Discover the secrets of cooking perfect couscous every time! Join us in this quick tutorial as we explore tips, tricks, and mouthwatering recipes to elevate your culinary skills. From savory mains to delightful salads, couscous is your ticket to flavorful meals in minutes.

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Couscous is a super tasty, nutty, and fluffy pasta you’ll absolutely love. It’s a nutritious staple in North African cuisine that pairs beautifully with grilled meats, seafood, or veggies. Now, you might think it’s a grain, but couscous is actually made from semolina wheat pasta. It originated from African and Middle Eastern cooking, and people worldwide cherish its simplicity.

Nowadays, we have instant couscous that’s ready in minutes – so convenient! No more using that traditional couscoussier pot. In the U.S., you’ll typically find quick-cooking Moroccan couscous at grocers, cooked in under 5 minutes. Some stores also stock the chewier Israeli or pearl varieties.

1.5 cups couscous
1.5 cups chicken broth (or vegetable broth)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt to taste

Recipe Notes:
1. Proper Ratio: Use a 1:1 ratio of couscous to liquid for perfect results. For example, if you’re cooking 1 cup of couscous, use 1 cup of liquid. This ensures the couscous absorbs the liquid evenly and becomes fluffy.
2. Flavor Enhancement: Using broth instead of water adds depth and richness to your couscous dish. The natural flavors of the broth infuse into the couscous, resulting in a more flavorful final product.
3. Resting Time: Allow the couscous to rest for a few minutes after fluffing. This allows any remaining moisture to distribute evenly throughout the couscous, ensuring a consistent texture.
4. Serving Temperature: Serve couscous immediately after cooking for the best texture and flavor. If you need to keep it warm before serving, cover it with a clean kitchen towel to prevent it from drying out.
5. Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques to find what works best for you. Couscous is versatile and can be customized to suit your taste preferences.

What to expect?
0:00 Introduction
0:09 Prep Couscous
1:12 Final Output
1:18 Recipe Notes

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