Affogato is a beloved italian dessert/beverage made of gelato and drowned in hot espresso. The word affogato literally means drowned. But Im a sucker for a good presentation and the presentation of the affogato at the oldest Gelateria in Florence, Vivoli Gelateria has made them a viral destination and it has caught my attention and today we learn how to make it at home including homemade gelato.

The Viral Vivoli Affogato at Home
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this is the most famous aragato in the
world afato is a beloved Italian dessert
SL beverage made from Italian gelato and
drowned in hot espresso aragato
literally translates into drowned but
I’m a sucker for presentation and the
presentation of the aragato at the
oldest gelataria in Florence Cafe vivoli
has made it a viral destination and has
caught my attention and it’s just
espresso and ice cream two ingredients
everywhere but because of how this is
presented just looks more appetizing and
that fascinates me so today not only we
making our own gelato we’re going to try
and present it just like they do at Cafe
violi so first we must make our own
gelata which starts with four egg yolks
and I’m going to make this in a kitchen
aid and if you don’t have a kitchen aid
you can make this with a big bowl and an
electric hand mixer if you don’t have
that you can whisk it by hand but that’s
definitely the least best option for
this we want to create a fluffy airiness
to the egg and the sugar so I have a
bowl for the egg whites a bowl for the
shell and the egg yolks are going into
the KitchenAid mixer I’ll keep those egg
whites I’ll make like an egg white
omelet either the day of or the next day
you can do all sorts of things with egg
whites so get those four egg yolks into
the KitchenAid bowl and Reserve those
egg whites wrap them up and save them
for another meal later then to that
we’re going to add 150 g of granulated
sugar so I’m just going to use a scale
tear it and add the sugar to it now you
can also measure out a/ thir of a cup
but that’s roughly 60 g of sugar so just
know it’ll be slightly sweeter going to
set that aside for the moment and
measure out our Dairy now the essence of
good gelato is using good ingredients so
you want to try and use the best Dairy
you can and gelato differs from Ice
Cream in the fact that it has a lower
fat content traditionally it’s made
simply with whole milk not cream some
recipes use a little bit of cream just
to have a little bit of fat in there for
a little bit of more creaminess so I’m
going to use that technique as well but
we’re going with 2 cups of whole milk
and then to the two cups I’m going to
add 1/2 cup of cream but measure that
separately and keep it cold so now we’
got all our ingredients prepped get that
stand mixer prepped with the Whisk
attachment and we’re going to start to
cream the eggs and the sugars together
for 5 minutes until it becomes really
light and Airy and fluffy we’re going to
start low get it nice and Incorporated
and slowly work to about a medium speed
once it starts getting creamed then I
can set the machine pretty high and let
this thing beat the eggs in sugar and
after 5 minutes it’s light it’s fluffier
the color has changed we can shut the
machine off and move into the next step
now we’ve got a beautiful sort of creamy
egg mixture we’re now going to use a
double boiler to temper this while we
warm the eggs up and then combine the
two to make our ice cream base first
thing to do is to warm the milk and I
have a small pot here I’m going to pour
the two cups of whole milk and begin to
gently warm it up whisking constantly
then we’re going to take the KitchenAid
bowl we’re going to set that a top a
small bowl with a little bit of water to
make a double boiler and we’re going to
use a whisk and whisk that constantly
and again we just want to temper those
eggs just make sure it doesn’t get too
hot if you keep it around 130 140° you
should be good so I’m just going to
bounce back and forth between the eggs
and the milk whisking and making sure
they both get to the proper temperature
and for the milk anything between 170
and 180 should be good now we can
combine the two to make the custard so
we’re just going to start whisking the
eggs and slowly adding in the milk one
Ladle at a time once we’ve gotten
through half of the milk we can just
start to pour the rest of that in and
then we’re just going to whisk the
entire thing while we heat that up once
it reaches about 170 to 180 we can then
pour in the cold cream which is going to
cool the mixture down and at this point
we’re going to use a spoon the mixture
should coat the back of a spoon and hold
it that means it’s ready to be turned
into gelato we can get that off the heat
we can strain that into a bowl to catch
any little cooked egg bits and then
we’re ready to make the ice cream now
here I have a compression ice cream
machine what that means is that like a
commercial ice cream maker you don’t
need to like freeze the little container
before you make the ice cream what’s
inside this will do all the freezing so
we don’t need to let this cool down
before we make it like you would the
normal run-of-the-mill ice cream machine
we can add this thing right into the ice
cream maker and it’s going to start to
chill it down quickly which is important
to do in ice cream so in into the
Container I’m going to go and my machine
has an ice cream paddle and a gelato
paddle so I’m using the gelato powder
powder paddle I’m going to let that go
for about an hour it might take 40 it
might take 50 I’m just going for a nice
thickened Airy creamy consistency and
there’s a variant in time cuz as you can
see Steam is escaping that mixture still
hot so it needs time to cool down before
it starts to freeze now if you’re using
a basic ice cream maker this is going to
take less time because you’ve already
chilled your mixture but now it’s going
to take about 20 30 minutes for that
mixture to fully cool down and then it’s
going to start
freezing at around 11 minutes or so it’s
a soft serve consistency so it still
needs more time so I’m just going to
give it a j and then continue to let it
go and this is when I realized I forgot
to flavor with vanilla so I’m going to
just pour it straight into here and
allow the mixer to incorporate it that
should have happened when the milk came
off the heat so now after about 55
minutes we’re close we just want it to
thicken and freeze a little bit more
just so that mound of ice cream begins
to pile up even more and it’s smooth
there’s no chalkiness to it it’s not
overchurned I’m going to call that done
that’s the right consistency we’re going
to get that out of the ice cream maker
into a container that we’re going to
store the ice cream in going to cut a
little round of parchment paper and I’m
just going to stick that on top of the
gelato just to help preserve its quality
and to give a nice flat surface to the
top and then we’re going to throw this
in the freezer for at least 4 hours to
firm up now that just needs to ch chill
and set up in the freezer for a few
hours then we can go ahead and make aato
if you want to do this a few days ahead
of time great now it’s the next day I
cut my finger yesterday in some glass
how you cut your finger in a recipe that
doesn’t involve a knife don’t ask me but
now we’re ready to make our aato and
I’ve got our gelato here and a coffee
mug that’s been chilling in the freezer
so it’s ice cold got our gelato it looks
beautiful now you can use two things
either a metal spoon like this or one of
these ice cream spatulas I believe they
use a smaller version of this which kind
of helps them create that pattern along
the rim of the coffee mug now I may need
to chill for a second gelato is stored
at a lower temperature than ice cream
and since we’re using a conventional
freezer going to let this chill in the
fridge for a few minutes and soften a
little bit now don’t forget the
temperature of the gelato is vital here
it’s best around 0° to create this shape
in the cup if the ice cream’s a little
chalky it’s too cold still so we’re
going to fill base in the cup of ice
cream and then we’re going to use the
back of the spoon to sort of
smooth it out and coat the sides of the
cup with the ice cream and then what we
can do is start to take a little bit at
the edge of the spoon and use the edge
of the cup and scrape in a downward
motion to almost form like a quel or
like a fancy dollop you see chefs use
all the time we’re using the curvature
of the spoon along with the rim of the
cup to create that pad and then you can
kind of just go around and redo it to
make sure it’s nice and clean I started
out good but then I broke the beautiful
pad pattern so I’m just going to go
around and keep working it until I
achieve the pattern that I like we’re
not going to be as perfect as they are
in Florence we don’t make hundreds of
these a day but don’t give up you’ll be
able to do it especially if your ice
cream’s a little hard it’ll soften the
more you do it and you’ll be able to get
a soft smooth pattern like they do in
Florence take your time and rework the
pattern to create this nice smooth
rectangular shape in the circular cup
it’s really a parallelogram but what are
we geom metrs you just kind of keep
finagling it until you can form this
sort of beautiful diamond shaped crevice
that the hot espresso is going to sit in
and once we’ve got it I’m just going to
place it in the freezer while we make
espresso now our ice cream’s made we
just need a shot of espresso and this is
my favorite machine I’m a visual guy it
gives me a nice touchcreen to visualize
which drink I want to make even though
that’s not necessary I’m just going to
hit espresso I got my coffee up
here it’s going to grind the beans into
our Porter filter then we can Tamp it
says I need a little bit more cuz it’s
sensors Tamp it again and there’s our
coffee throw it up here put a little cup
that we can pour our espresso in and
then pull the shot usually they do a
single but I’m going to do a double
today just so I have
and then you take the espresso and you
pour it right into the crevice that we
so painstakingly formed this is the most
famous aragato in the world the way the
ice cream is prevents the hot espresso
from melting it too quickly and it also
creates a pool so the espresso doesn’t
get too diluted then if you want to get
real crazy you can take a little cookie
I like a Tates cookie it’s got nice
Crunch and texture and you can make it a
true dessert and you got slightly bitter
espresso mixed with sweet creamy gelato
the combination comes together to
Perfection and with a little crunch from
some cookie it’s simply one of the best
things you can eat and if you want to do
this at home the recipe is going to be
down in the description that’s all that
I have today I’ll see you next time
until then take care of yourself and go
feed yourself


  1. Coffee on the side, so you can add it bit by bit, otherwise it all dissolves together into a mess before you can eat it.

  2. Not sure if you wanna try it out, but I heard a splash of regular vodka will help the gelato from getting too hard even in the freezer. Imma try it out after doing your recipe. Thx!

  3. Holy smokes…..this is one of the most interesting things I’ve seen you make. I love all of your equipment too but only the best to make the best. Great video.

  4. Ha. I noticed you traded up from , the bane of my existence, Pyrex measuring cup to Anchor Hocking… How's that working out?

  5. I spent a week in Florence back in 1984, and before I went, I was told by two different people that I should check out the Vivoli gelateria. I couldn’t find it at first, but I didn’t worry about it since Italian gelato is good, but how much better can it be? I finally came across it two days before I left. I must have gone back about a dozen times in the last two days.

  6. 😆what are we, geometrists? 😍 OK, you have given me the courage to try make gelato. OMG that looks like a thousand dollar coffee machine. I have found a simple, inexpensive machine that produces good espresso, together with a good burr grinder … for me at home, it's sufficient. I don't expect to make Italian caffe at home. Grazie!

  7. Why have you started uploading in 720p as max? It really shows and looks bad when you watch it on a TV.

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