For the past month, alot of my seedlings first leaves fell off and have been stuck on their second set of leaves and not stepping up to their next set. Why are they not growing, they're just stuck. Need help. Should I water them with bone meal in the water or something.

by DramaSpirited4358


  1. ClearConscience

    Soil looks waterlogged. Were these pics taken just after watering? Do you mind please describing your watering routine (frequency, amount, method, nutes)?

  2. arduousmarch

    The soil looks very wet. I wouldn’t water them until it’s dry. Even if that takes a week or more.

  3. Bitemynekk

    I would suggest increasing your light a lot. I had the same problem when following what the big YouTubers said to keep the light around 150-200 par. I turned my power up to 1500-1800 and they exploded in growth. Your lights will never be as strong as the sun.

  4. dialupmoron

    You have yellow lower leaves on nearly all of your plants. To me, that indicates a systemic issue with your watering routine. I would cut back on water severely. Also, did you start these in seed starting mix, or potting soil? Those are not the same and do not have the same purpose. Seed starting mix is fine-grained, soft, and very well-draining to promote young root growth. Potting mix tends to hold moisture longer because it is designed to support larger plants in larger pots. Are these plants exposed to any cold temperatures? Are they on a heat mat? I have lost a ‘generation’ of seedlings to cold snaps, and the first indication something was wrong was with persistent yellowing.

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