-Trenette 400g
-Fagiolini 100g
-Potatoes 200g
-Basilico 60g
-Olive oil 60g
-Parmigiano 40g
-Pecorino 30g
-Pinoli 30g

hi everybody Welcome to my kitchen today
we are going to prepare the best human
food trinil
pistol let’s start with using a big Moro
to crash the
garlic adding penol and continue to
add the Basilico and coarse
salt 1 hour
later one eternity
later now add together paragano and PE o
and crash as
well and in the end the olive oil of
course clean felini removing both
ends cut them in four
pieces now dice the potatoes into small
cubes because they need to cook quickly
boil the filini for 8 to 10
minutes drain them and put them in a
bowl in the same water put the
tranet and the potatoes too let them
boil for as long as is written on the
package now mix all the ingredients
the last things to do is impara
iser and that’s it thanks for watching
and b a

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