Today we’re making classic deviled eggs along with 2 more easy variations. These are perfect to make with Easter eggs and are a great appetizer to enjoy before Easter dinner!


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Classic Deviled Eggs

12 large eggs
1/3 cup (80g) mayonnaise
1 tablespoon (14g) Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon (14g) white vinegar
salt and pepper – to taste
1 tablespoon (3g) chives – minced, for garnish
1 teaspoon paprika – for garnish

Billy Mark: @bluecrestproductions

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Today we’re going to make deved eggs it is the appetizer that everyone should make on Easter I’m going to show you how to do the classic version and two special ways right now okay the classic deviled eggs uh maybe you’ve made them before maybe you haven’t I’m going to go

Out on a limb here and say if you’re watching this maybe your debled eggs weren’t perfect the first time you made them we’ll show you how to make perfect debled eggs today and let’s go over those ingredients for those perfect deviled eggs I have 12 eggs here now I’m

Just going to tell you straight off the bat these are not the best eggs for doubled eggs the white cheap eggs are better and they’re even better if you get them towards expiration so if you buy them they say a month and you wait the shells will come off easier but I

Will show you a relatively easy way to remove the shells after we cook them we’re going to do 12 here that’s going to give us 24 doubled eggs because remember we’re cutting them in half I have chives here for garnish I have A3 of a cup of mayonnaise I have one

Tablespoon of mustard are you laughing at me T I’m laughing at mayonnaise may may mayonnaise mayonnaise I don’t say Mayo that Mayo okay uh 1 tbspoon of white vinegar I have just paprika and again the chives these are both for garnish that’s for a standard one the

Other ingredients I’ll show you in a sec for the special the super secret special debled eggs all right let’s boil the eggs what are these like $8 or 12 right tar the special vital farm eggs yeah there’s like $7 for a dozen that’s not a lot of money when you think about you’re

Getting $24 of these no people spend $8 on a latte every day so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take my eggs and I’m going to put them in a pot pan whatever has high enough walls that I can get the water a/ an inch above the

Eggs I have water here just I’m just doing this normally I would just do this over my sink because this Pyrex such a pain if you try to do it fast but I just need to get this water above the eggs by about a/ an

Inch okay do we are we high enough we need a tiny bit more I know this is really crazy today we’re doing some fancy cooking showing you how to put water a half an inch above eggs that is good all right turn your heat to high

All you have to do is bring these to a boil then I will show you what to do next okay it’s boiling just turn it off and cover right away make sure your cover is has no hole in it some of these Lids have little holes in them all I’m

Going to do now is just take it off and put it off to the side 15 to 17 minutes all right so what I have here is an ice water bath once our egg time goes off that 15 to 17 minutes we will just put them quickly in here and then once they

Get cold we will peel them cold water take one of these okay this is so your eggshells don’t go down your sink I’m going to crack I’m going to hit get the egg here and then the water itself allows the egg shell to come off fairly easily there’s a little membrane that’s

Between the egg white and the shell and once you kind of get it off it’ll allow the egg to come off quicker and there is my clean egg just do that 11 more times okay so I have my eggs I messed up a couple of them like

That’s one but most of them are very smooth you really want to take your time let the water the trick so they’re done what we want to do here get a towel or a couple P paper towels all right so I have a platter and here is an

Egg a sharp thin knife works well but you want to just like get it right through you’re always going to get a little bit of the yellow stuck here and then this we want to pop out and we want to put our yolk in a bowl okay like that just take your

Finger if you have to knock off the rest you don’t have to get every bit of it out of here out of the bottom because you’re going to pipe on top of that some people will actually cut these vertical too like see this one the yolk is

Actually kind of touching over here so that one might be one that you want to go like this and then you can even flatten the bottom so before you cut again just get rid of your Yolk okay now let’s make the filling take a fork and you really want to mash these up well if you plan to use a star tip or anything that’s small to pipe them because when you have chunks then it’ll it’ll clog it up and then you’ll

Have to cut your bag and can be an issue uh I speak from personal experience this happened the other day when I was shooting the photos for it I ended up losing some of the filling too and you really just have the exact right amount of filling because you just remove the

Yolks you’re not adding too much to these all right so let’s just keep Mash in this third of a cup of mayonnaise once we mix these up if if it needs a little bit more you put it in I typically will add a little bit more vinegar to smooth it out if necessary

Especially when you’re trying to go through the Piping Bag so this is 1 tablespoon of white vinegar everything I’m putting in here is kind of in your is like your standard dou EGS we’ll do the other two in a second also often people will put celery seed in them but

We’re not doing that today I feel like celery seed is more of an egg salad thing find that white pepper is a little stronger so I’m going do like a maybe 1/4 teaspoon to start Salt about that much we want to make it smooth as smooth as we can I actually going to

Whisk it in a second too okay I have four tips right here I would recommend use like the one that is the biggest that you have but you need enough room so it’ll get out of there these real tiny ones you just it’s not unless you put it

Into a food process or like a blender it’s you’re going to you’re going to have issues all right so I just folded the pastry bag down like so just you know this is a small pastry bag so just use a small spatula like this to get inside if you have something really big

You’re not going to be able to spoon it in there honestly these are the regular ones which I think the other ones are probably going to be better so just get the stuff towards the bottom take the air out of here yeah maybe a little little bit more than

That see I’m already having the problem where it’s clogged that’s what I wanted to avoid so stick a topick in there all right’s try again paprika and chives so these are like kind of your standard deviled egg but now we’re going to make two other fillings that I think might taste even

Better and we will have James taste them to uh determine I make a pesto here and will do curry powder this is I think this is West Indian curry powder that’s what it tastes like to me basil and the what the french consider the best herb

In the world taragon and I do love taragon it’s it’s an amazing herb so you don’t want to use the stem here you just want to use the leaves on here this has just been out for a few hours so it kind of wilted but it’s fine the flavor is

Amazing it has the flavor of almost licorice I would say we have our French vinegret recipe up on the website and it has taragon in it so I’m going to use all this taragon I have here which is about a few tablespoons I guess you

Don’t have to be precise here and if you don’t have taragon you don’t have access to it you can use all basil you could use a mixture of basil and parsley I want to turn the stuffing green okay so I have a little little cup uh blender

Cup and my blade in addition to that I’m going to put in about a tablespoon of pine nuts or pyali nuts can you pronounce it the right way pinoli nuts pinoli I’m going to put a little a little bit of olive oil just so it Blends maybe a couple chives in there too

Yeah why not just put whatever you want in there um a little bit of salt you know and you know use your mortar and pestel if you have one more moisture in there honestly I don’t really know what to put in here what should I do add you

Can add some mayonnaise mayonnaise a little bit yep all right let’s just taste it make sure it’s good before we mix it in m so I don’t want to put all of this in here it’s going to make it too loose but I do

Want to try to turn this as green as I can okay so we’ll set this one aside and then our other one going to season up with curry powder use whatever curry powder you like now there’s other ways to do this too you can use like black

And spice uh cajun spice would be good that’s about a half a teaspoon start do a bit more this smells really good too all right so three ways we have the traditional these are our green ones that was a little loose so that’s why it looks like that and this is the curry

Powder on the green ones tar got these which I think are beautiful you can just do a little tiny piece of Basil if you want but I think that looks nice you could also put more chives on there too and then for the curry powder and this

Is a good way to distinguish them too just put a little bit of red onion on it you can also add the chives too but at least by putting the little pieces of red onion you’ll be you’ll be able to easily distinguish them there you have

It a whole bunch of deviled eggs this is debled Eggs three ways little very festive for Easter let’s get the taste tester down to try them out what’s the difference between this and this okay traditional one right here mhm with like your standard deviled egg recipe that if

You go on the internet 100 recipes are all the same this one is curry powder okay and then this this one is I’m not even going to tell you what that one is you’ll find out pesta you’ll find out have this one first cuz I already tried this I’m going to try the

Curry I tasted it like not in the egg but I tasted it I I mean I tasted both of them like just spilling I I like the curry one more than that that one I thought the curry was good too so remember all three of them that’s P all

Three of them start with the same base and then I just added the the extra Curry and then extra this to that one so you can do that you can really change it up as much as you like it’s a it’s a new flavor for you right you don’t know what that

Is yeah what is that it’s called taragon so it’s a tagon pesto it has a little basil but you’re not really going to taste a basil you’re just going to taste a tagon all right so should I rate each one individually you you can just say

Which one you like the best you know what rate each one individually okay so I’m going to give the curry one uh I’m actually going to give the curry one a 10 out of 10 nice actually I’m going to give the Teragon A8 and a half okay and

The and the regular one a eight okay all right so there you go it’s worth it to maybe Spruce it up you could do little pieces of bacon too little pieces of bell pepper there’s a lot of different ways to go about it um but you know you

Have those eggs for Easter you might as well make deviled eggs you want to say Happy Easter uh yeah H happy Easter um I think you should make egg salad still though egg salad yeah I yeah egg salad is good all right well you know yeah they they did

Watch this holds off they they watch a devil egg video they didn’t they want to be told at the end to make egg salad all right


  1. Make sure to subscribe to our podcast: This week's episode #43 is about our Favorite Easter Foods. The ingredient amounts (also in grams) are right in the description and the print recipe is linked there as well. As always, thanks for liking our recipes and videos and sharing our family table each week.

  2. Nice technique! we who live in water usage sensitive regions will use the same ice water that the eggs rested in to clean as we peel. We make deviled eggs almost weekly…a great snack

  3. I am making deviled eggs for an Easter party My recipe is from an old cookbook from the 1950s. It o Clyde’s a bit of sugar and 2 drops of Worcestershire with the vinegar salt mayo, mustard and pepper . I can’t eat tarragon since I was pregnant in 1981-82.

  4. Wow! Here in Michigan, I buy my farm fresh eggs for $4 a dozen… AND they peel just fine after I boil them! ❤❤

  5. Little bit of irony on the "Mayo-Naisse" bit. Louis Gossett Jr. just passed, and that was one of his classic lines in An Officer and a Gentlemen when addressing Richard Gere's character. RIP sir…

  6. I do a version where I add finely chopped up bacon and some cayenne into the yolk and always get raves on that as well. Love this, Jim!

  7. I agree with adding the eggs to boiling water, and a bit of salt to help them peel easily. Also to get a very smooth filling beat the mixture with an electric hand mixer, that really helps eliminate the chunks of egg that won't go through the piping tube. Love your videos!!

  8. If you lightly tap the egg on the bottom, you’ll hear a pop…it’s the membrane breaking away from the shell. Peels beautifully after you cook it.

  9. Not sure if someone already mentioned this but to keep the yolk evenly centered just store the eggs “sideways” in their container the night before you cook them. It’s an America’s Test Kitchen tip that works.

  10. If taken to hard boiling my eggs in the instant pot.

    I think k the high pressure pushes Vitelline membrane off the shell and prevents it from sticking to the shell and the albumen of the egg

  11. My family is split on mayo vs miracle whip in deviled eggs, I prefer miracle whip 😀 More tangy !!

  12. Good tutorial on a basic yummy hors d'oeuvre. Can't honestly say the pesto variety appeals. I always love seeing James gives his score at the end!

  13. That was fun. My son made the deviled eggs for our Easter get together. He struggled with the piping bag as well. James is a superior taste tester. I have made so many of your recipes and they never disappoint.

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