I feel like I nailed the perfect reverse sear to my taste on hitting exact medium rare, deep crust with zero banding. 250 for one hour to 120. Rested 20 minutes, seared very hot in cast iron for exactly one minute per side, rested 10 minutes and sliced. Peak internal temp at 130.

by YogurtclosetBroad872


  1. hurricaneshart

    yo heres my question, i love strips, i love the fat cap, but the sinew? what do u do about that, cuz its inedible? cut around it after? just eat it?

  2. dissonance1

    What temperature did you get it to before you seared it

  3. Chillinthamost

    What’s the story with those fries? They look delicious

  4. [deleted]

    Where can i buy meat looking like that? i went to grocery store and all the steak looked sucked 😔

  5. maegorthecruel1

    that bitch is glistening. well done, ser

  6. Bytowner1

    Hard to tell – how thick was the steak? At 1 hour it must have been over 2 inches thick… that’s a chunky boy.

  7. workingonmyroar15

    Audibly said “oh my GOD” when I saw this. Excellent work.

  8. pretendhistorianBC

    Wow wow wow wow wow that’s nice

  9. TunaFishtoo

    Man that looks amazing, the reason I eat steak so little is that to achieve this it’s close to 2 hours of waiting. Worth it, just need more hours in the day!

  10. Powerful_Chef_5683

    > 250 for one hour to 120

    What does this mean? Over temp 250 for an hour then down to 120 temp?

  11. europheus42

    Looks so perfect could be AI. OP u chat GPT?

  12. Total_Piano_4778

    Yeah fuck me is right. I kill a steak all day everyday but this deserves the probs.

    Nice fucking job mate!

  13. Legitimate_Alarm_692

    It looks so delicious, can I bring my own drink 😂

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