I bought this hot sauce yesterday afternoon and the only reason that I’m already halfway through the bottle is because there is probably less heat than Tabasco and the flavor is next to nonexistent. I know like things on the extreme side, but I was really let down with this one. So far, I’ve had it on burritos and pizza.

by Subsevenn


  1. Maleficent-Ad-8919

    I’m curious what the ingredient list is. I recently tried a sauce that prominently said it was ghost pepper hot sauce, but was much weaker than I expected. Turned out ghost peppers were only like the fourth ingredient. In contrast, for the other sauces I have that claim to be based on a single pepper, that pepper (or a mash from it) is the first ingredient.

  2. Champi0n_Of_The_Sun

    They probably dilute it with a bunch of liquids and other ingredients. Carolina reaper is probably only even in there as a marketing tactic so they can put it on the label and isn’t contributing much else to it.

    Edit: yeah I just looked at the ingredient list and the first one is “pepper blend (red jalapeño and Carolina reaper).” That blend is probably 99.9% red jalapeño and 0.1% Carolina reaper, but since they use “pepper blend” as the first ingredient rather than separating out the individual peppers, they can put it as the first ingredient even if the Carolina reaper individually would normally be the last ingredient on the list.

    tldr: You take the spicy out by never putting much in to begin with. It’s all just marketing.

  3. Moonmanbigboi35

    I’ve had the same experience with this sauce. Very tasty but not spicy at all

  4. xander540

    get the garlic reaper by torchbearer to make up for it

  5. I didn’t see the Reaper version in the sample bottles but I did pick up the Scorpion and Ghost varieties and neither have any heat to them. I thought f’ed up by dumping a bunch by accident but I could barely tell 🤷‍♂️

  6. ChameleonPsychonaut

    Hands-down the worst hot sauce I’ve ever had.

  7. Lola’s is trash. I got a bottle of Trinidad scorpion on clearance and it’s fuckin mild.

  8. Ah, I *just* picked up a bottle of Lolas and it wasn’t even reaper variety. Good to know to temper my already mantle-low expectations

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