Cooking eggs to yolky perfection takes practice. We’ve got a few tips that will help!

Hi everyone I’m piette and welcome to my kitchen today at the request of my friend Deb we are going to make over easy eggs she’s always asking how you time them properly to get them just perfect with those runny yolks so today I’m going to show you how I do it so

This pan has been heating now for about 30 seconds on medium heat and I’m going to add a little bit of butter when you add your butter it should be a little bit sizzly and melt pretty quickly but it shouldn’t be so hot he that Sizzle it shouldn’t be so

Hot that you’re burning it and you should never let your pan heat up so much that it’s smoking then it’s way way too hot so I’m just going to swirl this around make sure we get the butter in all of the corners on the pan this is a

Quinart nonstick pan that any non-stick pan will do I have personally tried multiple kinds and this one seems to work well for me so when your butter is sizzling lightly like we just heard it we’re going to crack our eggs in and I’m just going to do

Two and you can see that they’re not immediately cooking they’re the white is thickening up just a little bit so this is right about about where you want your eggs the white part is becoming opaque and then you have a little bit of uncooked white on the top

So we’re just going to season these up real quick and we’re going to give them a quick flip so you want your pan to have enough butter and be hot enough before you put the eggs in that they’ll swirl around like this when they’re ready and then you just give them a little

Flip and this is right when I served them so those are our eggs over easy and now we’re going to make some holay sauuce but I’ll do that in a separate video so click below or just check out my channel you might stumble across something else that you want to make in addition

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