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#Italy #easter #baking

2 Come here Now You [Applause] Pastier nitana is one of my favorite Italian sweets to eat around Easter time I first encountered it in Naples which is where it’s from and there you have this scent of oranges cinnamon and vanilla which just waffs through the Alleyways and one can imagine the nuns in these convents rolling out the pastry

Picking fresh oranges from their Courtyard then when I lived in Rome there was an all hours pastiera on the corner of my street that baked pastiera around 4:00 a.m. when I was just coming home from a night of dancing and I would pop in and buy a huge slice and then

Fall into bed excited at the idea of waking up to make my Cafe and eat this fragrant treat in the morning there is a short crust pastry on the outside and a rustic rough cheesecake texture inside made made of Ricotta and wheat berries softened in milk which is called grocoto

In Italian there’s Citrus zest and orange blossom water so it’s like a citrus tart meets a rice pudding meets a ricotta cheesecake Heaven it is said that the rather sour Queen Maria Teresa of Austria was known as La Regina Ken the queen who never laughs uh yet

Even she couldn’t help breaking into a smile upon tasting apparently at which point the king said I’m mixing flour with sugar and a pinch of salt and some orange sest and then adding butter working it all in with my fingertips and then adding egg yolks this gets covered and rests in the

Fridge for half an [Applause] hour okay so this is your P your version of the I don’t know if actually where I’m going to put this segment so I don’t know if they’ve already seen the pasier be made maybe not but this is PP but eat

It eat try we has been in Florence so he’s just trying for the first time I hope you’re enjoying your Easter weekend and these first weeks of spring uh spring does it taste like spring fresh and sweet and hopeful I have like when I think of Easter I have these lovely memories of

Decorating a hat for the Easter parade with my mother and uh and going with my sister into the garden and collecting little leaves and things to make homemade nests and baskets for our Easter eggs and uh and and lots of people have been asking me what does Italy do for

Easter for sure we think about eating yeah and was was a colleague that she’s from south of Italy this week and she was saying how can you live without pastier at Pasqua because it dusin is not so common to have pastiera and south of Italy it’s like the Ping the cake for

For Easter so yeah but then there’s also La Cola there’s also UMAS and then uh and then there are lots of um people were going last Sunday for Palm Sunday and taking it was really lovely instead of Palms weido took Olive branches to be blessed uh in the at the mass on Sunday Clean page and and just literally you’re unencumbered because when you go outside you’re you’re not taking coats and stockings and all these things just weighing you down you know with heaviness it’s like the other day when we went out and got the twigs for the to

Make J Frank you know the little the little basket we just went out and I had no socks no stockings bare legs bare arms the sunshine on your skin and and and then I looked and see this field full of vibrant yellow wild flowers and

And it just you feel light no you just you feel like you’re shedding literally and figuratively that heaviness of of winter and and all the the coats and things that you have to know yeah you feel life life yeah and Guido’s come to the end of his lent almost speaking lent

Of of not not cakes obviously not put not sweets but alcohol yeah so for Lent guo gave up alcohol and I gave up sugar and uh and so I what’s the the the meaning of lint is to to sacrifice something so that you can then uh theory

Is taking away something to give space for meditation and self and self how would you say self examination examination I would wouldn’t say analysis but yeah reflection and introspection and stuff like that so it’s a good metaphor because you’re coming out from Winter that everything is sort of seems

Dead yeah and then this period before Easter you can try and and work on yourself to be ready to restart in a in a in a fresh way and pass from that status of sort of death to a states of rebirth rebirth and life and the meaning

Of the the word means pass or so passage I think Italy’s changed a lot because I was reading that I think in 2022 they said only one in five Italians actually goes to mass um regularly that’s a very large estimation I would say much less yeah well I think probably if they

Did some survey it’s like how often do you go to mass and probably people said oh I go quite quite more more than they would like to actually admit but uh but yeah it’s it’s a it’s something that’s changed because you think of Italy is quite a Catholic

Country uh and yet uh I guess that things have changed quite a bit the priest came the other day um to bless the house which is is that something he does they they do around Easter time as well is it to do with Easter I don’t know honestly because I feel like last

Year he also came around this time probably in Spring yeah so the priest is so lovely he just comes we heard the Bell and the priest comes in and he came into the kitchen kitchen actually and and and and and bless the house and and Guido is one of the few younger people

That attends Mass but it’s not so common to have young Italians going to M unless of course it’s for Easter and and and Christmas weddings yeah and weddings important thing I believe it’s having that moment it doesn’t matter if it’s through one religion or another but that passage that symbolized in Easter or

Going from something dead to something alive renovation rebirth are are very important Concepts also in your life because you have low moments in life you can have when you think everything it’s the end or everything is dead or there’s no possibility and and you know that yeah

You will go through that suffering but there is the the possibility and the hope of a rebirth in in something new and actually that suffering will be useful to this rebirth because it’s like in nature for a new plant to grow you need the old one to die so this can

Happen also in yourself your you dies with suffering unfortunately usually and you re you’re reborn in something new that is still yourself but gone through that process of change and yeah I would say rebirth and didn’t have any other words to use in English but that’s the yeah yeah anyway

Regardless of what you’re doing uh for Easter whether you celebrate it or you don’t or whether you’re just celebrating the new season uh and you want to try and maybe realign yourself for this uh for this new season of spring uh perhaps better help maybe interested to you they

Are kindly sponsoring this part of the video and they Ed me to offer you guys 10% off your first month of using their service they’re an online therapy service they have over 30,000 licensed therapists and uh they make it all very easy if you’ve never done therapy before

All you do is fill out a questionnaire within usually 48 hours they match you with someone if you don’t feel comfortable with that therapist it’s no problem at no extra cost they can just change over the person you don’t even have to give a reason you just uh say

That you would like to try someone different and they make that work for you and uh yeah if you want to check that out you can go to the link I’ll put it in the description box it’s just better help.com Kylie and uh yeah it’s something that you know I won’t get

Greed to get started on how he feels about therapy because he’s such a a huge advocate that we will be here otherwise it seems like I’m pretending so the first thing to do to get better is whatever your goal is is starting from somewhere and yeah and if one hasn’t got

The possibility of having a therapist close by or whatever this service could be a help it’s it’s you just do it from home but whatever you’re going through uh even if you you don’t uh choose to to check out bed help or whatever I just want to say

That please remember that most of the things that we go through are like seasons and they will change whether you’re feeling great now or whether you’re feeling really troubled um it’s all going to it’s all going to fluctuate and that’s something that is when I’ve felt in times of of struggle that’s

Given me a lot of comfort because I’ve I’ve realized that okay it’s it’s going to change whether I like it or not and so you just have to ride it through and and wait for the next season and prepare this PTI do you give the recipe no I

Didn’t give the recipe you know why actually don’t be selfish no no be generous no because I didn’t give the recipe because it’s not mine and I only give recipes when they’re actually mine but I used a a combination of two different recipes that I found online

And to be honest I would change this I’m going to make one more version of this before you know I don’t like to share the recipes until it’s absolutely foolproof so but I’m not an expert on the topic but on this type of cake but it was delicious you like it really Yeah

Well yeah I but I think honestly if you put in P napolitana you will find a million recipes uh even in English so yeah it’s very light cake it’s delicious now back to creating the filling for pastiera in the past I’ve made this with the textured grocoto

Wheat and I loved it but I decided to blend a little under half of it because I read that it gives a slightly creamier texture if you’re not in Italy you could use added boreo rice instead of wheat berries uh which I think would be lovely because it would just still have that

Chewi uh like like rice pudding I added the Blended wheat and the textured wheat butter milk orange zest sugar lemon zest I heat this for about 15 minutes over a low heat then leave it to cool meanwhile I drain the rotter to remove any excess liquid then mix in the sugar

And six egg yolks one at a Time then some cinnamon vanilla extract traditionally one I whisk the six leftover egg whites and then combine the cooled wheat mixture with the ricotta mixture and then the egg whites pasier is also famous for having the candied citrus fruits I’m using um candied Orange in this case this recipe makes two pasera pies which is handy

Because at Easter it’s great to have a homemade made sweet to gift family or friends I’m making one medium-sized one one small one and a third very small the pastiera is recognizable because of the Lattis strips of pastry on top of course all great Italian sweets come from the

Convents of itally and as I was rolling out this door I was thinking about how I read that it was rumored that the pastry of the pastiera made by the nuns at the San Gregorio Areno Convent Naples was so perfectly smooth smooth because they would take it into their Garden

Courtyard lay it on the stone and then massage it with their bottoms until it was perfectly rolled out this seems to me more like a cheeky fantasy of those outside the convent rather than anything based on historical fact needless to say I shall not be adopting that traditional

Method of rolling my pastry dough uh on this occasion one of the legends of pasera is that the people of Naples were Enchanted by the singing of the mer mermaid and brought her Seven Gifts of their City The mermaid carried all these gifts from the people of Naples to the gods and they combined them all to make Laast Foree [Applause] M Fore Foree Foree Foree Fore This one this one goes Around and through here look Whoops if you saw my Christmas wreath making video you’ll know that this is not something I have learned how to do I’m just intuitively guessing where and how to make this work at a certain point I’m not going up any higher I’m just adding extra reinforcement around the outside

And it’s obviously not uh it’s obviously very messy but I kind of like it it feels like something a bird would have created or perhaps a bird would be a lot neater but uh it’s always remarkable to me that you can start with just a couple

Of twigs and then suddenly you have uh a shape a shape that is some even useful and just feels so lovely and and primitive and you kind of imagine how tribal natives must uh must have over the years evolved with uh with creating tools and using using nature what do you Think I just got one big long piece and put it around and it’s fairly well wedged in and now I guess I’ll just take these and try and twist them around I just love how forgiving this whole process is like you you kind of

Make it up as you go and if one bit breaks it doesn’t matter if another bit gets dislodged it’s like you just find a new hole for it in this one this one will be good look at that perfect oh my gosh it’s so satisfying I just love it I’m so excited

It looks like a I mean not a proper basket but it it it will do it will do for Easter won’t it J Franco of course still isn’t eating or hasn’t and sugar so uh we figure why introduce him to it now when he doesn’t he’s not asking for

It he doesn’t need it and he just loves looking at the Easter eggs that I’ve been filming with you know these Easter eggs I’ve just been putting out on the table he he just gets such a thrill out of out of looking at their pretty paper

So for the moment if he doesn’t know what they are what’s inside I think we we needn’t tell him and then have it be a a a battle to sort of get him to eat other things right now he eats only wonderfully nutritious things so we may as well enjoy that

While it last I guess H oh my gosh this is such a satisfying experience and I really didn’t think it would happen so quickly look at that that’s a proper handle oh if I can do this without breaking it it would be amazing yes Yes Fore Oh have one I have can you give one to non can you give one to no what Yes [Applause] [Applause] thank you for watching I wish you all a very happy Easter W Pasa and I will see you Alima


  1. You make an excellent Italian wife Kylie! I grew up in Croatia and we used to take our Easter fare to Church Sunday morning to be blessed too. Happy Easter!!

  2. Happy Easter! It’s wonderful to see how the simplest activities bring such joy and satisfaction. Thank you so much for sharing your Easter preparation’s!❤🐣🐇🕊️

  3. It was so cute watching Gianfranco walking around with the Easter eggs and sharing them without knowing they were chocolate and edible.👍❤️

  4. you know who you and your man remind me of ..them older movies where the lady has a white shawl on her head tied under the chin and the man has his tweed coat on with a silk scarf on tucked in his shirt smoking a pipe .oh and she has red lip stick on and black sunglasses crusing by the ocean in a convertable

  5. Funny.. I just cut some vines today in the garden and decided to wrap them into wreaths! It was fun to do this.

  6. Enjoy a🌷 Blessed Good Friday and a 🐣Happy Easter Sunday ya'll this episode was truly lovely in every sense. ✝️God's peace and love surround you always. 🙏Thank you Ms. Kylie 🌻

  7. Lent is based on an old pagan Semiramis, Tammuz story that has nothing to do with the Bible.
    Lent came into the Catholic church because it was part of the paganism of Rome. There was a mother Semiramis who had a son Tammuz who went out hunting. He was attacked by a wild boar that killed him and dismembered him. His mother Semiramis picked up his body parts and put them in a basket and prayed to the Sun God for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days Tammuz came out of the basket and had risen from the dead. 40 days from the mourning to the resurrection, the Catholic's called Lent.
    John 19:30
    So, when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
    Romans 10:9
    because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
    God Bless

  8. You are a wonder. Not only your food but all your little artistic touches. Amazing. Ill take a dozen eggs, please and put them in a precious basket.

  9. Magnificent!!! I loved hearing Guido's insightful reflections and explanations! Gianfranco is simply darling and oh, so industrious and Kylie, your handiwork both in the kitchen and crafting and with film is amazing and so beautiful!!! Thank you for a thoroughly satisfying 30 minutes. Brava! Brava!! And love to all!

  10. Happy Easter Kylie Guido and Gianfranco and to your parents. 🐇🌷🌷🪺💖
    By the way your Easter twig basket was lovely I particularly loved the rustic look of it .

  11. Are you Italian or do you only live in Italy? I say this because of your story in the video in English. I thought
    They spoke Italian. It would be nice to hear the language. thank you 🙏

  12. Beautiful video. Happy Easter, Happy Spring or whatever you celebrate!!
    Love from Mary in Southern California 💗

  13. Pasqua means Passover. Christians celebrate Jesus, the pasqual sacrifice. I'm surprised Guido didn't say that😢 yet he goes to mass

  14. I was waiting for the actual reason for Easter celebrations. But it was vague about rebirth and feeling lighter. Oh well, happy Good Friday. Sunday is coming- Christ is risen! 💛

  15. The face of Italy has changed a lot towards religion. People are looking for the supernatural, but they don’t find it in Catholicism because it’s too ritualistic. Christ is about relationships and the move of the Holy Spirit lets you move in the supernatural. People are going towards new age, the occult to feel spiritual, but this is a false religion. When we see and truly understand what Jesus did for us on Good Friday, then only can we accept His free gift of salvation and see how much God wants us to fellowship with Him. Who would be put on a cross to die for us??? No other religion did this. Jesus is not religion, He is our light, our path, our home.
    There is a revival in the spirit happening all over Italy. Prayers and fasting are taking place so that Italy can return to greatness, family, love, hope, unity!
    Many blessings to you Kylie and to all members of your beautiful family. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us and for always creating such beauty! Happy Easter!❤

  16. It’s kinda sad that people aren’t going to church as much anymore. It’s good to have community and hold each other accountable, plus you can learn to love and help others in a safe environment. ❤
    Very cute basket and his little sweater is so cute. ❤

  17. Do you know of the talented Genoese folk singer/guitarist, Beppe Gambetta? He is such a lovely man, so full of kindness and peace. He spends time in the US and Canada and I have hopes of seeing him in person some day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful Easter preparations. You are looking lovely and trim Kylie. Much love to you and your beautiful family…always and forever. 🙂

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