Looking for advice in diagnosing/treating my new tomatoes.

This is my first time growing. I have an indoor setup. Growing alongside cannabis and herbs in a tent. No other plants have similar issues.

Everything is new. Growing in a brand new Earthbox. Nothings been placed outside. Half the soil came shipped from EB. The other half is a mix of coco coir, earthworm castings, all purpose 4.6.2, azomite and perlite. Mixed fresh from a brick and used for other plants in tent.

Tomatoes are Purple Cherokee grown from seeds, purchased online (Am…). Growth on top seems vigorous. Flowers started. Leaves have been shriveling from bottom up. I’ve snipped off a few and then a few more. Seems to be moving upward (?).

Is this Fusarium Wilt? Not sure how they would have gotten it. Could it be something else? Thanks!

by R0b0v4p3

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