Indulge your sweet tooth with our foolproof recipe for heavenly Shortbread and Almond Cookies! Join us in the kitchen for a delightful baking adventure, where we’ll guide you step-by-step to create these melt-in-your-mouth delights. Whether you’re a baking pro or a beginner, this tutorial guarantees success. Get ready for a symphony of flavors and textures that will leave everyone craving more!

Amazon Affiliate link for the Parmedu Kitchenware as seen in Tammy’s videos:

Enamel Coated Dutch Oven
Swedish Dishcloths
3 pc. Mixing Bowl Set
Rolling Pin
Pastry Mat

#CookieRecipe #BakingTutorial #ShortbreadCookies #AlmondCookies #EasyBaking #SweetTreats #HomemadeCookies #DeliciousDesserts #BakingMagic #FoodieFaves #CookieLovers #DessertHeaven #RecipeOfTheDay #BakingGoals #YummyInMyTummy #MustTryRecipe
#cookingchannels #easyrecipes #easycooking #cookingvideo #easyrecipe #allaboutliving

Hey there welcome back to my kitchen and Welcome to our Channel today we’re going to make a twofer I’m going to make shortbread cookies and I’m going to make almond cookies cuz they’re both so simple minimal ingredients just the way I like it 15 minutes in the oven and

Done the first one the shortbread cookies is three ingredients not kidding three ingredients and shortbread cookies you know are awesome awesome cookies and then the almond butter cookies you know who doesn’t like an almond butter cookie it only has five ingredients all you need to make shortbread cookies is some allpurpose flour some

Sugar and some butter all right y’all today I’m going to be using my kitchen aid I only break this thing out during the holidays because it’s so big and so bulky and so heavy that just when I’m doing large batches of stuff is really the only time

I use it but it sure is handy in the holidays now if you don’t have one you can just use a regular hand mixer that’s absolutely fine but right now I don’t have a hand mixer so we’re going to have to use this one okay we’re going to start we’re

Going to put this I’ve had this but sitting out but it’s still kind of it’s still not as soft as I’d like for it to be but we’re going to have to go with it it’s chilly out here today and we’re supposed to get rain for the next 3

Days I mean we need it badly don’t get me wrong we need it but we also need to work too and we work outside so I don’t know how this is going to roll y’all saw I had three sticks of butter so I got three sticks of butter in in

Here and I’m going to put 34 34 of a cup of Sugar I’m going to get this down in here get her lock and going to start creaming yeah I should have maybe he did that butter up a little [Applause] Bit okay I’m just going to pull this down some more like I said that butter was not warm Enough And I’m going to stop it for a second and I’m going to pull it down off the sides Yeah like that okay back on wait for it to come together okay we’re going to stop it again we’re going to unlock it my butter it’s Up that is what it’s supposed to look like y’all I promise but it needs to come together as a big ball in Here down we Go okay okay we’re going to call that good and I’m going to turn it off now I’m going to lift it back Up and I’m going to pull pull it off my hook cuz we are ready to put it on a pan now I’m going to set my little toaster oven that my friend Gail gave me at 325 all right we’re going to while that’s preheating I’m going to set up my

Little cookie tray you don’t need grease it’s just an ungreased cookie tray and I’m actually just going to use parchment paper all right I’m just going to pull that dough down into the bottom of the pan here that’s the consistency you want right there just good and thick

Looking and now we’re going to get in there with our hands and make tiny little 1 in ball and give them enough room because we’re going to press Them and just so you know you can easily freeze this dough don’t have to make all the cookies all at one time cuz I’m definitely not notot this makes a lot of little cookies it’s like three three and 1 half dozen cookies so I don’t need three and 1 half

Dozen cookies today so I will freeze the rest and have them for later another day when the grandkids are Coming and you know little treat shouldn’t have to cost a whole lot of money y’all got your glasses on my head sorry they don’t have to cost a whole lot of money I couldn’t possibly have more than $4 in three and half dozen cookies you can’t do that anymore you

Can’t even get one dozen cookies at the grocery store for $4 and they don’t really take any time you know 15 minutes in the oven but we do need to press them all right these were made with that press that’s probably why I was at the

Thrift store that is not a pretty cookie okay so just forget it just take the back side of a/4 inch just little and mash them down and you might need to put a little no stick even on that to get them to come loose which is what I’m going to

Do and then we’re just to mash and smash sometimes the old way is the best way just make sure you’re smashing them all the same depth all right and my oven is preheated and we’re going to get them in there in they go and I told y’all a story I should

Have had my glasses on it’s not 12 it’s not 15 minutes it’s only 12 and set your timer and pull them out at 12 cuz they are going to be done all right all right while those are baking we’re going to go ahead and start the next batch of cookies and I’m going

To use the same Bowl I’m not going to wash it or anything because they’re just the same except for two ingredients so you’re going to need the flour you’re going to need sugar only two sticks of butter this time some salt and some almond extract all right now my butter is still

I tried to heat it up like kind of on the stove but not to get it wet cuz I really don’t want wet butter so hopefully uh-oh There Goes My Cookie timer all right let’s get that butter in there and now we’re going to get those

Other cookies out of the oven because my timer went off all right that was a false alarm but that’s a toaster oven if you’re using a regular oven they should be absolutely done in 12 minutes but apparently in toaster oven they’re going to take a few

More minutes so I’m just going to just kind of wash them eyeball them in that toaster oven all right okay I got my two sticks of butter in there and I need that’s the wrong wait that goes in there this is the sugar one and for this one you only need a

Half a cup of sugar right and a/4 of a teaspoon of Salt And and one teaspoon of almond extract plus whatever falls off the spoon can’t hurt right now we’re going to get that all creamed up okay that butter is doing much much better but I’m going to turn it off now and scrape down my sides okay well we got the kitchen a off

I’m going to show you what I did to try to warm up that butter I turn the eye on the stove and I put just some water in the bottom of a skillet and then I put the lid on top of that and then I set the butter on top of

The lid that way it wasn’t like in the pot and getting really hot it was just using the Steam and the heat off of that glass and Randy actually suggested that and it was a pretty good idea so and it did work it did work the only thing when

It started to really when the water started to boil it started to get really loose around the outside while the inside was still soft but it worked out great because I didn’t have a problem with creaming that so yay all right I can smell my cookies now so I know they’re

Done okay now my cookies are done and you can tell when your cookies are done because your kitchen starts to smell smell like a cookie when you start to smell the cookie the cookie is done see the little brown right around the outside shortbread cookies should not be

Brown they just should start getting a little tinge around the outside that lets you know that they’re done and then you know don’t worry about them being soft because they’re going to harden up as they sit okay my butter is cream now you see what it looks like when it’s creamed

Now we’re going to sit it back down in there and we’re going to start adding flour I mean cream butter just looks like a blob so when you get to blob you’re good now we’re going to get this thing turned on on about two and I need two cups of

Flour one at a time And we’re just going to spin it until it all Globs together okay I’m going to pull it down now off the sides and out of the middle I’m doing it cocky we are almost there but I want to make sure that that flour is completely Incorporated we’re going to put it back

Down in there for just another minute or two and we are there so we’re going to get this lifted cuz it’s almost all right There that’s a beauty and cookie dough y’all we going to take that off now pull this all down and together make sure it’s Incorporated cuz I did have a little bit of flour on the Side there is my cookie dough okay I’m going to try to set this right here on my stove top yep that’s going to work just fine now I’m going to get another parchment and put it right there on that same pan voila magically clean pan how about that

Now we’re going to do the same thing again we’re just going to make little 1 in balls and set them right there on that parchment just a little bit apart the cookies really should not be complicated you know your great grandma did not spend hours in the kitchen making a

Cookie she didn’t have that kind of time okay and I didn’t think to tell you if your if your dough does it come off your hands it doesn’t come loose off your hands then you might need to add just a hair more flour not much but that you know you want them to

Be where that you know you have a little bit on your hands but not you know they should roll right out if this if they don’t just roll right out you might need to put a little more flour and incorporate it into them but generally you don’t need To all right we’re going to do these the exact exact same way we did the other on mash them out and your 1/4 cup measuring cup is the way to go cuz that’s the size you want your cookie I just thought I was going to get all fancy and show you how to

Make pretty cookies but that wasn’t the way to go So and we’re going to do the same thing with these except these need to stay in 15 minutes this was the 15 minute one the other ones are 12 these are 15 in the same 325° Oven in they go and there you have it your almond cookies see just a little bit of brown on the edge and your cookie is done actually it’s a little maybe overdone but it’s not going to hurt they are wonderful all right I made two batches of cookies in under an hour including

Making time baking time everything and I have enough batter already made up now to make the same amount of cookies again sitting in the freezer this is a winwin y’all yeah this is the fun job I’m excited too I’m going to eat me an almond cookie love the almond cookies

Yeah he loves the almond cookies and I love the shortbread cookies yeah I ate one of her shortbread cookies I said now of course I not really keen on shortbread cookies so she didn’t get all that much of a response out of me yeah no but I love

These almond cookies I’m going to dip these in my coffee oh yeah oh yeah okay guys they’re good to go y’all have a great day and I’ll see you again bye


  1. Those would be so tasty with coffee!! Spoke too soon then Randy goes imma dip these almond cookies in my coffee.. lol yep! I usually ice my cookies but plain ones like that are best with coffee in the morning.

  2. I like the cookies with the divot in them. That would be great to put some jam or preserves or curd or even some sort of nut butter in or you could put frosting or icing in the divot! Wouldn’t the kidlings love that!

  3. If you have wet hands the dough won’t stick to you. Also if you have a plate of water beside you you can touch the measuring cup to it and it won’t stick to the cookie dough. Also, with the water on there you may be able to dust the cookie with more sugar! Cuz that’s a thing!

  4. do you freeze them in balls or let batter thaw then form the ball? can't wait to try them. oh !! I just found y'all and very happy I did. Ms Tammy you remind me of my ex mother-inlaw <I just loved her!> she is the one who taught me how to cook…we had a great relationship until she passed…Too bad I couldnt get along with her son as well.

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