Steve Christensen, The Ice Cream Bloke and Self-Appointed Headmaster of Scoop School, talks in this episode about if you can pint soft serve and how to do it!

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Action ice cream lovers T christenson’s my name can I just tell you what a treat it is I don’t know why I do my eyes like that can I just tell you what a treat it is to have you here at our facility we are at the crossroads of the West here

In St Louis Missouri a little bit West of St Louis we love hosting you for these videos uh and you know who else who loves you when somebody loves you Ted G loves you Hank Sweeney loves you from classic mix purveyors of fabulous ice cream dairy products everything from

Softs Sur we’re going to be talking about that today all the way through to premium ice cream classic mix Partners their link is down below thank you very much for your episode sponsorship this is a question we get all the time can I pack soft serve into pints and the answer

Is yes it does depend on a few different variables that’s talking talk about the product first so in here I have a 8% soft serve mix the higher in butter fat you go with soft serve the more longevity you’re going to get out of that product so if your plan is to put

It in a reachin cooler or something where you kind of don’t know the specified period of time that it’s going to be in storage before someone takes it and then eats it I would lean much towards a higher butter fat and 8 or 10% is going to hold a lot longer because

You’ve got more Dairy solids in there you a little bit more emulsifier bit more stabilizer in there I think it’s just a much better product that’s going to last longer if you’re running a four or five or a 6% uh soft serve mix I do

Think you can do it I think you need quicker rotation so maybe that’s just something for an event where you can just fill up cups and let them go lower butter fat gets less shelf life Frozen higher butter fat you’ll get a little bit more the idea is that you you are

Putting something into frozen storage for a little bit longer and you’re doing something that this wasn’t designed to do soft serve is stabilized and MiFi engineered to be a ready to use ready to serve product so you hit this handle it goes into a cup or a cone and then

You’re eating it straight away not designed for long-term storage so the container will make a difference can you pack them in pints yes uh should you use a smaller container that’s where I’m leaning I think a half pike container is a great size container that a lot of

People don’t uh utilize as much it’s a single serve now let’s face it most Western countries this is a single serve but this is a good size single serve so I would suggest if you wanted to pack um uh containers of soft serve for retail

Sale in the store or events and so forth do a little bit smaller maybe do a half pint the extraction process also is important so this little fell here is a rosette cap it’s got a star opening which gives you that star looking appearance as it comes out you don’t

Want that on there you want to take the rosette cap off because it kind of limits the flow a little bit and you’re creating a little bit more potential overrun you want it to be as thick as you can so we’re going to take our Half Point we’ve taken our rosette cap off

And that’s a much better product for you to be able to uh extract into this cup you’re going to do it like you would for a shake or a cone uh but you do want to make sure that if you leave a hole in the center that uh you’re padding that down

So we’ll get a spatula push it down we’ll put the lid on you’ll want to blast freeze this if you can in well blast freezer if this is going to be your um process C and you want to get into freezing soft serve take the rosette cap off smaller

Containers I definitely would recommend a blast freezer uh because you’re going to hold the product much firmer keep it nice and chilled rotate it out I think that’s the best way high butterfat mix smaller container rose that cap off blast freeze and you should be good you

Should be able to kind of add another sales Channel or another Revenue Channel when you’re uh selling these half pints are ball containers of soft serve not the norm but certainly able to be done anyway interested in your comments your experiences uh also interested in thinking classic mix for their episode

Sponsorship their link is down below as well thanks for joining us keep an eye out for more great videos coming keep on scooping see you in the next video when somebody loves you MO


  1. Flavors that incorporate higher sugar like honey or maple soft serve hold quite long, especially with higher butterfat. I've had great experiences scooping excess premium softserve that was thrown into the freezer and covered with plastic wrap. No blast freezer needed!

  2. Can you please help me to figure out what to sell? I prefer soft serve. Since I think it is easier to make and cheaper for equipment. Am I correct? Can you do a video?

  3. hello, i want to experiment with a alcohol infused ice cream. my question basically mostly on recipe, i use a combination of milk(most milk here have around 10-14% fat), whipping cream(35%fat), stabilizers and egg yolks. im not sure if its necessary to add more egg yolks cause im afraid i add too much of fat on the ice cream(afraid to make it greasy), some says egg allows for the ice cream to hold it shape and make it way harder to melt, but im not ssure which is true which is wrong. and anyway what's the best machine for my ice cream? i want to pack it on pint.

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