Here’s Everything I Ate At Olive & Oak in St. Louis

All right folks I am out here again St Louis man I’m everywhere Bri all right this is probably the last restaurant I’m going to be able to go to while I’m here in St Louis and it’s called Olive and Oak it is a hot spot everybody’s been

Asking me darus are you going to go to Olive and Oak are you going to go to Olive and Oak and the answer is yes I am currently standing in front of Olive and Oak for my 615 reservations so you and I and Stacy wherever she is we’re going to

Go in and have ourselves a great time and check out Olive and Oak and see what the hype is all about let’s Go how are you my dear I’m good child out here look all skinny am I you skinny I’m not yes you since the last time you saw me yeah since Houston well yeah Houston April yeah April you always April no what is it it can’t be

April cuz we in March we in March so yeah November was it November when you came so September you came I I saw you dinner and then November you came to Houston yeah yeah yeah yep that’s what it was in November cuz I was home Y no lovely so

Yeah even more yeah and I lost a couple pounds here and there I’m trying what you doing I certainly am trying all right there’s a wine list here you know what I’m looking for right cocktails oh here one here oh it’s on this one okay let’s check out the Cocktails so sails they

Have oh it comes in numbers I wonder what the significance is for the numbers 77 vaka liello s Su whatever that is Rosemary and Bubbles there’s something with a prickly pear and a green chili there’s a pineapple rum and Jamaican bitters there’s a charred pablano and

Infused Pisco I bet it has egg white I don’t like that mcow plum wine passion fruit pineapple coconut sunball chili and Orange Blossom you ain’t got to Temp me with a good time at all okay that sounds amazing that is the number 35 so mcow is like a smoky

Tequila um here for it okay all right and it comes in numbers number 77 141 and everything oh they have the 141 is rye orange spice Earl Gray lemon and Bitters like in arold Palmer but a grownup one okay let’s look at the the menu all right on

Starters there’s a blue blue crab Graton a palenta tart charred octopus um chicken wings cheese curd sweet pea hummus chicken Aras local beet Caraco and and a marble Ridge wagu tartar they have Oysters soups and salads Entre look good they have clams chickpea stew something with she sheep’s head I

Don’t want that they have a rabbit crepe I don’t want that but a Patagonia King Salmon a beef tenderloin a crispy potato sag I don’t even know what that is Galo steak and a SLO Farms goats to share they have this Dover soul for $88 and they have the cowboy

Ribeye with roasted garlic herb steak butter and something called 0 plus zero fries I don’t know what the hell that is they have it and then on vegetables they got apple and turnips chizo spice cauliflower grilled butternut squash local beets and Char brussels sprouts oh o

Plus o is Olive and Oak child so Olive and Oak potatoes I’m like I’m going to ask her in my head I said it in my head I don’t know if I said it out loud like what’s o plus o Olive and Oak okay all right we’re here ready to go let’s place

An order for these cocktails and apples how’s it going good how are you good thank you I’m AA I’ll be taking care of you AA pleasure to meet you pleasure to meet you as well welcome in thank you very welcome did you get a chance to look at drinks I

Did anything you can pass that yes uh why are the drinks numbers they are numbers because we want you to read the ingredients ask questions if you don’t know what things are so that you can really know what you’re actually drinking instead like encouraged by a name and

Maybe not even know what’s actually in your drinking so freaking smart um 315 for me 315 61 for 61 I’ll get that started right away any dietary restrictions to be noting just [ __ ] I’ll be back thank you um yeah I like it I think

Um not only do I like it I like the interaction with the camera it’s just me and the camera it feels like I’m on live you know what I’m saying and I’m not like it’s like a production recording and don’t get me wrong I like having him around

But it’s the same thing yeah it is a good is a good I I get the same what we’ve seen that you shown us it is only get better than what it is but I still feel like I get the point across look what you did with your pictures when I

Know mine g there I know I know so I feel I feel I feel good about it I don’t feel horrible about the decision I don’t feel I mean you know do I want him to be okay yeah you know will he be okay yeah but I

Don’t feel bad about I mean once you explain to us the chat then we knew like okay the first time yeah and see everybody on the outside who don’t know us oh this just the first or second time give them a chance but once you told us everything it was

Like yeah you kind of already you don’t know did it at this point one the 315 315 those are Thai chilies so if you intend to eat them please intend for their to be heat got it okay I will all right any questions about the food menu

That I get this no I don’t have any questions but I’m going to order quite a few things um to bring to the table I do want to try the blue crab Graton please absolutely is this Pinta tart like the best thing I’m ever going to have in my

Life it’s pretty awesome is it it’s it’s pretty rich it’s pretty filling so um I would keep that in mind but we can always box things up that’s not a problem at all it’s it’s worth trying so then P into tart um the cheese curds look good to me

The sweet PE hummus looks good to me I actually already have one of those on the way out to you how do you have that out because I thought you needed one okay really I will come no you didn’t I swear right behind me I just wanted theg okay

All right what is an Aras so that dish specifically think like a chicken meatball in a Peter wrap that’s essentially what it is it’s going to be wrapped in a and then let’s get it and then the beat Caraco can you believe a black person is choosing beats

Over chicken wings are the chicken wings outstanding they pretty outstanding I would definitely say that but I think car is something that you can’t get everywhere so I definitely give it a did I miss anything that you want you sure okay we’ll start with that thank

You okay so Stacy has her what she got 61 y pineapple rum steel rum Marino grapefruit lime Rose Mary jamaan bitter so like a pineapple Dairy situation let’s see what she thinks okay scale of one to five five being amazing one being it 4.5 takes me back to the island takes

You back to the islands okay she said a 4.5 okay I’m having the 315 which is mcow plum wine passion fruit which is crazy cuz mcal is like Mexican plum wine is like Asian I love the fusion pineapple coconut sambal chilies and they garnish it with real TI chilies now wait a

Minute now that’s tasty so what you get is you get the Smoky so mcow is like a smoky tea so you get this smokiness that happens that hit you as you swallow which is a great Surprise by the way you get tons of sweet from Pineapple sweet from coconut that little

Bit of acid from the lime it’s the slightest bit of chili flavor happening not a whole lot so you’re going to be fine with that but as it stands quite tasty and quite delicious so if I had to give it a rating it’s good five out of

Five you’re not going to not like it it’s kind of kind of tasty so 315 is cute and did you hear what she said I was wondering if preemptively go ahead and move you to this SP understand we got that that either that or you can move the table up what

Do you want to do a we’ll move yeah we’ll go that’s fine yep please please please please please thank you let you guys leave everything and I’ll just take a my cocktail in my hand Though that’s nice of them go to a bigger table thank you how are the uh first couple sips delicious you know that1 delicious you know that already I think these are I’m not just saying is probably my two favorite Fe and that’s why we chose them that’s exactly why we chose Them how long have you guys been open so this location uh has been open since January of 2020 our original location same concept uh about humbly a third of the size was down the street about two blocks up same side of Blackwood in 2016 so 16 we you come up on every list

There’s every list cuz I’m not from here so every list on where to go eat in St Louis like the top 10 Olive and Oak is up there so I’m making my rounds to all the spots I uh well originally Chicago but I live in Houston now I was in

Atlanta for the last uh N9 years awesome uh but blood and Sand ni Timothy rated Test Kitchen downtown so I’ve been around probably three places so Twisted the Twisted tree Twisted tree okay yeah so I’m getting around so here we are ol o I’m Dominic manager here

Beautiful I’m Darius Darius y we’ll tag you when the video is up all right let’s check out the appetizers tahini lemon garlic olive oil chickp but the star of the show is obviously the sweet peas Blended in but that charred spring onion on top that’s what it is charred spring onion crud and

It’s a regular hummus with sweet pee folded in so sweet with the Savory with that Char of the that spring onion it’s fantastic we’ll give it a try one of our original hummus recipes we just brought it back this week we’ll give it a try thank you

Dominic all right I have the hos the humos in front of us and I I’m going to tell you something I don’t like hummus I don’t like that tahini or any of that you want to try first you want me to go first you like hummus yeah I

Like hum you like hummus you love hummus okay I’m just going to go for it I’m going to grab some of the charred pea I mean the charred spring onion and the Pea and the hummus and let me see I’m here for it it’s light tahini not Heavy beautiful I don’t know what this is what is this it almost looks like a cucumber but it doesn’t have the Middle it’s not a radish cuz it’s not red maybe it’s another kind of radish I don’t know what this is that’s good it is good good I will tell you all right before I start talking creamy not a lot of T I might be mistaken but I feel like I

Taste mint slight mint in the background like I tast a little bit of BT and it’s delicious it’s a great refreshing surprise the black i p hummus at Timothy Leaps and Bounds ahead of this one this is good don’t me wrong this is good but that one at timoth these is outstanding

You got to give it a rating 4 out of five it’s not horrible at all if you like hummus you’ll like this four out of five we agree she agrees you five so hum I’m four out of five she’s a five out of five so five

Out of five but we both like but she likes hummus I like hummus too I like paray that tahini gets on my nerve it’s a it’s a a taste thing I don’t like about the tahini but it’s like people with cilantro same difference you know

What I’m saying so uh but the hummus is good we like it hummus is getting five out of five from her four out of five from me and I find I think that’s a radish we’re going to find out what that vegetable is on top celery Pita carrots and watermelon

Radish watermelon radish what I said Thank You delicious thank you see this is what I’ll be talking about you want to go places I don’t want to eat the fried rice and the crazy thing is I don’t want rice and I’m I’m trying to stay away

From you know you go to Black own restaurants just how you tear them down right so now right so I’m staying away from black on restaurants and I’m still being blamed for being tearing stuff down I was just doing an interview the podcast I wish you could have came to

The podcast I know you was working but what I told him was I said um I didn’t even go to the restaurant you don’t even know what I think about the food yet you’re upset at me for what yeah I’m just trying to figure out where where is

The why are you so upset where’s the anger but it’s not even that it’s I haven’t even gone to your I haven’t gone to these places you don’t even know what I think how are you how are you forming this much of an opinion and you have no idea what I

Think all right you go first on the beats have have you had it before this your first time this is my first time here heard of okay okay cool cool cool lovely and you like beats I love be okay this is good I’ve never had golden beats before oh they’re like sweeter

Than normal beats this is good uh scale four out of five I mean one out of five I give it a 4.5 4.5 okay I live in is getting hot marks boy let’s see let’s see it’s got stuff going on on top of it this is so smart though what is this

Like a dried something or other here we are there’s our dried blueberri M your Penta tart Penta tart okay enjo we will okay she said dried blueberries this is not black people food at all and it’s delicious okay let me see let me try this beet Caraco

Yeah yes let get a little bit more of this one help yourself baby every day all day twice on Sunday if you don’t like beets you will love this it is the slightest beet flavor but it’s the vinegarette they put on here it’s the dry blueberries and whatever this little cream stuff

Is and it’s a saltiness she said 4.5 oh that’s mustard it’s like a Dijon even that on HSE Riders that’s that’s mustard right yeah yeah she said a 4.5 it’s a five for me yeah five out of five every day all day twice on Sunday all right now the palenta cake is in

Front of me yes yes yes all right this is the uh palenta cake that she told us that’s supposed to be really amazing and I asked I say is it really good it’s got Penta I guess they turn it into something child with some kind of cheese or something on top I don’t

Know cheese and Alan and something let me see Stacy Stacy Stacy Stacy yes are you getting into this so good and is warm it’s creamy um can you not take that please of course I am so upset at you please you did not tell me this food was going to

Be this good I wanted you to find out for yourself this is reaction we need I tell you then you expect it what is this pen cake what is this on top what is this cheesy thingy it’s like a french onion like pink creme freshh French onion I will

I want to dye and come back as they Pala tart I do too but it’s like super rich you know what I mean like in the best ways possible like if I was a different person in a different lifetime I’d put caviar on top of what is all okay dry

Blueberries this is some Dijon something it’s a horseradish AG I say a horseradish and these little small bits I actually check for you can you check for me those yeah something has like a little salt has like a little salt something is going on let me

Definitely check on that I don’t want to tell you the wrong thing yeah baby that’s this a winner yeah you don’t take this you take this back we can this this is amazing but this here I’m glad you went with that instead of some of the other stuff like wings

You’re right right really nothing like this especially in St Louis this is really stands out against a lot of other things so I’m so glad and I I understand why it should Stand Out fantastic I’m going to get you some new plates in silver here just pi okay you might take

This and that’s and I’ll work on this this is thank you I should not be eating this this is too good we found it we found it we found this Bally and I knew the food was here I just could to figure out where the hell is at

W now why I want to eat that man fried rice over this this is amazing and you fig this is just Apple why do I want to eat his fried rice over this you want new fresh fresh different and this is what it’s like this and you know we were just having a

Conversation at R Test Kitchen because he’s like I’m trying to like he’s he’s he’s so far ahead he’s serving like rabbit and clear bread and just his approach is just so far ahead of what everybody else is and nobody is like the black community is not really getting behind him the way they

Should and I said you going to have to leave it’s sad you’re going to have to leave and then come back we’re definitely going down there because I’ve heard nothing but positive things about him that’s once he leaves and becomes his Superstar and then he comes back to St

Louis it’s going to be a whole of ball game a whole the ball game but can’t believe those beat baby everything we didn’t ate so far yeah everything I found it I’ve been looking for the good food I found it I knew it was here I got

To get to New orle I got to find the [ __ ] in New Orleans next I knew it was here I just didn’t know exactly where it was but I had my mouth set for something else on the menu and not that c and not the brunch menu this is the blue crab these are the cheese curs o those are going to be mustard seeds so that’s where you’re getting your Dijon probably

Flavor coming mustard seeds and I really want to hear what you think about these chees I will what’s the sauce on the side it’s a scall scallion scallion with some stuff on it there’s the blue crab DP I mean why would it be bad right definitely taste the blue crab okay so

Creamy taste the blue crab creamy skell 105 I I can’t say it being less than a four no okay it’s about 4.5 everything 4.5 yeah everything is really good I don’t Know told you yeah that’s it that’s It you 32 o it’s a five out of five Baltimore come have a seat yeah competition Baltimore come have a seat you can definitely taste it you can taste the crab you can taste the um almost like the um it’s not a Cajun seasoning yeah but the the spice they

Use yeah yeah that’s delicious hands down delicious all right cheese curds with a scallion hey lady I know I already got full I was just why was I thinking the same thing I’m like oh man I’m full and people are understand that one that one bite that

One more you can’t do just one more bite what is this cheese CES hold on I got to get your reaction did you dip it I dipped it okay let’s dip it what did you say that scall and aoli simp I love cheese curs anyway so if I

Love cover’s cheese curs then I know I like this told you told you scallion bab bab honey I’ll definitely be back baby I have found let me put put a post on Facebook Now somebody already made reservations Timothy’s restaurant Bas on my recommendation yeah that’s why I said so the restaurants that you’re not able to get to that’s on your top 10 you said like send me the list did you try one oh my God you know we tried one it’s very

Good I say this about a lot of things obviously but they’re unlike any cheese ever the tempor they’re like fluffy little light they are it’s in your mouth doesn’t make you want to go to sleep right afteri yeah everything five out of five and nothing it’s so

Good no good well I’m driving so I’m good with one yeah this is outstanding yeah it was very good I guess spring is North Spring is North Houston yeah I’m still I’m learning and you’re in maybe like the Heights The Heights area right cuz we want to the um cuzz you always

Talk about the shipings on La y’all went there I went to the sh that’s down street from my house okay so I went there and it tastes she was that’s okay I’m like uh Janelle and Dez was raving over it I’m like it’s all right it’s

Like if they it’s like here if you would have gone and they not told you you probably like okay but they hyped it up so much she like oh it’s a donut it’s okay same thing I say they hyped it up so much it’s just okay for me um I I still

Go but this just all right matter of fact I bought a a cinnamon roll last week it’s sting on my counter so here like when we get I always get a glaze Twist from where from this place here called the dut shop theut right down the street from my

House they have very good Donuts but lady Twisted ship Le has the cinnamon and stuff you like it no I was like No And I told her oh no I didn’t want the cinamon and stuff it’s different it’s different they have different stuff it’s very very different

But I mean they love it in Houston you do not talk about they beloved shiple child do not talk about ship say that um all shiple are not the same they are so if you ask me people say you go to the original one the original shipy on 1610

And Ella don’t taste no different than any other shipy I’m sorry and I’ve been to I’ve been to three of them okay well do you agree or disagree they’re all pretty much see what I’m saying yeah they’re all so Houston they do a lot of talking about about their Shipley and to

Me it’s just a d it’s okay there nothing about and and I’m going say this I prefer Dunkin Donuts over shiplet and see I don’t do the chain Donuts so I don’t do Dunkin Donuts Crispy Cream because we have two donut shops that I really really like one is literally 2

Minutes from my house and then the other one is maybe 3 minutes but chisty cream is so sweet to me cre is extremely sweet so Nick said Nick when he lived in Jersey like he used to dve to Delaware to go to to get donuts to get he supped

To live in he live in South Jersey or Central Jersey Trenton Central Jersey so he said he drive to Delaware to get chrisy CR we live literally maybe a quar of a mile from chrisy CR if that how of does he go now he has not been since he’s been here

He’s been in St Louis 16 years and he ain’t been he’s never been why I guess because we have the other two D ah okay and they better than better than yeah and he says himself he’s like I can’t believe I used to drive to Delaware from Crispy Cream we

Have Crispy Cream right down the street the more you know you tell them the more you know the more you grow right yeah yeah n i um I’ve gone to the shiple and it’s okay um I go cuz if you know I’m driving pass my barber shop is buy a ship Le so

I you know get a donut or something like that but I don’t make no special trip or no special effort to go get a donut from shiping at all but I guess you know it’s Houston so they you know Janelle Dez they grew up there they love it so you

Can’t same with St Louis of Chicago oh did you see they putting the Portillos in uh Houston I did see they putting Portillos and I like Portillos I’m not ready to go and get in line you know I can’t I can’t eat all that that bread

And stuff you know what I’m saying I I’m that sandwich from Emos me and Alexis like I’ve never gotten a sandwich from Emos and you know I said that in the video no Stacy let me tell you what I said I was like um am I supposed to get

A sandwich from Emos am I supposed to get because you know places you go sometimes you only get like the pizza or you only get this or you only get that so I’m like I don’t even know if I’m supposed to do that or not but I’mma do it cuz

I’m here and I figured if y’all if I wasn’t supposed to do it you would correct me and tell me I’m like I’ve never I was like I’ve never had a sandwich what do you get you just get pizza I get the pizza I get either a

Deluxe or I get sausage and bacon or sausage bacon and mushroom that’s it I don’t get the chicken and bar barbecue chicken I don’t get so no wings I’ve had the wings and okay but I get them if I do get the wins I get them well done

Somebody else said that did you did you say that or somebody else said that somebody else somebody else told me that yeah today I them well done but no I only get only get pizza salad their salads are good I had the golden something or other yeah I’ll get

Buffalo yeah I’ll get the Buffalo it was all right child i’t got to go back I say if I go to Emos five times I may get wings once or maybe not even but I always get pizza that’s that’s it I i’ I’ve never had a sandwich yeah emo so I

Got the sandwich cuz I’m like am I supposed to get it but that sausage that sal sal you said it was good I said I’m going try I said I’ll try now we do like toasted raviola but like you said it’s me because we grew up on you know so

It’s an acquired taste well I’m going to be honest so I have the toasted I like toasted rabi onlyi too right I had to one of Emos I think you bought it didn’t you bring us Emos no you bought us Chinese food we ordered we ordered Emos and it was just okay

Yeah then well do you like the toed ravioli like is it and do you like theirs yeah how would you rate theirs on 1 to five I say about now I say about 3 and A2 only because it’s a place downtown called Lombardo a restaurant and they have toasted ravot but it’s

Handmade and it’s almost about this big and it’s like a pillow is excellent yeah see I was going to say I that’s what I found I went to Sal and smoke yeah so their meat is okay their size to me yeah you can box yeah we

Can’t girl we we so full what’s this that’s the chicken oh the chicken what is it how you pronounce it AR yeah that’s all right this is the chicken arz she said she said think um Peter with chicken I’m getting one from the middle oh it looks interesting it’s like a chicken patty

And like bread it’s not my favorite it’s good it’s not my favorite it’s a little adventurous it’s the spice on it it’s very Um Middle Eastern Zar s it’s very um let’s see what Stacy thinks uhoh uhoh uhoh have to be an AC taste it’s an acquir taste right AC taste I said it’s not nasty no it’s not bad it’s just um it’s heavily it’s very heavily spiced yeah it’s very heavily

Spiced a little too spiced for my palette it’s not hot spice but it’s very seasoned like Moroccan is datar tumer Rish you know it’s one of it’s one of those like you know very you going to put a lot of seasoning on here and throw some stuff together

All right that’s not my favorite how’s this Co or whatever this is it’s got see it’s weird it’s got sesame seeds mustard cabbage SLO yeah this one we don’t like a whole lot yeah don’t get that one everything else though spot on all right folks I did it all right now

Listen this ain’t bad at all no in fact it was absolutely outstanding and amazing everything except for that last dish which is why I can’t give him a perfect score I want to give him a perfect score it was good it just wasn’t what I like right so it’s like a four

And a half out of five on that last this with everything else service Ambiance creativity flavor it gets a five I say a five out of five on everything except for that last bit just a four and a half out of five I’ll be back he’s not from here

Here I’m not yeah I’m not from here but it was man I got something special going on thank you you got something special going on you do that beetroot Caraco right blueberry mustard seed and the horish it is that along with those cheese curs and the Scout I mean you

Can’t go wrong can’t go wrong with you can’t we and we never even got to Entre we just ran down we ran down an appetizer list it was just that good it was amazing it was amazing all right so if you’re ever in the St Louis area you

Got to come out to Olive and Oak check him out like I said for me it’s a strong 4 and 1/2 out of five 4.75 I would give him a five but that last dish just wasn’t my favorite so come check him out There’s Stacy say bye Stacy

Bye all right come check him out y’all you’re going to enjoy It


  1. Chile!! This man here is something else I can clearly see the difference in how he acts in the different restaurants I can't with the boot licking 😂😂😂😂

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