ENJOY this Lip Smackin’ Toe Tappin’ good salad!

10 Large Shrimp w/tails
2 Skewers
2 Bunches of Romaine Lettuce
Shaved Parmesan Cheese
Grape Tomatoes
Caesar Croutons
Creamy Caesar Dressing
1 Tsp Cajun Seasoning
1 Tsp Onion Powder
1/2 Black Pepper
1 Tsp Cumin
1/2 Tsp Italian Seasoning
1/2 Tsp Dried Parsley
Black to taste
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Butter

Wash and devein shrimp thoroughly, leaving skin and tails on (optional)
Soak skewers in water for 10-14 mins
Place shrimp on skewers

Heat skillet and add oil and butter; lay shrimp in skillet and cook on both sides until done

Cut Romaine lettuce down the center and remove core; then cut into strips.
Wash and dry lettuce thoroughly
Place clean lettuce on a platter and add tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese, Croutons, pour Caesar Dressing over salad and lay shrimp skewers over the top of the salad!

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