My favorite sandwich of all time, The Reuben! Made the sauerkraut myself!

by slim_mclean


  1. Hot-Inspection8739

    Looks really good – Extra points for making the sauerkraut!

  2. wittyhashtag420

    Great marbling on the rye. +1 points for homemade kraut. Just need the juicy side pickles.

  3. slim_mclean

    Thanks everyone! It tastes pretty dang good too, if I do say so myself. Wish I could make you all one!

  4. okeedokeartichokee

    The Reuben is my favorite sammich of all time too. Very nice sammich. I’d smash.

  5. Anal_Probe_Director

    When I was 20, I worked at Arby’s. Anytime anyone ordered a reuben, I get hungry. Smelled amazing, awesome sandwich.

  6. Stringr55

    Another one on my list of sandwiches I’ve never had. If I’m being honest I dunno what sauerkraut even is

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