No more buying the sad little trays of shrimp cocktail at the grocery store. Chef Brad Miller dials it up a notch in his THOR Kitchen with the perfect shrimp cocktail recipe!



Hi i’m brad miller and welcome to my thor kitchen today we’re gonna be making the perfect shrimp cocktail These are gonna be shrimp that are sweet and delicate not stringy have a lot of flavor involved first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to get our pot and we’re going to fill it with our ingredients to flavor the poaching liquid this is just mirepoix this is carrots onion and celery

We’re going to squeeze some lemons we’re going to add some salt you want a good amount of salt rice wine vinegar then we’re going to add our aromatics thyme and our spices we’re gonna add bay leaves black peppercorns mustard seeds chili flakes and coriander and what

We’re gonna do is we’re gonna get this uh fill it up with water about three fourths of the way we’re gonna go over to the range bring this to a boil so of course for the perfect cocktail shrimp you want cocktail sauce we have our ketchup fresh lemon juice worcestershire

Worcestershire however you want to say it it goes in the cocktail sauce give that a little mixy mix okay and then fresh horseradish you can use the store-bought stuff that comes in the container but the fresh stuff is amazing has great flavor and it’s actually not

As hot as the other stuff but i mean you put enough of it it’s gonna get hot you ever go to fancy japanese sushi restaurants this is how they do their wasabi that’s enough whoo that is fresh i’m gonna put that in there we’re gonna save just a little bit to go

On top as a garnish when you poach your own shrimp you make your own cocktail sauce people are gonna feel like it’s a professional kitchen because you’re cooking professionally at home and people will absolutely notice let’s make our yuzu aioli which is just full fat mayonnaise you want to add some yuzu

Pinch of salt fresh chopped chives alright those are made our water is boiling so let’s go poach our shrimp our water has been boiling for a couple minutes so now that’s all flavored up we’re gonna turn off our heat we’re gonna add our shrimp and the reason we’re turning off our

Heat is so our shrimp can cook nice and gentle they’re gonna have a lot of fun in there it’s a nice slow poach and it’s gonna make sure they’re not stringy and they’re going to kind of impart all those little flavors so we’re going to let our shrimp poach nice and

Slow let all that poaching liquid kind of get inside and flavor them now if you have really really big shrimp go a couple minutes longer but just going to give them a little stir and just make sure they’re poaching nice and slowly you don’t want that rough boil to keep

Cooking them and making them too tough and making them stringy so this is just real easy we’re gonna go about five minutes just letting them chill and then we’re going to shock them the reason i’m going to shock them in ice water is because you want to stop

The cooking process how they’re perfect right now they’re going to be perfect from cooling down quickly because if you just let them sit on a room temperature or even put them in the fridge they’re going to keep cooking and keep cooking and that’s how they get stringy i get

Excited over perfectly cooking cocktail shrimp because people can really taste the difference when they eat them so these have been cooling in the ice bath for about five to six minutes and we’re gonna pat the shrimp dry get a bowl just fill it with ice we’re gonna take our yuzu aioli

We’re gonna put it in there our cocktail sauce with fresh horseradish over it just letting everybody know that we worked real hard to get that horseradish so you can actually see it then we’re gonna kind of arrange our shrimp all over the place just kind of throwing it in there also

Kind of mix your lemons in It should feel like a pile of shrimp so everybody feels like they’re getting enough just going to kind of tuck in a little lettuce just a little bit of lettuce i had kind of tucking it in brightening it up just kind of give it a little color

There’s that and this is just a little bit of seaweed i have that you can get you can get this any place that sells fresh fish and i just garnish with it and there you have it this is worth every single bit of the work and anybody

You make this for is going to tell you the exact same thing let’s dig in gotta squirt a little lemon on it you have to lemon right into that fresh horseradish that is perfectly juicy has so much flavor from the poaching liquid but the shrimp is soft it’s tender it’s still

Cooked all the way through use the oily good for shrimp good for french fries good for everything make this at home here’s the crowd please you

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