these are on sale, just wondering if you couls rate and describe them? Just bought the pesto arugula sauce and i don't like it because it was bitter. I don't have an ounce of idea on how each of the flavor tastes like.

by chai_mochii


  1. RatzMand0

    I would go with the first or the second the third may take some extra work to make into a functional sauce if you are going for simple and easy. The first one is probably gonna taste like pizza considering it has pepperoni in it.

  2. PatsysStone

    I really like the first one. It’s a bit sweet and tangy and goes good with lots of cheese (okay all of them go great with cheese).

    Not everyone likes Alla Calabrese but if you do, you’ll love it.

  3. Read the ingredients and try to make them yourself, i beg you.

  4. sirlupash

    They’re industrial, thick creamy pretending to be real pesto. If you really wanna try them you gotta save your cooking water at least and use it when adding the stuff to your pasta.

    I’m not gonna play the elitist, first two ones are fairly decent for a quick last minute solution. They might be a bit acid. Last one I have no idea but I usually don’t trust vegetables based stuff.

  5. Mostly_Aquitted

    Pesto is super easy to make, I agree with everyone to give it a shot solo. Hard to go wrong as long as you just slowly add ingredients and frequently taste when blending!

  6. Jared pesto isn’t bad, always keep a few in the pantry for ultra easy meals, but they all pale in comparison so much to the real deal that I dont consider them the same item. If you’re treating this as a special purchase thing (where you’re deliberating and even asking the internet for advice), onehundred percent make em your self. SUPER easy, each of them are maybe 5 ingredients (including things like oil as an ingredient), basically toasting whatever nut you’re using (just put em in a pan on low for 5-10 min till they smell nutty) and then blend all the ingredients together (better with a pestle and moater, but by far not necisary).

    This is big for both fresh and jared pesto: Scoop a cup of the pasta water before you strain it, and then mix the pasta and sauce vigorously adding in splashes of pasta water till it gets creamy (you probs wont use any where near a whole cup). Makes it really creamy instead of “oily”.

    My fav pesto by far is Pesto Alla Trapanese (from trapani), which is basically a sundried tomato pesto, so would recomend the sundried tomato one if you’re gonna try the jars. (I prefer barilla for basil/genovese pesto and Sacla for the rest usually)

    (I’m Maltese, so heavy bias to the scicilian pallet)

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