Labneh is a thick strained yogurt. Even thicker than Greek yogurt. Sometimes called sack yogurt or yogurt cheese. In the Middle East it’s on the table alongside almost every meal.

Learn to make labneh strained yogurt at home, either from store bought yogurt or your own homemade yogurt. It’s super easy. Here is how I make labneh from store bought yogurt.

#yogurt #fermentedfoods #labneh

Cheese or Nut Milk Bag used for straining:
Seamless silicone spatula:
Zoi Greek yogurt:

Recipe Videos Mentioned⤵️
How I Make Labneh Yogurt Cheese Balls Preserved in Oil:
How I Make Tzatziki Yogurt Sauce:
How I Make Yogurt in the Instant Pot:
How I Make Dairy Kefir:
How I Make Kefir Cheese:
How I Make Garlic Toum:


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Hi I’m Lanny and this is preserving today today I want to talk about making Leb Leb is a very thick strained yogurt that is almost like a cheese think about Greek yogurt but even thicker and drier even more strained that’s lebie so you can catch my video on how I make yogurt

From scratch on this channel it’s how I make instant pot yogurt and you can see that here today I’m going to show you how to make Ley from store-bought yogurt cuz I think that’s what most people have access to and this will be easy for everybody to do until you get to the

Point where you’re making homemade yogurt so all I need is a bowl and you can use cheesecloth or a coffee filter in a strainer but today I’m using this nice nutmilk bag that I always use for kefir cheese so I’m just spreading this bag out into the bottom of this bowl and I’m

Going to to dump this Greek yogurt straight inside once I get some in the bottom I’m going to pull up on the sides of the bag the goal is to get the yogurt in the bottom of the bag and not all over the sides of the

Bag and I’m going to leave enough yogurt in the bottom of this that I can start my next bash of homemade yogurt if you didn’t know store-bought yogurt as long as it has live active cultures can be used as a starter culture for homemade yogurt okay once this is all in

Here I’m just going to tie this you can see there’s already liquid starting to drip out and now we just have to find a way to hang this suspend it over a bowl so it can drain the way out and what we want to see is this whole bag shrink

Down quite a bit and reduce in size and have a lot of whe pulled in the bowl and my trick in the way I hang my cheese is from my handle on my pantry the only trick is when I do it this way if I need to get a cup I have

To move the bowl with the cheese as it goes but everyone in my family is used to this now and it’s fine so there I’ll leave my way collecting in the bowl for my yogurt until I think it looks dry enough which I’m going to guess is going

To be about 8 to 12 hours but we’ll check back when that’s done and I’ll let you know how long it took all right well this has actually been hanging for like 24 hours I just didn’t have time to get to it after 12 that’s okay first I put

My way into a glass container showing it’s about a cup of liquid that I’ve drained from the yogurt and I’m going to label this and put it in my refrigerator yogurt way is good for a lot of things and I’m working on another video where I

Show you how I use my excess way from yogurt making from kefir as well as from cheese making all I need to do is turn this sack Inside Out dropping all this super dry yogurt into a bowl and now you have leemy now it’s pretty good as it is

Right now but it’s going to be a lot better when we add some salt to it so I’m adding about a half a teaspoon of salt and now we just have to mix it in and I love this silicone spatula that has no seams so there’s no place for me

To pack any cheese in there and have it be hard to clean later I just kind of smash the salt in and spread this along the bottom until it starts to get a little creamier and then I can stir this in now leony can be great as it is just

Served on a plate sprinkled with something or just served with a little olive oil next to some olives and PAB bread but it’s also good flavored and different ways of flavoring it would be with garlic obviously any kind of herb zatar is common sumac is common just

Need to get mixed into the cheese or sprinkled on top your choice okay okay once I’ve got that mixed in I’m ready for my breakfast I’m just going to spread some of this on a plate I’m using a little bit of sourdough bread I made and toasted some cucumber chips and some

Really good mixed olives then I’m going to top it with some olive oil and I use the good olive oil for this I have cheaper olive oil that I use for different things but this is the good stuff and I’m going to use this zatar spice mix from Granite State spice

Blends I love zatar and a he makes an excellent zatar go ahead and check them out Granite stat spice that’s it I have this beautiful platter this could be added to appetizers or as a side with dinner but this is my breakfast plate this morning and it

Looks really really good nothing more than some yogurt strained and a little salt makes this magic whether you’re making your yogurt from scratch at home or you’re buying it from the store you can still have this delicious creamy Ley for a dip or a spread or to make lebie

Cheese balls so stay tuned for another video where I’ll show you how to do that thanks for watching I’m Lanny and this was preserving today

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