When prayer is not enough 😅 I've been working on croissants for 2 months. Still no amazing progress.

Any tips are welcome!

by seemelaughcry


  1. AlbanElfed

    Were they tasty? Looks ain’t everything…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)

  2. Eightthousandcolours

    I’ve been pretty successful following the NYT croissant recipe and process: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vpwY3nmLLaA
    I also realized that while it’s nice having a perfect 14x 16 (or whatever dimensions you’re working with) block of dough before cutting& shaping it is more important that the dough is the right thinness. Also investing in an oven thermometer was the best thing I’ve done for my baking. 
    Good luck! 

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