my at home coffee bar i made 🥹🖤 before and after!

by AdStatus_69


  1. Travelife8052

    Love it! You did a great job. I have the same record player. You can play a chill tune while enjoying your coffe/matcha 🌿☕

  2. darrylleung

    Very cool. Think the original industrial tube light would work even better (maybe a lower lumens one)

  3. Kingzor10

    ohhh i have one of these but never though how perfect it would be for my homebar.

  4. TitoMcCool

    That’s actually very cool you are an artist.

  5. This looks great, i wanted to do something like this, what is that called? like a toolbench, workbench?

  6. annefrankenstein69

    well thats super neat. great job!

  7. Actuarial_type

    Wow, that exceeded my expectations by about 200% after seeing the first pic. That must have taken a lot of planning and work, amazing job!

  8. BagEndBarista

    That amount of matcha must be worth hundreds of bucks lol – I love it

  9. Notnumber44

    I love most of it but why the LED lights?

  10. itsjustme4025

    Awesome job OP! Looks great and very creative.

  11. Polite_Elephant

    Upvote because I spotted our coffee jar! I love it!

  12. -Hi-Reddit

    I think the counter top and leds are hella gaudy

  13. CodNegative8959

    Did you do anything to the legs or keep them the same? Looks great btw!

  14. reversesunset

    Really great work. What did you use to make the counter top?

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