happy your video popped up! I had no idea you had your own channel! I’ve been watching Slice and Rice since y’all lived in the little apartment. I’m binge watching your YouTube videos now and loving the content!

  4. Wait slice told you about his mom putting relish in the tuna but not tell you not to use chunk light tuna 🤔 we call that cat food Now you know why the cat came around when you was cooking it😂😂😂

  5. Yum ❤

    I make my tuna sandwich filling "base" with sour cream and mayo. Then I like adding tuna (obvs), onion, paprika powder, white pepper, dijon mustard and chives 🤤

  6. I love tuna I’m a fan of Hellmann’s brand and sis their vegan mayo is alllllllll that when you make your Target 🎯 run next week pick up a small 11.5oz squeeze bottle tell me what you guys think after you try it 🥰

  7. I love doing mayo, lemon, pepper, garlic powder and celery in mines 🤤 toasted with a slice of cheddar cheese 😮‍💨

  8. I love a good tuna salad. We eat it on crackers or on bread. Growing up we always put dill relish and hard boiled eggs in it. Definitely have to have the black pepper too! I might have to make some today

  9. My husband adds mustard for tang Celery lemon and pepper seasoning. But the lemon juice is what makes it sour

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