I wanted to share my thrift store find from yesterday. It reminded me of the post on the "hippie food" from this week. I feel like I'm on a quest now for vintage vegetarian cookbooks! This is from 1974! The recipes seem so different from today's modern cookbooks. Though I've been vegetarian since the 90's, I missed out on the "hippie food" growing up. I was raised in a southern family with meat centered meals, so I mostly ate carbs and side dishes. Only in the last few years have I gained a love of cooking and exploring new foods. I'm excited to try some things out of here.

by Other_Club_2038


  1. verdantsf

    Interesting! What’s the main component for the cover recipe? Is it a soy, seitan, or nut loaf?

  2. ttrockwood

    If you don’t have all the Moosewood books start there, her recipes are delicious and don’t involve packet soups or special k 😉

    Fun find!

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