Cooking Wild Seasonings Light & Crispy Fish Batter….not just for fish! Delicious Onion Rings.

here’s a look at another use for cooking
wild seasonings it’s not just for fish
fish batter today we’re making onion
rings any kind of onion you like will do
slice it as thick or as thin as you
prefer from there it’s into the unmixed
batter toss them around give them a good
coating dry batter is what’s going to
make the wet batter stick to the ring
when the oil’s getting close to 350 it’s
time to mix the batter I’m using beer
use any liquid you choose kind of like
slicing the onion make your batter as
thick or as thin as you prefer we’ll
start out with a few thick battered
rings then add a little more beer to
thin out the batter for
comparison into the oil a quick flip and
out they
I threw a couple of rings straight into
the mixed batter with no dry batter
applied so we can see the difference
that the dry batter makes thin
batter and thick batter visit cooking
wild seasonings. comom and get yourself
some not just for fish fish batter

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