Here is a great video on how I Canned up Apple Pie Filling

Here is a link to the Pomonas Pectin

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Well hi guys welcome back to Linda’s Pantry and today super excited to bring you along for this okay it’s November it’s it’s been apple season for a while but I’m just now getting to my apple pie filling so I haven’t done apple pie filling in a couple of years and I’ve

Got one jar left in the pantry and so I want to get that on the Shelf because of seven quarts last me about two years sometimes three but mostly two years that’s seven Apple dumb cakes that seven Apple um cobblers crunch uh apple crisp that’s uh three and a half pies

All right big apple pies you need two quart jars so I am using the recipe and I feel like this for pie filling these guys are pretty spot on this is the Amish canning cookbook okay so it’s got a bunch of different pie fillings and I will use

The pages they have some sticky on them oops anyways so apple pie filling six quarts of tart apples and I’ve got I’ve got Granny Smith and Honeycrisp because honey crisp always goes on sale it’s such a delicious snap of flavor it it’s really really

Good I do it in my applesauce and but I did I did use and I’ve got my apples all prepped I did use some Granny Smith in here and actually as a child these were my favorite apples so they’re still one of my very very favorites for pie and for eating and yes

Delicious so you need six quarts of apples peeled and wedged into you know like you would have in a pie all right one and a half cups oh no five and a half cups of sugar which I already have measured out um one and a half cups of clear gel or

Cornstarch so I have clear gel this is a modified corn starch um it’s suitable for canning and I love it for the pie fillings because even like I could show you and maybe I’ll bring it in the last jar of the apple pie filling some of that cornstarch is broken down

Over time but it goes right back into shape when you cook with it so it’s actually holds up to the cooking process where cornstarch will not hold up long term um so there you go uh cinnamon nutmeg I’m gonna use cinnamon ground cardamom and allspice because that’s what I like in my apple

Pie and you need two and a half cups of water or use apple juice for more flavor and five cups of apple juice so we’re going to use the whole container of organic apple juice and then whatever I don’t know if I if I

Need to add a little bit of water I will and of course this canning project is being brought to you by well actually not but it is I’m going to be using four jars Lids because that is my lid of choice that’s what I use exclusively right now there’s a link down below

Where you can get four jars Lids in bulk this little box right here holds 100 wide mouth lids so you can have in very little space store hundreds of lids and you’ll always have them you’ll never be in short and if you go down there there’s a link or a coupon

Code Linda’s Pantry all one word no apostrophe and I’ll get you 10 off your complete order their prices are spot on and competitive and they beat the competitors by quality for sure so that being said we’re gonna get to this you’re also going to need some lemon

Juice five cups of apple juice plus the two and a half cups of water or whatever we replace it with and three-fourths of a cup of bottled lemon juice with five percent acidity so that’s the recipe that’s super easy I’ll try to take a little picture of this recipe and let’s

Bring you in and I’ll show you you have to mix that um the clear gel and the sugar together at the same time all right and then it’s asking us to wash and peel core the apples all that and I did put to keep them from darkening because I prepped

These yesterday to keep them from darkening I put um fruit fresh on them uh or you could put you know lemon juice whatever you’d like but I did fruit fresh um or you can use absorbic acid dissolved in a gallon of water and keep them in

There I I just do the or a gout or lemon juice and water um so we’re going to slice we’re going to blanch the sliced apples and batches placing them into a gallon of boiling water for one minute removing apples drain and place them in covered pot to

Keep them warm combine sugar and clear gel spices and other things into a large pot and the apple juice and cook them on medium high heat stirring constantly until mixture so you’re going to combine sugar clear gel and spices in another large pot and combine add the water and apple juice

And cook over medium Heat stirring constantly until mixture thickens begin to Bubble then to the pot of hot liquid add the lemon juice and for a minute and so it’s not telling you when to add the apples so I’m going to boil the apples in the pot with the

Liquid and we’ll we’ll start it that way and then we’ll add our sugar and our lemon juice they call for the lemon juice last but I’ll add the sugar oh and fold stirring constantly fold in the apples dang it I’m just gonna do it the other way around anyway that’s okay

No worries no harm no foul we’ll do it as directed so in this pot is going to go the apples and like I said I use 20 crisp apples all right in the pot and this is a 12 quart pot um 12 quart plant I’m gonna do it a little bit

Different than they’re calling for I’m still going to cook that with the apple juice I’m going to measure that out and the and um any water I might need and I’m gonna I’m gonna blanch that right in the juice it’ll be fine and I’ll scoop the apples

Back out and put them in place to hold them until I’m ready for the rest of it okay you got that okay come on and the filling and I’ve got my my water bath canner my fresh check I have an Amazon Link in Amazon store down below you can

Go in there and that price check canner is in there um it’s been one of my best purchases so all seven quart jars are in there sterile and staying hot because we’re gonna need them hot because it still looks hot okay let’s um let’s get to getting these apples all ready to go

So seven and a half seven and a half cups of apple juice slash water okay so we’re gonna add the clear gel while the apples are cooking we’re gonna add that to the mix one and a half cups this is a half cup measure and this is just like

Cornstarch feels like cornstarch looks like cornstarch it’s just modified a little bit differently and then we’re gonna do three quarters of a cup of lemon juice so I’m gonna put that over here I don’t need that mess and I’ll try to leave a link to where you

Can get this clear gel it’s it lasts on the Shelf I keep it in one of my modular mates out in the garage it lasts for years okay so we’re going to go ahead and mix this in with the sugar that will keep it from clumping up so badly if that makes sense

Um anytime you know when you’re using a thickening agent if you mix it in with like if you’re doing jams or jellies and you’re mixing your pectin up mix it in with your if you can if it allows mix it with the sugar first if it’s a powdered pectin that you can

Do that with come gonna make a mess I can tell you it never fails cornstarch is that that Beast okay and now that I have made a mess all right we are now I’m gonna go ahead and I’m gonna add my spices right in here and I love allspice I really only want

Ah like shy of a teaspoon of that because it’s it’s got clove and all kinds of goodies in it but it makes such a flavorful pie oh my gosh once you’ve had it you’re not going to want to go back I put this in my and then cinnamon

It only calls for a teaspoon and then I add cardamom because cardamom adds another another little bit of a floral note so or we’ll just eyeball there we go right there just shy of a teaspoon so there’s that that’s right there and put that in there I’ll get this mixed up

And then we know everything is in there right and it’s absolutely a beautiful beautiful pie filling one of the prettiest pie fillings you will have anyway okay as soon as these apples come up to a boil they really only have to blanch for a minute honestly I have dumped in

Everything together and I think I’m going to do that I’m going to play Rebel and I’m gonna as soon as those blanch for a minute in that juice and I used all of it because some of it will evaporate but I use that whole thing I did you didn’t need quite that whole

Um half gallon of juice but I used it all it doesn’t matter we’ll we’ll have if we have an extra pie filling or extra it’ll be fine the the grill key with this pie filling technique and using the clear gel filling the jars to an inch

And a half of head space if you go over you are going to have too much okay so I am I these apples are hot I’m gonna add my three-fourths of a cup of bottled lemon juice and that’s done that way that can heat up and as soon as this comes up

Because it’s already cooked in the apples you know they get trust me they get plenty soft for apple pie oh my gosh and I was thinking about it this is the way I’ve done it in the past so this actually works out very well and I will bring

Um I’ll go out there and try to find that jar so when I show you the end product I can show you what it looks like two years later or it might have been three years but I think it’s two I think it’s I believe

It’s two so I’ve got this burner on high and it’s just about to come up back up to a boil here and we’re going to put our clear gel in and our sugar and be very mindful how you do it because you’re going to get you’re going to get um

What if I cornstarch smoke perfect okay now this is where you really have to keep stirring because it is going to try to clump and carry on but we’re not going to let it we’re gonna get it all mixed in see how nice that mixed in

Now we’re going to bring that up to a boil and we’re gonna get this ready to jar up it’s going to thicken pretty quickly too once it decides to it goes pretty fast and you’re going to have literally a gel just like apple pie filling so don’t worry about that

We’re good with that and it’s going to be a pretty color it’ll go from being cloudy and opaque I don’t know if you can see that where the liquid is cloudy and kind of opaque color it’ll go more clear and absolutely beautiful I’m super excited okay we’re just gonna keep stirring

Along and I’ll bring you back as soon as this thickens I’ll bring you over to the counter and we’ll get to jarring it up and like I said we’re gonna do seven quart jars I probably have a few extra apples and a little bit extra sauce so I

Might make a mini dessert or a mini pie chart I don’t know I haven’t decided but whatever it is it’s gonna be great guys it’s time to jar it up and this bubbled until it got thick for about a minute and now you can see how thick

That is can you see how thick that gel got it’s fantastic so we’re gonna work quickly at getting these jars filled oh my gosh and we want to make sure like I said an inch and a half of headspace um this might need more gel less Apple and what I do have my

De-bubbling tool what happens the reason you need such a big headspace is because this swells tremendously so I am going to pull out and these apples are soft they got soft in the process I want an inch and a half of head space not an inch so oh I’m

Gonna pull out another small apple slice here okay now I’m comfortable with that okay and an inch and a half of headspace here we come done deal isn’t that pretty look how beautiful that is and you want to you can get in there and de-bubble and do all that

Um you’re not going to have much luck with just saying I just want a little bit more of that sauce okay wipe that Rim mhm get a lid now I did put hot water with these Lids um I did I did I admit it and I’ve got my rings over here so you

Know be organized doesn’t always work that’s hot hot tight that’s it going in the canner but look how gorgeous this apple pie filling is going to be who doesn’t want some of that okay put that in the water bath can ner and or the rest of kids

Coming out and I empty the jars you know I’ve got them full of water but you’re not going to watch that um quite as full so we’re going to rinse and repeat it’s kind of my gosh it’s so thick want without Bic and I’ve got my empty bubbling tool to help me out

And you can you can if you want your apple pie filling in chunks instead of wedges I just prefer mine to look just like when I make it from fresh which to me this is why would I do that if I can do this and I’ve got three pies three

And a half pies made in advance or seven other desserts right give me some keep bubbling and I’m just going to stick that in there it’s making a mess over here we’ll grab one piece of Apple to make the medicine go down not too bad and wipe that rim

Inch and a half of headspace right I know you’re it I struggled with it but you don’t want a jar to fail because it will it’ll fill your jar if you fill it up too full I had one jar out of some I think it was rhubarb that failed and

Doggone it we had to eat dessert that night who yeah yummy okay get me another jar hot jars I went through hot hot and I like to keep two or three of them out ready to go then they’re not so hot I can’t touch them but they’re

Tempered with the heat for the pie filling to be just fine just fine to get that in there oh my mouth is watering now I want apple pie something I want apple dessert that’s what I want get my D bubbler here let’s get those apples all down in there

I think I need a little bit more sauce okay yep perfect perfect and wipe that Rim give me a lid of four jars lid four jars thank you four jars for being such a great company for us and to allow the canners out there to experience a quality lid again

Yum okay I’m gonna do the rest of these up and these are they’re gonna can in that water bath can or once it comes up to a full get everybody loaded comes up to a full rolling boil from my altitude uh it’s 25 minutes for pints or

Quartz either one so you could do this in pints but why you you’re you’re gonna use it okay so I’m on the last jar and I did want to talk about a couple of things I mean you get this thick ooey gooey deliciousness and honestly over overdo your apples use

The whole thing of juice you’re not gonna you’re not gonna waste anything literally I think this comes out exact ly look I I might have a a little bit for dessert some apple that’s it seriously okay and I do I have enough for a nice uh dessert for probably two people but

That’s it and that’s because I did an extra Apple just to be on the safe side there we go but your clear gel and your liquid ratio is perfect and this gel I’m just going to tell you the cardamom is my secret everybody asks oh what’s

That what’s that flavor and I do that in my apple butter I also do it and see it’s a inch and a half of headspace don’t don’t get greedy on the headspace you’ll regret it this way it comes out perfect and so once the water bath Cannery put it inch to two inches

Actually I do want one more a little apple in there um one one to two inches above the jars and you’re good to go once it starts boiling you start your timer and these doors are still extremely hot this really holds the temperature quite a long time but you’re totally okay to

Do it the way I just did now sometimes some of these recipes give you extra steps but I’m telling you I I just looked back on my other videos and this is how I do it so and it comes out perfect okay in the canner she goes and

We’ll be back when that’s all done and I’ll show you the finished product okay guys it is time to take these out of the canner so once they uh do the 25 minutes I turn the canner off take the lid off and let it sit here for five or ten minutes

And oh my goodness oh my gracious do not tip your jars um try really hard that water is going to evaporate but look at how beautiful and the headspace changed it’s all the way up it swells all the way up so that’s why you do an inch and a half

Absolutely beautiful okay so if I have any jars I’m going to do a post canning chat on this and I have the um when I do the post Canon chat I’ll bring the other apple pie filling in for that I didn’t put vinegar in the water I

Don’t like to do that because I like to use this water to water the garden the plants whatever I need to water um so I’m not wasting water I let it just cool down overnight but isn’t that gorgeous beautiful beautiful apple pie filling for the pantry

And I don’t know if you’ve priced apple pie or cherry pie or any of the berry pie fillings at the store uh a can of it and I think you need three cans for a pie it’s like twelve dollars or something it’s it’s for all three cans so

That being said I’m taking all seven quarts out of here we’ll do a post canning chat and see if everybody’s sealed and if if we have some that didn’t seal I’ll let you know and we’ll figure it out but I have a little um apple crisp in the oven and

The water is a little bit murky which means we might have had some siphoning but I don’t let that discourage me on pie filling because typically they seal anyway so we’re just going to let this cool down all the way and look at seven beautiful and maybe I won’t use this to

Water the plants because they may not like cinnamon and all that but I’m going to let this cool down put the lid on it so the steam isn’t you know when I’m when I’m water bath canning I put the vent holes away from my cabinets you gotta keep all those things in mind

But beautiful jars of apple pie filling for the pantry shelves and and a little mini pipe pan with an apple crisp in it so I’ll get pictures of this and the apple crisp in the morning or tomorrow afternoon um so I can attach it to this video and

Hopefully give you a pretty thumbnail all right guys I’m super excited about this I have apple pie filling for the next couple years and um I don’t have to worry about it I don’t have to worry about going to the grocery store and having the price be jacked up because of

Who knows what and you don’t have enough to make a pie that one jar of pie apple pie filling or one can is not going to do a pie you need like three to have a lofty pie so and that’s with a crumb topping or with a pie crust topping so

Guys go down below check the poor jars link and leave me a comment uh did you do apple pie filling this year let me know if you did anything different and how much you put up on your Pantry Shelf and how much what other things do you

Use other than apple crisp apple pie you know just a you can add this over ice cream and it’s fantastic you can put this over waffles and enjoy a really fun dessert so just saying all right I’ll see you next time guys bye


  1. I was wondering about blanching my apples in the juice. Then adding the dry ingredients to the pot. This will save me some time and I have less steps too. Thank you.

  2. I did it that way too. I make mine low sugar. I did get some of the clear gel. I canned so much more this year of things we used to buy .

  3. I've never tried this way, but I will. I cut my apples then put them in a bottom of a bucket, cover with some sugar, and keep doing this, till I get over a half bucket. On the last layer cover with sugar . Set a plate or what ever you have on top.,and let sit all night. The sugar will draw out juice to cover them.Then I fill the jars with apples and cover with the juice, put in 1tea spoon tapioca in top each jar. and cold pack it for 20 minutes.

  4. I don't know if it approved or not so maybe it falls into "my kitchen my rules" but I made this a few times now and I use all apple cider, no water or apple juice. I didn't see how it would make a difference, but it is so amazing we absolutely love it!

  5. Oooo, you actually got me into canning during lockdown. And I’m still canning. Need to try this one.

  6. I'm with you in that mine usually lasts 2 years before I use all 7 quarts. But it tastes sooo much better than store bought. I use the same book as you do. I tried your Trader Joe's Pumpkin Pie spice in it last time like your previous video showed and it was delicious!! Thanks for all your hard work Linda!

  7. My clear gel didn’t dissolve and stayed on the bottom of my pot even though I stirred it constantly. My pie filling came out watery. The taste was really good but too watery.

  8. How amazing I just saw this video you made 7 yes ago about apple filling. Have the book. Got my apples a few days ago! Waiting on the clearjel to get going on the canning! ❤️

  9. Looks wonderful! I did apples last week as well, but did not use clear jell or anything like that. I prefer just syrup with my apples, as I use the apples in my cereal, oatmeal, etc. If I use the apples in crisps and such than it is easy to use cornstarch to thicken after the fact.

  10. I have used this recipe many times. Mix the dry ingredients, juice and water bring to a boil. It will be thick. Then add lemon juice, boil 1 minute, then you add the apples. See first 2 lines at top of page 137. I use the apple juice and it’s wonderful.

  11. I have never made apple pie with a gel filling. Just apple slices, sugar, spices, butter, lemon, small amount flour. Jam packed with apples!

  12. Hello Linda. Thanks for taking us through this recipe. Apple pie filling is so handy. I have also discovered the secret of using cardamom. It adds such a subtle, rich tone to my baking. Your electric water bath canner is interesting. I will check that out ~ Diane

  13. I pick up extra measuring cups at Goodwill so that I can leave them in the containers that I use the most often

  14. Mrs. Linda I just purchased the power pressure cooker XL I did not know that the 6-quart metal rack did not come with it. Do you know where I can purchase one. New beginner and Can you do more videos on family meals from canning in the canner.

  15. Not enough apple to make a pie or really anything my wife would make . It would take 3 or 4 jars for 1 thing .

  16. Linda please specify so people understand that you need to use the cook-type clear jel. Why did you do it like that, I have watched everyone of your apple pie filling recipes and never seen you do it like that. I am sitting with three books in front of me and not one of them say to do it like that, all 3 list the exact same ingredient amounts, I only say this because someone who is new or never canned it is going to have a hot mess on their hands doing it like that. After watching probably your first video of it I decided to try it and now it is my favorite thing to can, and I felt confident that I could do it because of you.

  17. Thank you for another great video. I’m going to try this! I’m getting some Granny Smith apples from a neighbor next week and this will be my first attempt at pie filling. I don’t know your elevation, so am not sure of the processing time.QUESTION: what would be my processing time at elevation of 50 ft. ?

  18. Got my apples and other ingredients and I’m ready to making this. Been wanting to for a few years. Cowboy Candy, too!

  19. My apples are here and I'll be canning them in the next few days. I went through the last batch way too fast 🙂 Thanks for the ForJars coupon. I made an order to test them out.

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