Partner bought me this behemoth 🥹 and I finally opened it today but not sure of the best way to store the remaining 300 teaspoons. Is a glass jar in the fridge fine since the light is off 99% of the time? Do I need a dark container like the small glass jars of yeast come in?

by redheadveghead


  1. IceDragonPlay

    In a ziplock and straight into the freezer!

  2. TankApprehensive3053

    Put it in the fridge or freeze. Yeast is pretty resilient and the cold slows it down.

  3. Deerslyr101571

    I put mine into a glass jar in the fridge. Will still be effective over a year later.

  4. pookshuman

    I have kept mine in the freezer for at least 10 years. Works fine

  5. HealthWealthFoodie

    I keep mine in a mason jar in the fridge. The seal on the jar lid keeps moisture from making its way in and it stays good for at least a couple of years this way.

  6. thecaledonianrose

    I store mine in the fridge in a closed mason jar.

  7. MagicalWhisk

    Store in 2-3 large glass jars I keep in the fridge

  8. WildBillNECPS

    I was lucky to get 3 of those 2 lb pkgs (Fleischman’s) just before the pandemic. I double wrapped in foil and put two in the freezer, and one in a cabinet in our basement. I’m on the last one now, the basement one, and it’s still going fine. Once open I keep in the fridge in a ziplock.

    I remember seeing something on wrapping fish and meat packages in foil before bagging to prevent freezer burn and extending the quality – so I figured it couldn’t hurt for the yeast too!

  9. WorkingInAColdMind

    I would double up ziplock bags for the freezer for most of it. I have an airtight container in the fridge for mine (half that much) just because it’s easier than getting out of the freezer.

  10. Rebelo86

    I use 2 quart sized plastic containers and store at room temperature. My last pack lived about 1.5 years.

  11. You don’t happen to have 3200 pounds of flour do you? Because I have an idea…

  12. Inquirous

    I keep mine in a sealable bag in the freezer

  13. wizzard419

    I keep a small jar in the fridge for some of it and the rest goes into a container in the freezer.

  14. lylebruce

    I keep mine in a freezer ziplock in the fridge. I go through one of these each year and it’s has stayed good to use for that duration.

  15. comat0se

    Freezer and I have some that’s over 10 years old that’s still absolutely fine… it amazes me too.

  16. Routine-Dot-8840

    I still have about half of that brick in my fridge- since the beginning of Covid shutdown. Still makes good bread/pizza

  17. TheExtraMayo

    I’ve had one of these sitting in a zip lock bag in a cabinet for about 3 years and it still rises

  18. Some_Bell3460

    Stored mine from Costco in a mason jar in my refrigerator, been 6 years and it’s still viable

  19. REMaintenanceVan

    I store small part in glass jar and big part straight into vacuum seal bag and into fridge.

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