Definitely Worth Double the Price—Agreed.

"These Kimbap Ingredients Look Like They're About to Burst Through My Screen.


by Wooden-Gas5535


  1. emsterly717

    $8 is cheap where I live. I would hands down buy that. What is on the right though?

  2. HoSang66er

    All the schmucks raving over the frozen Trader Joe’s Kimbap put it on the radar and stores are cashing in on it. 😂

  3. MsAndooftheWoods

    That’s some uh interesting looking kimbap…

  4. puffpunk69

    those kimbaps look so gnarly it looks ai generated

  5. OMG, I’ve never seen such overstuffed kimbap!

  6. GenericMelon

    Yeah, I’d pay 8 bucks for that. But then again I’d pay 8 bucks for a lot of things.

  7. Accomplished_Run7815

    They look so good. Where did you get them from?

  8. raptorclvb

    I’d kill for $8 kimbap. It’s $25 by me

  9. buh_rah_een

    I was ranting about Kimbap prices. They’re like $7-8 for basic one roll at the HMart near me. Insane!

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