Today’s Iftar recipe is Ouzi rice. A traditional Middle-eastern dish that is often made on special occasions. It’s warm, hearty and aromatic. The combination of well seasoned rice, mince, onion, carrots, peas ,unique Arabian spices along with fork tender lamb is the secret behind of this marvellous dish. I hope you enjoy my take of this recipe and bring it into your homes this Ramadan.

Hello and asalam alikum indulgers welcome back to ifar with ity we are still on a Ramadan series and today I’m bringing your way a classic Middle Eastern rice dish known as Uzi rice it is Flavor some rice that’s cooked alongside ground beef vegetables classic midle and flavors and of course that

Melt in your mouth for tender lamb it’s so delicious and I hope you bring it into your homes this Ramadan s and I’ll see you soon in the next with episode

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