2 cups red lentils
4 glasses of water
1 teaspoon of chili pepper
2 teaspoons of salt
1 glass of bulgur for meatballs
1 large onion
1 water glass measure of oil
Half bunch of green onions
A little less than a bunch of parsley
6 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1.5 tablespoons of pepper paste
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon of chili pepper
1 teaspoon of sweet pepper powder
Wash the lentils and put them in the pot. Add water to it.
Add chili pepper and salt and mix. Close the lid and cook.
Add bulgur for meatballs to the cooked lentils, stir, remove from the stove and let it rest for half an hour.
Chop the onions finely. Fry in an oiled pan.
Add tomato and pepper paste to the roasted onion and fry.
Add the spices, mix and remove from the stove.
For the meatballs, chop the green onion, garlic and parsley.
Add these ingredients to the meatballs, then add the roasted tomato paste and knead.
Lentil meatballs are ready to serve! Enjoy your meal.


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