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Good aroma garlic ginger scallion salmon tell me that doesn’t sound good gong Jong you that’s it I really miss eating my mom’s Ginger scall and salmon that is my favorite recipe growing up but you know what I figured out a way to shortcut it and make it with a fraction

Of the effort listen the reason why I’m making this is because I know a lot of people out there including myself we miss our parents cooking and we want to recreate those recipes but some of those recipes took a lot of trouble you got big pans big pots big Steamers hot oil

It smells you’re getting your fingers all smelly whether it’s the garlic or the onion or the ginger but I’m going to try to show you the most shortcut but still delicious way to do it and yeah it’s a little Americanized but hey man that’s what life is right now 25% of the

Effort 75% of the taste and 300% of the efficiency Ginger Scout salmon in 30 minutes so the first step is actually cutting the scallions and this is even going to be shortcut because I know a lot of people usually they going to get the cleaver out they’re going to get the

Cutting board but I’m not going to do any of that if there’s one thing I learn from the Korean restaurants is that scissors are really useful so I’m just going to go in straight out of the bag green onions from Trader Joe’s I’m going

To cut them in about 3 in cuz I like a lot of scallion so you’re going to see how I use them all this and yes I’m using the entire stock of scallions what I love about the ginger scallion dish you know it’s a very Cantonese dish it’s

Something I grew up eating it has a lot of flavor but it’s not too crazy it’s not super spicy or overpowering um so if you like cantones cooking you’re going to love ginger scallion anything guys there’s a lot of recipes online where they’re going to talk about Julian the

The the scallions and cutting it this way but look I didn’t even use this I just used a pair of scissors it got the job done 75% reason why I really wanted to make a shortcut version of this dish is because you it involves heating up

Oil traditionally in a hot uh pot and then pouring it over the scalling and the ginger but I’m not going to do all that because I’m just going to cook it in this air fryer completely all at one time everything in the air fryer One Time One heat setting one cooking

Session that’s it that’s all I’m doing so it’s super easy and honestly it kind of still tastes like my mom’s cooking I’m just going to spray some oil onto these scallions because I love scallion o I just want the oil to kind of seep into it because you’ll see I I’ll

Explain everything later but yeah definitely spray oil is going to be a lot more efficient and actually uh you use less oil when it sprays as well all right guys I got my farm Ray salmon and I know that wild cot salmon is going to be more nutrient dense but

Also the meat is going to be more dense and more dry too so when you’re doing air frying one of the keys is is kind of getting like a piece that does have a lot of natural fat because it’s just going to cook really well basically

Listen Farm rice salmon in a way it tastes better so that’s all there is to it so I think what’s going to help is I’m going to make some slits in the salmon this is where I’m going to put my Ginger and my scallions in between to

Give it extra flavor not too deep not too many Cuts all right on to one of the most painful parts of this recipe is the ginger now I couldn’t even get raw ginger cuz actually there’s a raw ginger uh Supply issue at Trader Joe’s but literally I didn’t actually want to get

The raw ginger so I got actually Ginger minced ginger paste and these Ginger cubes this is making it easy because Ginger is one of those you one of those things that if you try to scrape it and chop it your fingers are going to smell

And and then what do you do with the ginger do you put it in your fridge you got to wrap it up is it going to make your fridge smell like ginger which is not a terrible smell but you really don’t want it so anyways this makes it

Easy yes it’s a little bit more expensive but they do the work for you there’s no mincing involved at all so what I do is actually I put the ginger first in there and I put it I’m going to put it into the salmon and that’s going to ensure that the salmon

Has maximum Ginger flavor what are you doing this I don’t know if she’d think I was like massaging the salmon she prob Andrew why you sticking your fingers in the salmon what you I’m like bum trust me I want to get it into the meat I

Don’t know is if this is a little bit Western a little French to make the slits I’m just going to put the the this the Scallon in between honestly and you’re going to see how it cooks and just makes the whole salmon all tasty guys I’m just trying to prepare

Everything so that I can throw it in the air fryer the goal is to make this dish the goal is to prepare my salmon so that I can just put it into the air fryer press the button forget about it and then out comes my mom’s best recipe

That’s it no steaming yes I get it you’d have this big steamer with this big pot and then you’d have to shave the thing it’s just we’re cutting out all those steps I just want the flavor all right so for the air fryer yes guys we have parchment paper parchment paper is key

For cooking okay there’s no cleanup with this trust me you want to get parchment paper I’ll leave a link down below for the Amazon link but so for this actually you’re going to notice that I have this whole big plate of scallions you’re like Andrew how are you going to cook the

Scallions because it at a high heat for a long time the scallions will get scorched and dried out but I have a creative solution for that I put them down first I’m going to make a bed of scallions now guys in cantones this dish is called uh well Ginger scalling is

Called gong my pronunciation not great of course but I’m just going to use proba probably just just kind of put it on the salmon like that all right guys I have my salmon lathered up with scalling in between scallions on the bottom Ginger a little bit of garlic I forgot

The salt let me just just pour a little salt on top and then before you pop the air fryer another spray of oil again if you think about how much oil I actually use so far it’s not a lot boom pop it in the air fryer I like

To go low because again if you put it on at like 400° the scallions are going to get like torched but basically what I’m trying to do is cook everything at one time but not overcook it so I’m going to lower it probably to 3 40 and I’m

Probably just going to do 7 minutes at first that’s not going to cook the salmon all the way through but if I need to you know flip it or make any Maneuvers or move stuff around that’s going to give me enough time oh and by

The way guys this may or may not be a fire hazard but I literally have created this uh cardboard ventilation that pushes the air that’s pushed out of the air fryer all that gas straight into my uh range hood next up is the rice in the sauce again another shortcut in case you

Don’t have a rice cooker in your apartment uh you know obviously growing up we would eat white rice maybe jasmine rice or even short grain rice out of the rice cooker but I just went to Trader Joe’s okay I could have got you can get the little steaming cups of white rice

You can even order those off Amazon um but these are little just steamer bags of brown rice and I got the brown rice because it was cheaper than jasmine rice you’re going to pop this in the microwave for for like 3 minutes all right guys so now we’re going to be

Making our special soy sauce now if you go to the Asian market primarily the Chinese market there’s going to be so many different types of soy SIU you can get sweet Seafood ones you can get Seafood flavor you can get the dark one you can get just there’s just a range

Right but I’m just going to make mine at home assuming that most people are going to have just regular light soy sauce so what I’m going to do is I want to make it a little bit sweet aruan rice vinegar Japanese style so just going to add a little bit of uh

Light soy sauce there I don’t need that much because I actually don’t want it that salty like I don’t want it that concentrated I might even add a little bit of water to this personally I want to add a little white pepper this is just something that I like but you don’t

Have to do this I’m going to add a little bit of this uh rice vinegar it’s going to add a little bit of sweetness just a dab and then I might add and this is like the American side of it might add a little bit of honey

Okay that was 7 minutes at 340 I like how it started I’m pretty sure that salmon is not cooked all the way through but it’s all good because I might need to do a little flipping see so this is what happens see when when the scallion

Is exposed to the Heat and it doesn’t have enough oil it is going to get very very toasted but I really like the look of that there little parts that are brown but that’s actually the garlic paste so that’s a good good aroma garlic ginger scallion salmon tell

Me that doesn’t sound good G Chong s you J Chong you that’s it ginger scallion salmon baby look at that only a little bit of oil I did not have to heat up oil I didn’t have to make the whole crib smell I didn’t have to do any of that I

Still achieved this you can too oh nice barely cooked I like that I don’t really actually like eating too raw salmon but that’s just good enough for me right there all right and the final step is to add the special soy sauce I’ve sweetened the soy sauce I’ve seasoned it myself a

Little bit now you could take a little spoon and do this and little drip it on and make it all nice but you know what just going to trust my hand and I’m going to do it this is the real shortcut style don’t pour too much ooh just that

Much now remember it is a slightly watered down soy sauce and I did that on purpose cuz I want to pour more without it getting too salty I can even pour a little bit on my rice not too much guys Mom I made it the ginger

Scallion salmon all right I got to taste it though actually M all within 30 how much time do we have left I Got 5 minutes left too and guys I made this with all the ingredients from Trader Joe’s and this is not sponsored by Trader Joe’s if anything it’s

Sponsored by smalla sauce it’s coming back soon but I have to acknowledge that Trader Joe’s provided almost everything I could have even got soy sauce at Trader Joe’s so even if you don’t live next to an Asian market or you’re not Asian or whatever you can still make

This dish no that’s pretty good 25% of the effort 25% of the smell 75% of the flavor that’s pretty good and in fact sometimes the fact that some of the ginger pieces are actually roasted and there’s a little bit of garlic it added a lot guys the reason why I want to start

This series is because we got to be able to shortcut our way to our traditional recipes that we love because the truth is if you’re making it at home it’s just going to be too hard like your par your kitchen might not look exactly like your parents kitchen and that’s fine that

Makes total sense you grew up in a different way but you want some of the same recipes you can still do it to an extent you really can and honestly every time I make this for myself it reminds me of my mom’s cooking I always like take a picture and message her and

I’m always like yeah Mom I made it and so you know cuz that’s just cuz I miss my mom’s cooking you know so anyways guys make it easy for yourself tear down those barriers so that you can eat delicious authentic Asian food at home uh let me know in the comments down

Below what other recipes you think I should cook I got some other recipes I’m going to show you from my mom’s cooking but man this is the first one all the online recipes for this dish actually call for like 50 to 60 minutes and if I wasn’t talking to you I probably would

Have gotten it done in like 22 minutes see the Bieber just went off about to send this to my mom all right everybody that was the first episode of the shortcut kitchen let me know in the comments down below what are some shortcuts you have to get to your

Parents’ dishes you know cuz I know we’re always once you leave the nest you’re nostalgic for everything but you don’t have all the tools and the time to play with it so um hopefully this helps you just you know stay more Asian I guess but anyways guys let me know and

Until next time we out peace okay okay we’re going to eat off the parchment cuz you air fryer Bros what do you think man mom’s best dish from the air fryer yeah yeah I’m not saying it is 100% like it but I’m saying it’s 75 to 80% just as

Good listen guys you got to use it or lose it in terms of your culture and in case you’re wondering everything that I ate costed me only about $15 the salmon filet was a little bit less than $10 obviously I bought some brown rice I bought the scallions and the ginger and

Garlic but those things things I’m going to keep using so there’s not onetime use so ultimately for two servings of a big old salmon fillet ginger scallion I spent 15 bucks shortcut kitchen guys $15 at home my apartment still smells fine I didn’t even use a steamer I

Didn’t heat up any oil I didn’t fry anything my hands don’t stink nice


  1. That’s look so good me want to make that because it’s look so delicious. Can try to make lamb chops. 😋

  2. I have a fried rice hack that is pretty good and only takes a few minutes to prepare… leftover rice + 1/2 onion + 2 eggs + 1 cup of frozen mixed vegetables + 3 tbsp of soy sauce.

  3. Awesome content! There’s nothing like family recipes. Made easier is awesome for those of us who aren’t good at cooking.

  4. Taiwanese egg scallion pancake “dan bin” – use partially cooked tortillas, heat up both sides with oil (very low heat), beat one egg and pour over one side of the tortilla, add chopped scallions, season with salt and pepper. Flip over and toast the mixture and toppings, remove from heat and add SMALA sauce! Ta da! Even did a promo for you 😂

  5. Get your parents to try it and review it in comparison. Would be good to see at the end of each episode if you csrry on this series!

  6. More videos like these please. Been loving this and the barber content. Feels like old fung bros. I know the podcasts are easy but we really love these.

  7. Videos like this remind me that college kids can have so much more than cup noodles and grilled cheese. Shortcut kitchen is like Asian college student life hack.

  8. Dude, not only is this my new favorite series from you guys but this is a goated recipe. Salmon has health benefits like crazy plus the ginger scallion combo with soy sauce is always fire.

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