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Daughter Hurt Leg While Taking Care of Animals – Making Popcorn Recipe Goes to the Market Sell
Daughter Hurt Leg
Daughter Hurt Leg While Taking Care of Animals
Taking Care of Animals
Making Popcorn Recipe
Free New Life
#farm #fruitgarden #popcorn #hurtleg
#animals #animalcare
popcorn recipe
how to make popcorn at home
recipe of popcorn
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  1. …he is such a 'mother-like dad',….!!!,….like my dad,….!!!,…who still keeps talking to my ear,….to know which is 'right',..and which is 'left',….who used to mention,…if I were the last queen of Yi Dynasty, Japan could not have eaten up Land of Morning Calm,…^^^,…how blind father of 'motherhood,'…he has been,….^^^,…!!!,…he is still talking to me,…

  2. Ola amiga thuong solo espero que te rekuperes pronto lo lamento mucho todo lo que te susede que dios te bendiga y a tu padre los amo siempre te estaré apoyando amiga👍👍❤❤🎉🎉🇦🇷💖💌💖💌🇦🇷

  3. Coloque uma Cadeira pra sua Filha botar a perna, pq se ficar Pendurada vai Inflamar, e isso não ê Bom.

  4. izlenmeler düştü galiba son zamanlarda fazla takla atıyorsunuz. kaliteyi düşürdünüz böyle sahte görüntülerle

  5. вот почему не было свежих видео.Выздоравливай Хьенг и перестань лазать по деревьям. для этого придумали лестницы.

  6. If you want your foot to heal, rest with your leg up. Working is adding pressure to your foot and will make it worse. The things you are doing can wait for another day. Health should be first for you. You might have another accident so be careful.

  7. Вам нужно в травму гипс наложить может перелом опухла нога будет сильно
    Болеть и нуны кастыли

  8. 梅香姐你🦶受了伤你要休息,工作天天做不完的工,等脚好了然后先做,主人公是个好男人,希望你🦶块点好❤

  9. Ходить пока нельзя надсажать ногу полежите
    Лучше жаль вас у вас есть
    Кому ходить

  10. الف سلامه عليكي ربنا يشفيكي انتي تستهلي كل خير بالتوفيق دايما يارب 🌿💑🌿

  11. Hola! Muchas bendiciones y k te recuperes pronto….. porfavor el patio es grande para tienen en jaulados a los gatitos déjenlos libres 😢🙏

  12. No, no. Non-weight bearing. Walk with two crutches non- weight bearing. I work for orthopaedic department for 30 years. Don’t listen to non professional. Elevate your injured leg on a pillow when you sit or lie down. You can go walkie non weight bearing with crutches , two crutches. You’re foolish to put pressure on your injured leg. Very foolish to do gardening. I am beginning to think this is fake. Why would a normal person go to work when the injured leg is not healing yet. Drama. Entertainment?

  13. Hello from Ontario Canada 🇨🇦
    Hello, i hope your foot is better now? You have such a wonderful loving and caring father! Hes so good to you as you also are with your dad! 😊❤ can you please share what your recipe for your popcorn topping? It looks delicious!😊

  14. The body we abuse today, we have to live with tmrw? Please 🙏 dear girl, please stay off of your foot for a day or two? 😮😢? I pray you wont do lasting damage 🙏 from walking on it. Also please let your beautiful kittens out of the cage. They will not run away, they never leave their food and compfort. They need to run and play. 😊❤ get well soon.

  15. Hi young lady do you have any respect for your body.yyou spostu relax not walking and working 😢we have only one Life domt over do i care about you and your y😊 am

  16. Скажите, пожалуйста, почему так долго не было этих красивых людей в эфире?

  17. Que mal os gatinhos fizeram para estarem dentro de uma jaula? Até parece que não gosta dos animais coitadinhos isso é uma grande crueldade,pense no sofrimento deles ,tenho mais pena deles que nada de fizeram do que das suas dores .Henriqueta.Portugal 🇵🇹Num país onde protegem os animais você podia até ser presa e multada .Agora no seu país não sei,vocês comem tudo o que é animal.Mas minha menina os gatos e os cães aos olhos de Deus são também nossos irmãos,pense nisso e no mal que lhes está fazendo.

  18. bring her to the hospital for proper treatment..She might have fever due to infections..Pls she needed treatment…take antibiotics capsule for her infection..

  19. Wanita yang kurus kemana yang suka juaran makanan di depan paberik di ceraikan suami nya ya kemana ibu yang pertama dividio ini tau tau hilang ga perna muncur muncur lagi

  20. Девушка! Вы переигрываете на камеру. Даже смешно. Смотрела видео, где девушки работают с двумя детьми, привязанными на себя ,(один из них ранее был брошен горе мамашкой) Девочки не жалуются на жизнь, им некогда. Папу тоже нужно жалеть. Ему тоже тяжело в жизни.

  21. Господи, неужели нет нигде костылей или, хотя бы, опорной палочки? Очень жаль девочку, это больно. Но держись, дорогая, все пройдёт.

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