It’s the WEEKEND! What’s this? A Sunday upload? ‘How unusual’, you might be thinking. Well get used to it because there’s going to be more of these! Every other Sunday, I’m going to be showing you a classic cake or bake that is perfect for the weekend and you can bake along with me as you watch the video. Hopefully you already have your ingredients ready (if not don’t worry, just go get them and watch this video in your own time).

Ingredients for 3 layer x 7″ cake or 2 layer 8″ cake
(or 2 layer 7″ cake the measurements are in brackets), filled and iced all over…

100ml double cream (75ml)
175g butter (130g)
225g 55% chocolate (170g) I like Guittard chocolate
decent pinch salt (slightly smaller pinch!)

75g cocoa powder (50g)
150g light brown sugar (100g)
1tsp vanilla (1/2 tsp)
375ml boiling water (250g)

200g butter (135g)
225g caster sugar (150g)
3 eggs (2)
335g plain flour (225g)
1 tsp baking powder (scant 3/4 tsp)
1 tsp baking soda (scant 3/4 tsp)

#cupcakejemmabakes #devilsfoodcake #bestchocolatecake

MY INSTAGRAM: @cupcakejemma
CAKESTAGRAM: @crumbsanddoilies


Crumbs & Doilies
1 Kingly Court

Hi guys and welcome to my home and welcome to the very first Sunday bake along with me where I’m gonna be showing you guys how to make really classic bakes things that you should definitely just have in your repertoire things that are really simple and easy to make and

Perfect for a nice Sunday bake for your friends and family coming around so this is the first one and I’m gonna be starting off by doing a really delicious decadent devil’s food cake and this is going to be a light moist airy sponge filled with a really lovely rich

Chocolate ganache hopefully you’ll have seen on Instagram earlier in the week I gave you all the ingredients and measurements for this recipe already and all the equipment that you need so make sure you’ve got all that ready to go before you start don’t worry if you haven’t bought those ingredients if you

Didn’t see that only this week and just pause the video now knit to the shops go and get what you need and then we’ll get cracking so the first thing I’m going to do is to start with my frosting and this is a kind of ganache frosting loosely

Based on actual ganache which is chocolate and cream but unlike ganache this doesn’t really set that firm in fact it stays really silky and glossy through the whole thing which is really lovely it makes it really sort of rich and decadent and also I’m making it now because it can

Keep quite well while we’re getting on with our other stuff unlike actual ganache which can some which can sometimes set quite firm so I’m gonna do it in a bain-marie which is just a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water if you have a microwave you can do this

In a microwave too just in short bursts stirring off to each one but I don’t have a microwave okay I’ve got some lovely and dark chocolate this is actually 55 percent cocoa solids so that was 225 grams of chocolate and I also have 175 grams or butter

This is unsalted butter and I’m also adding a hundred milliliters of double cream that’s heavy cream if you’re in America and I’m also just gonna add a pinch of salt and that’s just gonna help to bring the flavor out and balance the sugar and the sweetness a little bit and

Now I’m gonna pop this onto my pan okay so my pan is nicely simmering the water is only about this much in the pan because I don’t want it to touch the bottom of the bowl if it touches the bottom of the bowl it can heat everything up too much

– hot chocolate is kind of gross it goes a bit bitty and really bitter so don’t do that also don’t get any water in your bowl because that can seize up the chocolate as well so just leave it on a nice sort of medium-low heat just simmering away melting together and give

It a stir every now and then just to make sure it’s melting properly it’s all starting to melt now and it’s looking really yummy and chocolatey and gooey and smells amazing so just keep stirring every now and then and just keep it going until it’s all completely combined So my ganache is all lovely and melted I’m just going to leave that to cool down and it will be completely cool when we need to use it obviously because there’s a lot to do though now it’s time for the devil’s food cake recipe and

This is so easy and so good it results in a really lovely like a really moist cake so the first thing I’m gonna do is to get my wet ingredients together just in a bowl I have my light brown sugar and I’ve got 150 grams of that I’ve also

Got 75 grams of cocoa powder and just make sure you using a really nice quality cocoa powder for extra oomph and I’m also putting in a teaspoon of good quality vanilla extract if you want you could use like a whole pod of vanilla if you have such a thing and then to finish

It off I’m just gonna grab some boiling water I’ve just bought this kettle and I’m measuring out 375 milliliters which is actually the same as 375 grams so I’m doing all my scales and I’m just gonna whisk that all together until it’s completely combined make sure you’ve got

Rid of all the little lumps of cocoa powder and also that your sugar has dissolved completely that is ready so I’m just gonna put that to one side to cool down a little bit while I get on with beating my butter and sugar together so you can do this with a

Free-standing mixer like me if you have one or you can do it with your handheld mixer or you can even do it with a wooden spoon and your brute strength which does take obviously quite a bit longer than this little thing but obviously I have one of these so I’m

Just gonna crack on with this so I have my butter which is nice and stuff and I have 200 grams of that I’m also going to add some castor sugar and I have 225 grams of that and then I want to beat that together for about 5 minutes until

It’s really pale and fluffy so obviously this is the first of our Sunday bake alarms and I’m going to be doing more classic things but if there’s anything that you really want to see any really SuperDuper classic things that you want to learn how to make or just

Something that you really frankly eating on a Sunday then let me know in the comments box below and I will do my best to add it in so that’s had about five minutes whipping and it is really pale and fluffy like way more than it was when I

Started so that’s just right and now it’s time to add the eggs and I’ve got three large free-range organic eggs which I always use make sure that you use those too if you can because they will make better cakes and they’re better fats so I’m going to crack those

In and beat them really well after each one probably for about a minute each and once you’re fast X combined you can add the second one All right that is fine it’s looking a little bit split and scrambled don’t worry if yours does too it’s absolutely fine once you add the dry ingredients that will just come together and it’ll just be like a normal cake butter speaking of dry ingredients I have some

Here which I’m going to sieve together in a bowl and I’ve got 300 35 grams of plain flour here and I’m also adding a teaspoon each of bicarbonate of soda and baking powder to give a little lift and then just shuffle that through your sieve and then just pop that into the

Rest of the mixture and I’m just going to fold that in really slowly so on my lowest setting on my mixer if you’re not using a mixer you will just want to use like a metal spoon or a spatula just to fold it in really gently so once it’s

All coming together you can then put your wet ingredients in I’m gonna keep the mixer going on a low speed while I do that so obviously if you’re doing that to do it quite slowly otherwise it was grey everywhere so make sure that you have subscribed to my channel if you

Haven’t already because obviously this is an extra upload there’s going to be more extra uploads and if you haven’t subscribed and click the bell down below then you might miss something and I would hate for that to happen and I think you would too so once all your

Liquids in you might see with if you’re using a sounding mixer like this that it’s not quite picking up again always make sure that you scrape the sides you don’t want to make it any nuggets of buttery sugar and your bake otherwise they will bake like holes into your

Cakes and that is really gross so give it a good old scrape every now and then obviously if you don’t have a free-standing mixer and you’re just doing this with a spoon and fruit strength and you would be folding in the wet ingredients with a spoon or a spatula as well

That’s ready and it’s looking like very much like a liquidy chocolate pudding kind of delicious actually so get rid of all the bits you don’t need and bring back the bits you do need I’m using three seven-inch tins which I’ve greased just with spray you can use butter oil

If you want if you don’t have three seven inch tins or if you have different size pants don’t worry I’m gonna be putting two versions of the quantities in the description box below so in case you have quite the right thing but I’m gonna be doing a three layer cake so

That’s what I’m gonna be doing so now I’m going to distribute my liquidy batter evenly among these three paths Now it’s time to bake your cakes and if you want to do that 170 degrees C for 25 to 27 minutes obviously sticking a skewer and to make sure it’s cooked all the way through meanwhile I would recommend that you give your ganache a stir just to make sure that it’s cooling

Down evenly and it’s not splitting or anything this is looking pretty good and obviously just kind of make yourself a cup of tea and relax so I will see you back here in 25 minutes there’s really important you check all your sponges for readiness with your skewer because this

One’s ready for example but the other two you had maybe a minute or two left on them you don’t know just assume that all done just because one is so leave them to cool for about 15 minutes and then when you’re ready turn them out of

The tin it’s better to do this while it’s slightly warm otherwise it could end up sticking to the pan And now we just need to let them cool down completely before we start icing them so it’s time to decorate the cakes and my ganache is looking perfect it’s got a really lovely sort of floppy spreadable consistency and it’s looking glossy and yummy I’m going to be

Leveling all the layers of my sponge just so I’ve got a nice flat surface on each layer I’m not going to trim this one though because I actually quite like the edge of a chocolate cake is it looks like a brownie which is tasty if you have a

Cake leveler like a special cake leveler that is obviously very very useful tool and will give you a nice straight top if you don’t have one like I’m not using mine today I’m going to be using a bread knife it’s really really simple so as you can see this sponge is risen a

Little bit higher on this side and it’s a little quite low this side so I’m going to focus my attention on this side and I don’t want to go right to the very bottom because obviously that will be a very small sponge but I’m going to take

It about an inch in and start to cut make a cut and as I go around I’m going to turn my cake on my plate and keep my bread knife super level that’s why you want to do a little bit at a time before you start spinning and then once you’ve

Met the point of which you started just really gently draw your knife across underneath so once you’ve taken the top off you can usually see if you’ve made any mistakes and you can just tidy those up again with your bread knife for like if there’s any sort of weird lips happening

But this looks pretty good and also you get to have a bit to try so make sure you do try this point because you know it’s important to know what you’ve just made now we’re just going to finish off trimming all of our cake so that will nice I’m ready You can obviously do this on a turntable if you have one but if you don’t have one the plate trick works really well because the plate moves really easily on the worktop Move your pile of scraps out of the way I like to keep mine closed so that I can have a nibble on them every now and then and now it’s time to decorate so if you haven’t got a turntable you can just keep them on the plate the plates really

Good for turning around cuz it moves quite easily on the counter obviously I have a turntable so I will be using that because life is just so much easier a turntable and if you’re going to be baking cakes you know lot in your lifetime then it’s definitely worth the

Investment so go nuts so I’ve got a really pretty plate here that’s one that’s what my cakes gonna be iced onto so starting with my first layer is it’ll pop that on and I’m gonna get some of my lovely ganache and dollop it on the inside and give it a good spread so

Spread it right to the edge and make sure you end up with a nice flat layer and then do the same with the next layer make sure you’re lining up with the sides all the way around you don’t want to end up with like a staggered cake And then with the top layer what you want to do is turn it upside down the car they’ve got a lovely neat and tidy bottom and it’s nice and flat that’s looking nice and straight so now it’s time to finish this guy off with the

Rest of my can – now in terms of tools obviously I’ve been using a small cranked pallet knife to do the filling I like doing that just because you can get a nice straight flat top when I’m doing the outside I tend to move over to a

Larger not cranked pallet knife this is just a straight cup I know but it’s completely up to you if you don’t have either of those things you can just improvise using maybe a butter knife or even a spatula will work obviously a slightly different finish but whatever

Folks would be so for now just pop the rest of your ganache onto the top of your cake so using my pallet knife I’m gonna start spreading it out and as you will see it will start to flop over the sides which is good because then I’ll

Have some on the sides that I can use this ganache is actually a dream to ice with because it’s so silky and soft and it’s really forgiving as well because it doesn’t kind of dry out and crisp up while you’re doing things with it okay

So you can keep this as rustic or as smooth as you like what I like to do is add a little bit of texture so I’m going to switch off my pallet knives go back to my small one as my cake spins round I’m going to lightly press my pallet

Knife in to make an impression and then draw up a little bit at a time until I get to the top should be left with a really nice pattern as I’ve moved up it’s kind of pushed the icing up to create a little lip on the top but I quite like that

And so just to end it off I’m just going to draw my palate knife across and back and forth to create another new pattern and that is the finished cake and it is looking pretty special so hopefully you two are standing next to your very own devil’s food cake so

Thank you very much for baking along with me make sure you take a photograph of your cake and put it on instagram using the hashtag cupcake gem of bakes i’m gonna be checking in all day to see how you got on also if you have questions about this bake as you’ve been

Going then put them in the comments box below I’ll try and get to them as you’re baking and hopefully you’re going to enjoy this case it’s so good so let’s crack on and get a slice out so before I start filling my gob with this cake which will render me incapable

Of talking to you I just want to thank you for joining me I hope you’ve enjoyed it I have I’ll be back in two weeks time with another bake along Sunday vibe and this time it’s gonna be a lemon tours okay which would be so delicious so make

Sure you’re following me on Instagram so that you get the update on recipes and ingredients lists and stuff like that which I’ll post a few days beforehand I’ll also be back at the usual time on a Thursday 6:30 p.m. GMT this time with a unicorn cake but not just any unicorn

Cake this is gonna be a full unicorn cake with the full shebang we’re gonna have horns get up ears eyes gold all other things so make sure you tune in to that I’ll see you then


  1. Hello thank you for the recipe! please can I ask if the measurements are correct? I dont think the proportions for the smaller cake are correct (I dont think it is the same measurements as the biggger cake). Please can you let me know? thank you so much!

  2. The dough is so liquidy more than the other recipes
    How could you bake it so properly like that?!
    What the secret of using water not milk?!

  3. Made this cake last December and it was absolutely delicious! Moist, soft, yumm 🤤. I baked it for a family members birthday and we could not get enough! Even those who just saw the pictures have been asking me to bake this cake, till date! Cupcake Jemma's recipes are everything 😋

  4. Super lovely cake! A completely different recipe that I made earlier today was a complete fail and this one saved the day! I added a bit of instant coffee to my batter and it turned out incredible.

  5. I made this choclate cake it was the most delicious choclate cake i had trust me eventhough i have made 6 to 7 choclate cakes from different recipies
    Perfect sweetness and super moist she was absolutely right when she said it melts in your mouth
    Would recomond this to everyone
    Ty jemma all recipies i have made from your channel are always sucessful and delicious
    My brother though the cake was bough from a bakery and everyone loved it

  6. Jemma. All of the sudden, YouTube is putting g up some of your older videos and it is great. Question. We have a french bakrey in our town that is closing. The Baker is 86 years old and the kids do not want to continue the business. One of their cakes has become a family tradition. A chocolate cake flavored with rum and has a pineapple fruit spread between the layers. They will not sell the recipe. Is it as simple as finding a good rum flavoring and then not sure how to make the thickened pineapple filling. Please share any thoughts. This recipe looks great for the cake and frosting.

  7. Any suggestions for a dairy-free ganache? I have trouble with lactose and casein. I've seen a lot that use coconut cream but coconut gives me indigestion too and has quite a strong flavour, and a lot of non-diary cream and butter alternatives are too oily to work.

  8. I tried to make this, followed the instructions to the letter and I got a dense cake. I always have the same with chocolate. Never comes out fluffy

  9. Hi, I was just baking the cake and thought is it to be baked at 170°c in a fan assisted oven too 😕

  10. A quick question about the baking temperature of this great cake: Sometimes in your amazing recipes , you say bake at 170 C; at other times you say bake at 170 C Fan-assisted. Which temperature is it? I baked my Devil`s Food Cake at 150C which I believe is the equivalent of 170 fan-assisted, however I had to bake the cake for 20 extra minutes before the cake was fully baked. Should I have actually baked my cake at 170 C Fan-assisted instead? The cake in the end was fabulous. For future refernce are all your recipes fan-assisted? Many thanks for a reply.

  11. NOOOOOOO, I made this yesterday with my 4 year old girl for her mother, my ex….It was so good the silly woman wants me back.😂😂

  12. Hi Jemma,Your recipes are amazing!
    I made this cake, and I was just wondering why my cake was quite crumbly and what I could do to avoid that from happening in the future?

  13. Hello Jemma, I would like to make a 3 layer 8inch cake .. if you could please help measurements for that … it would be very helpful thank you 🙏 😊

  14. Made this cake for Xmas day
    Oh my!! So nice and not sickly I used 70% dark chocolate too thanks for sharing Jemma

  15. Do you recommend changing anything about this recipe if baking at 5,000 feet above sea level?

  16. I make this cake a lot. It is so easy and anyone who likes chocolate will love this cake. The ganache is great and keeps very well. I use bournville chocolate and cocoa powder and find that it is just the prefect sweetness. Even people who do not like chocolate cake like this one. Thank you Jemma another success.

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