My setup

by Strict_Bar_4223


  1. Senior-Lifeguard-264

    It’s full of life, I like it. Lowkey tired of seeing too many “minimalist” grey/black setup. Great Job!

  2. Revolutionary-Bet396

    you have a whole cafe in your house 😍😍

  3. OmarEAZi

    Wow!! Super cool, Where did you get that cover for the 5g water bottle?

  4. Infamous-Rich4402

    Great looking setup. Can only fault the choice of cups.

  5. Rusty_924

    Holy maximalist batman! Love the character.

    It is not something I would choose for my space, but I respect it! Enjoy

  6. OnlyGradients

    I love the shelving you have your mugs hanging on. I see you also have one of those Fellow Stagg knock offs that I keep seeing on Amazon. What do you think of it?

  7. theBigDaddio

    In certain states you are required by law to label this clearly


    I’d stop by every day on my way to work 🙂 Good job!

  9. mikerehmert

    What’s in the big jug all the way to the left???

  10. OhHelloImThatFellow

    It’s cool but honestly looks pretty corny. Looks like something my 15 year old sister would do just collect everything related to coffee and throw it together. it doesn’t look at all sophisticated or refined or well decorated…

  11. mr_j_boogie

    People can get a c̵h̵e̵e̵s̵e̵b̵u̵r̵g̵e̵r̵ coffee anywhere, okay? They come to Chotchkie’s for the atmosphere and the attitude. Okay? That’s what the flair’s about. It’s about fun. Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair.

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