Can preassure cooker be used for canning?

by all_D_ideolozeus-212


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  2. Pitiful-Astronaut-82

    No unfortunately not. Only stove top pressure canners are suitable for low acid canning.

  3. Happy_Veggie

    No, regular pressure cookers cannot be used for pressure canning. [Here are more information about pressure canners](

    There are only few brands that are tested and recommended, and all of them are stove top canners; there is no approved electric pressure canner at the moment.

    Most popular makers are All American and Presto with different sizes available to suit your canning needs.

    Make sure you look at the sub’s wiki for more info, and feel free to ask questions!

  4. FlashyImprovement5


    But for water bath canning without putting in the lid, if it is tall enough, yes.

    Any large pot can be used for water bath canning

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