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Hello everyone, welcome to Lili’s Kitchen. My name is Lili . Chives can only be used to make pies. Today I will share a very delicious recipe of chive pancakes. No need to steam or fry them. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, fragrant and delicious . Better than dumplings. It tastes

More fragrant than fried pie. Let’s see how I make it. First, we prepare a small handful of leeks, about 100 grams. We first pick the leeks and remove the yellow or rotten leaves. Don’t use the leeks. You can eat it all year round

, but spring leeks are called the first freshness in spring and are the most delicious time of the year. So we should eat more leeks during this season. Put the picked leeks in clean water and give them a good taste. Clean it, especially there will be a lot of silt and impurities

In the seams of the leek leaves . Be sure to clean them one by one. After washing, take them out with water and put them directly on the chopping board. Use a knife to cut off the white leek . You don’t need to chop the leeks too finely. Just

Chop them up and put them into a large bowl. Then add 150 grams of plain flour into it and stir evenly with chopsticks so that every leek is coated with a layer of flour . Is that okay? Lock the nutrition of the leeks to prevent the leeks

From draining out of the water. Stir well and set aside for later use. Then prepare half a catty of prawns and put them into a large bowl. What I prepared today is this kind of frozen shrimp, which is cheaper. If you are pursuing the taste, choose fresh shrimps.

Pour the water to cover the prawns . Defrost the prawns. When the prawns are not hard, handle the prawns again. Break off the heads of the prawns and remove them. Then remove the shells. The shells of frozen prawns like this are easy to remove. After peeling the shell, take out a fruit knife

And cut a knife on the back of the shrimp to open a small opening. Then take out the shrimp thread inside. The intestines of the shrimp are very dirty , so when we handle the prawns, Be sure to take out the shrimp threads. Put the processed prawns in a bowl.

After processing them all , pour an appropriate amount of water . Wash the shrimps thoroughly, drain them, drain them, and put them aside in another large bowl. Set aside. Then prepare a piece of ginger. Cut it into thin slices and then cut into thin strips . Cut it into

Thin slices and put it in a small bowl. Then prepare a few green onions. Cut them into slices and put them into a small bowl. Then take out the rolling pin . Use the rolling pin to crush the onion and ginger. Press it so that the aroma will be more intense.

Press it for as long as possible and crush it. Press out the green onion and ginger juice. Finally press it to this state and you can put it in the shrimp bowl. Now marinate the shrimp and add a little bit of it to it. A spoonful of salt

, an appropriate amount of pepper , and a spoonful of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell. Use your hands to mix evenly so that each shrimp is coated with a layer of sauce. Grab and mix as much as possible for about 2 minutes. Catch and mix evenly for about 2 minutes

, then set aside to marinate for 10 seconds. Remove the fishy smell from the prawns . Boil the water in the pot in advance. Stir a few washed shiitake mushrooms with a spatula. Bring to a boil over high heat. Blanch the shiitake mushrooms. Remove the oxalic acid from the shiitake mushrooms. Boil

For another 1 minute before using. Take out the water with a colander and quickly put it in cold water to cool down. After cooling, take the mushrooms out of the water and squeeze out the water of the mushrooms. Then put them directly on the chopping board. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices.

Don’t cut them too thin . Then cut them carefully. Make it even and cut it into thin strips. Finally, cut it into diced shiitake mushrooms and put it in a bowl with leeks . Then prepare half a peeled carrot. Cut it into thin slices. Cut it as thinly as possible .

Then cut it into thin strips. The finer you cut it. The better. Finally, cut the carrots into dices and put them in a bowl with leeks . Now our shrimps are almost marinated, take them out , skim off the green onion and ginger on the surface, and

Put the processed shrimps on the chopping board . Cut the shrimp into small pieces and then chop it with a knife. Chop it into small pieces . Don’t chop it too finely. It will taste better if it is a little grainy. Finally, chop it into this state and

Put it in the bowl of leeks. Then prepare two eggs , pour them into the bowl of leeks, and season them. Add a spoonful of salt and an appropriate amount of pepper. No other seasonings are needed. Wear disposable gloves to grasp them and mix them evenly

. Let all the ingredients be fully mixed together. I teach cooking carefully every day in this video. Could you please help me to order a free little red heart? If I can’t make it next time, I can still find it. I’m very grateful for everyone’s support. During the mixing process,

If it feels too thin , add 1 tablespoon of flour to it. Finally, stir until it becomes a thick vegetable paste. Set it aside for later use. Preheat the electric baking pan in advance . Pour in a little cooking oil. Brush evenly with a brush. Brush the bottom and lid with cooking oil

To prevent sticking . Then set it aside for later use. Then take it out. For the leek paste , put on disposable gloves and apply a layer of cooking oil on it. Then grab a small handful of the leek batter , which is about 40 grams.

Knead it with your hands to make it firmer, then put it in the palm of your hand to reunite it , and then press it gently with your hands. Flatten it into the shape of a small cake , and then arrange it a little. A small cake like this is ready,

And then put it into the electric baking pan. Use the same method for the remaining leek paste . Make small cakes like this and put them into the pan one by one, leaving some space in the middle to prevent them from sticking together . After putting them all in

, brush a layer of cooking oil on the surface to lock in the moisture of the small cakes . This way, the baked small cakes will be softer . Once the oil is in place, cover the lid and cook over high and low heat for 1 minute.

Fold the cakes until they are set. After 1 minute , use a spatula to flip each cake over. Turn all the sides over. Fry the other side for another 1 minute. Fry the other side until the shape is set. 1 minute. Flip each pancake over again and repeat the operation in this order.

Flip it once every 1 minute until both sides of the pancake are golden brown. Then it is ready to be taken out of the pan. I cooked this for a total of 6 minutes and then put it out. Put it on the plate and arrange it in circles like me . The

Very delicious pan-fried chives and shrimp cakes are ready. The color is beautiful and the taste is delicious. It looks very appetizing . Take a bite and it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It has the fragrance of leeks and the shrimp. The fresh fragrance is paired with mushrooms, carrots

And eggs. It is very nutritious and is really good for breakfast. It can be cooked in just a few minutes. It is nutritious and delicious. Paired with milk and soy milk porridge, it is more nutritious and delicious. It is easier to make than baking pies and more delicious than making dumplings

. If you like it, please save it and try it. Okay, today’s video will be shared with Here is this video. Could you please help me click on a free little red heart? If I can’t make it next time, I can still find it. Thank you very much for your support.

See you in the next video. Bye bye.


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