Hi friends, check out my new yummy yummy gluten free pancake recipe from scratch!

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Asalam alaikum friends how is everybody doing today today I’m going to be making some goutin free chocolate chip pancakes they’re really really good it’s yummy yummy so anybody can eat this even the gtin Free People who’s who’s allergic to gtin like my son is allergic to goatin

So he can eat this easily and it’s very good for the uh breakfast for the suor if anybody’s fasting or maybe it’s good breakfast brunch okay let’s go see all the ingredients what we needed to make this gtin free pancakes okay to make gtin free pancakes I have one cup of gtin free

Flour this is a gtin free flour gtin free baking flour I have 1 cup of that and I have one cup of alond flour it’s right here one cup of alond flour 1 cup of buletin free flour and some milk I don’t know how much milk is

Going to take it I have one cup of milk over here one egg and some chocolate chips and for the topping I have some whipping cream and also I have some fruits and some baking powder okay let’s go see how to mix this pancake mix then we’ll make the pancakes okay first we’re

Going to put the egg in there and beat up lightly okay one egg will slightly beat up this egg mix it okay now we are going to mix this almond Flour and the white flour gtin free you put little bit of baking powder half a teaspoon now we’re going to put a little bit of milk I have 1 cup of milk I don’t know how much it’s going to take once I’m done mixing it I never really measure it I always

Just put it like that so today I’m trying to measure it to see how much some more milk little bit more milk just a little bit more this is fine but little bit more not too much it that’s enough it took a 34 cup of Milk we used it 34 cup of milk for the 1 cup of almond flour one cup of white flour see we not supposed to mixing like a very very liquidy this is the consistency you need it okay now we’re going to put some chocolate chips in there this

Optional if you don’t want it don’t you don’t have to put it okay let’s go make it because we’re not going to be keeping it for too long and we’re not going to make mixing it more that’s all we’re going to mix it okay let’s go ahead and start making

Them okay we’re going to cook this um pancakes in the BX water but I’m just going to add a little bit of one spoon of oil so butter don’t burn then we’re going to add some Butter so put one spoon make it little fatter do not make it very very thin otherwise they’re not going to be fluffy Okay I thought I can put three of them but not only two I’m a little bit lazy to get the griddle out so I’m doing the pan okay the butter go everywhere this is this is actually really good for the kids who’s fasting month of Ramadan because there’s

A lot of nutrition in there almond flour milk eggs and butter so they get the lot of calories and the okay we’re going to turn this one around this how nice Yummy okay a lot of kids don’t like to eat food sometimes you know they’re kind of fussy in early in the mornings so you can make them like a waffles in different shapes or be different animal characters like I have one I’m going to

Show it to you maybe we can go ahead and make one waffle and show it to you how it’s going to look okay okay friends if you haven’t subscribed my Channel Please Subscribe and if you like my videos please click like and how what do you

Think about my videos let me know I would really like to get feedback back I really was waiting for your comments and also I wanted to know which country you watching me from please let me know okay G get all these ingredients in your country or not

Done okay I’m going to turn the store off you’re done let’s go ahead and make a a waffle okay friends for the kids also you can make U like a fun way some characteristic you get the waffle Bakers this is like a star war mandalorean so also you get Mickey Mouse

Minnie Mouse whatever you want you know so we’re going to put some butter in there oops little bit butter so with the same batter you can make waffles chocolate chip waffles for them be small this is a little bitty one I have that different kind I’m making one of this

Today okay and you put some butter over here in the top a little bit butter okay we’re going to close this and wait for that to cook okay friends our yummy yummy waffle is ready over here this it has a character over here and this is the plain W for the

Other side so you can put in this one for the kids like this and the W and the pancakes are ready so now we’re going to put some toppings on it so I have some fruits over here some berries you can put anything um any kind of topping I have some strawberries blueberries

Bananas that’s all I’m putting it in there if you don’t have it do not for it some strawberries some blueberries we can put some in the side so kids can have some more fruits for the fussy kids and kids are very fussy about the food so sure make them a little bit

Attractive food like this colorful and healthy they’re going to like it it’s good for them and it’s good for us too okay and this one okay then we have some vermant this is very uh original from mormant maple syrup you can use even use this or maybe just the plain

Pancake uh syrup you get it from the stores and also I’m using local honey so I’m going to use honey because at my house we eat honey so I’m going to add some honey okay okay and and the Final Touch This is a real whipping cream so I’m putting this in

The a little bit in the middle can make a designs for them put a little bit around it like this more pretty you know okay voila yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy okay now we’re going to do same thing with the buffle put some bananas and some blueberries and some strawberries

And make it in the sides little bit more put it around the plate put it around the plate here you go hey you can make it like a American flag red blue and white maybe we should have done that maybe next time so okay this

Is going to put it right here in the middle for a little bit yummy looks so yummy okay okay friends if you like my videos please subscribe um and share with your friends and family and uh please don’t forget to press the Bell icon if you press the

Bell icon you will get the um notification whenever I upload the videos these are the gtin free uh very healthy breakfast for the kids or brunch or anytime okay okay see you next video bye have a good week

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