97 calories for 1 hour? It's like 1 cracker…

by No_Meet4305


  1. Nesquik44

    Exercise is wonderful for a lot of reasons but you are correct that a lot of people overestimate how much energy they’re really expending.

  2. Accomplished_Eye_978

    Funnily enough, this is absolutely necessary for human survival.

    We come from hunter gatherers. The reason we are so successful as a species is because we are able to hunt our food, hunt them to exhaustion, while expending minimum calories. If exercise burned tons of calories, we would hunt our food and be immediately hungry once a meal was finished.

  3. MichaleShiva

    Honestly there is no objective way to measure calorie accurately when walking out door unless you use a gas mask device to monitor breathing which monitors the carbon dioxiden exhalation(calories)

    As someone who did this test multiple times the closes I get to accurate when I do with the gas mask is by deducing 28% from the calorie burnt you get from the machines.

    But even with that it’s still pretty inaccurate there are days where you underestimate or overestimate

    Hence why you should never eat your calories you worked out. Because that number you have is probably inaccurate and may lead to slurplus.

  4. twoitchyelbows

    For me, another benefit of exercise is it actually regulates my hunger signals and therefore makes sticking to my meal plan easier.

    I find that I’m so much more snackish when I don’t get some movement in, even if it’s just a brisk walk around the neighbourhood.

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