From August 10, 2016
Steve Thompson
Emery Thompson CB-350 6-Quart Batch Freezer

everybody this is Crystal when you call
here and you get someone Pleasant on the
phone it certainly isn’t me but crystal
is handles all parts and if you need DVD
sent to you or anything else she takes
care of it
all thank you okay now let’s pass out
recipe this is going to be just a
classic Italian
ice there we go I’ve never made it
before so we’ll see what
happens and this is a lot je Jeff makes
products that he knows are going to work
I like to experiment some of them are
off still Wheeling from the avocado ice
cream or the shark NATO oh the shark
yeah that was that was a blood red
cherry Italian ice with candy corn in it
for the shark Ste I thought it was
ingenious I don’t think the audience
knows what we’re talking about so excuse
me for one
second if you want the recipe it’s for
free nobody’s wanted it yet but it’s uh
it’s a cherry Italian Ice uh that part
was fine it’s those rock hard candy
corns yeah they
hard we do make
sh okay you go back to
the and we’ll get down to some real
business um I need to form so we’ve got
the two pound 3 lb of concord grapes
pound and a half of sugar 3 qu of water
so all a pound and a half of sugar I’ll
get the water all
right did you say three
yeah sugar I’ve had sugar somewhere here
go Jeff someone wrote me the other day
and they said they really like it when
argu we never are I know we never we
disagree yes and and we disagree on
sugar I say sugar is sugar is sugar and
buy the cheapest sugar you can get wrong
yes je I think he said wrong because
I’ll tell you what yeah this is the
cheapest sugar you can buy very cheap
and it’s $2 the best sugar in the world
you can buy is 209 so come on and the
and the difference is the best sugar in
the world has a chemical in it to keep
it from clumping uh if my Sugar clumps I
put in a bowl and go like that and that
gets rid of the clumps so you got
plumps all right so we’ve got plain cane
sugar in other words you don’t need
organic sugar that you can use it if you
want you do not need bar sugar which is
fine um you don’t have to um put the
sugar in water and boil it to dissolve
it because it dissolves very nicely in
water and I’m just going to get my fancy
scale here up and running
sugar now Steve spent all weekend
picking these I did he was right next to
me I was picking blueberries he was
gr okay I need
for that’s I’ll zero this
yeah yeah and then pour the
rest a pound is 16
That’s yeah it
um so we’re going to mix the sugar and
the water in a bowl in in a
container and it dissolves very nicely
in just plain cold water so
here’s take these down so the camera can
see here’s my
sugar do you think I need to Cay
these absolutely okay I dropped your
mixer on the floor if you wouldn’t mind
just sanitizing it and yeah sitting
here want going to make up a B I just
yeah I didn’t say that I was prepared to
go the full distance on this he said
just run on some
water okay so we do have our that gets
edited out right something like that we
have our concord grapes of crystal and
picked all the vines off of yesterday
and what would you do if this wasn’t
here the old
fashion i’ stop here the whole deal here
and then throw it in that’s a great
idea okay
ready is that the only source of the
grapes no I’ve got grape
now you know we’re making Italian ice
and it’s Concord gra what you can also
do is get a jar of SMU concord grape
jelly that’s right throw it in and mix
it up with this also you can get grape
juice fresh grape anything anything you
want yeah the um the grape jelly works
great you got to plug it
in let me do that for you that’s still
my job
did you label that yes you did what’s it
called that’s
it you mind
that this is not really a pure yeah I
floating I guess let the machine do
it grab that qu
so next time you’re
them I have to work under
these pour off some of the liquid
okay let me turn this on clean orderly
nice right Italian ice just like you
taught us that’s
right like I said my videos people look
at all 218 of of of of them and say if
that idiot can do that imagine what I
there I was one of those I sat right
where Brandy is sitting in the back row
there my first experience with ice cream
and Steve made a Maro ice cream and
everybody lined up I got my sh I went
back to the seat and that’s what I said
this make this I can
I learned
selling in college I actually have a
master’s degree in
Arbitrage a long
way um but there was a guy over in
Orlando I was in school in Winter Park
and they had in Florida at that time
Back in 1970 what I call homade
commercials they were really homemade
jittery camera and bad sound and
everything else and there was this guy
who had sold used cars and so they would
push out uh about a
1960 Cadillac and the price would be uh
$4.99 a big sign and he’d jump on the
trunk and then he’d Jump Up on the Roof
he go up and down like this oh look it’s
DED well we’re just going to have to rip
the price in half and that’s how he sold
used car and everybody said look at that
fool I looked no it was C he was the New
York version but I looked at that and I
wow that guy’s really got
so welcome to my
car I have enough
in this is beautiful take a
lookes are roll
around floating so next time as it says
on the instruction P they’re floating
what do you got
nothing uh grape huh no we don’t have
a any grape jelly in the kitchen no I
think this will do they’re floating
anyway it’ll give you the concept it’ll
give you the concept and then you can
on let me show you something that I made
class nothing what’s this
this is um the combination of three that
I made with my rainbow ice maker last
class uh that’s a
coconut um ice cream a coconut non-dairy
ice cream that there’s no such thing if
you say the word ice cream it’s supposed
to have dairy in it but all the
Millennials out on the west coast are
selling nondairy ice cream so I’ll go
with the flow and non dairy ice cream is
actually a sh or nice so that’s coconut
uh this is uh strawberry
champagne I put look at that I put
strawberries in using the quard and they
turn that beautiful color floating I
don’t see them floating that’s right and
and then this one is blueberry
and uh so um you make the three
different flavors you put the divider in
and you make one flavor
and uh you put in the freezer then you
put another flavor and put it in and
then another flavor and then you pull
the divider out and you get that result
so that’s really pretty neat and then
when you go to scoop it you hit all
three and uh it’s called Superman
Italian ice or uh whatever name you want
to call you can do it with ice creams
you can do it uh you know three
different flavors of ice cream or uh
that’s the rainbow maker we also came up
with The Great Divide and The Great
Divide is just dividing your tub in half
to do two flavors so it’s really pretty
simple but isn’t that a nice effect and
that is all natural none of this is
coloring none of this came out of a can
then you have them open while you’re
fresh they don’t Flo no they don’t Flo
and and take a look at that that’s all
that’s a month old now and the flavor
hasn’t sunk to the bottom of the can the
uh two months that’s right because your
best stabilizer on Earth is cold the
colder you keep a product the longer it
will hold so that’s a nice product we
disconnected that’s coming along nicely
any questions so far yeah talk about the
DVDs are they all online or oh you had a
question about the DVDs uh we have made
218 videos howto videos uh they’re all
at YouTube they’re all at emry Thompson
and and Ken you want to put that up on
the screen right now and show them the
uh list that you’ve made of uh all the
videos that we
28 recip 28 different recipes star Jeff
and me and sometimes starring me
sometimes s or Sammy they they still the
show um and they’re all for the taking
and then if you go to em at
the top heading It also says formula it
says recipes and uh all the recipes are
right there everything that uh I’ve done
just take it away to get recipes which
are very secret
uh Jeff us to be a school teacher
hopelessly liberal person now he’s an
entrepreneur so if you buy Jeff’s fck
you can get all the secrets uh you know
really important things like don’t put
floaters in your ice cream use a qu and
art you that’s the kind of knowledge
you’re just not going to find on the
internet that’s wanted to uh sell both
Italian ice and ice cream in my shop you
mentioned earlier that you don’t want to
keep in the same case I think you said
the optimum temperature for is 17°
serving temperature is that right and
the question is about selling Italian
ice and ice cream let me show you uh
since I have no chemicals and no
artificial anything in my Italian ice I
use a separate cabinet for my Italian
so this is typical what I call this is
called a I call a floppy door cabin with
the wind flops over on something
probably has some fancy name as opposed
to the visual display cabinet where you
can see the ice cream um I like these uh
it’s always a great debate in ice cream
we use these or do we use the VIS the
visual is nice it attracts attention the
problem with it is it slows up the line
people oh do I want this one I want that
one maybe I want that one this way they
look at the signs they say I’ll take the
great nuts and you go in here and you
serve for ice cream this is at 6° F uh
without any chemicals in my Italian ice
my Italian ice will freeze up like a
rock at 6° so I buy a second one of
these I told the manufacturer I want to
obtain a temperature of
16° they will change the thermostat and
and they’re not going to do that in
chakia or China you have to buy one main
USA Nelson Master build and they’ll put
an Italian ice what I call Italian ice
thermostat so it hold 16° and
now ice it’s wor Italian
ice scop of
it this is a uh 3 and 1/2 o cup so once
we put crown it over it’s a 4 oz portion
we’re getting about $2 for that and this
maybe cost us today with the fresh fruit
maybe 8 cents so 8 cents turning into $2
you can afford to buy a cabin uh it’s a
seasonal product except for places like
here in
Arizona uh and U you know hot climates
it’ll sell year round in Seattle they
don’t even know what the weather is
until it’s raining so you probably sell
all year anyway but this the way we eat
in New York this called squeeze cup and
we don’t use a spoon we don’t use a bowl
though the bowl is fine we take it and
we squeeze it up and we eat it like that
it’s a lot of fun and uh if you ask your
paper supplier for squeeze cups uh
you’re going to get the deer in the
headlights work because they you know
outside of New York City they don’t know
what a squeeze cup is this is called a
pleet water cup like a Lady’s dress
might be pleated that’s a ple water cup
one manufacturer I’m aware of called
solo s o l these I got at the U
Supermarket that might be a 7 or 8 oz
Bowl we’re still putting 4 o in it but I
like it because it’s wide now and you
saw I can scoop it really fast if this
was a straight up and down Bowl it’s
going to be a lot harder to get the
product into how’s it
looking okay now Italian ice takes twice
as long as ice cream because ice cream
is high in fat and low in sugar Italian
ice is no fat and all sugar more sugar
in a product the longer the freeze time
so your strawberry might take 10 minutes
your vanilla might take 15 minutes the
Italian I are all 16 18 now if we wanted
to make this a green place you would
have taken this exact same formula but
you would have put about a pint of the
ice cream blend in there uh in the old
days they might have called it a sherbet
but sherbets to me were always either
raspberry uh or orange or lemon and that
was not
it it is sherbet and uh they were sticky
and gummy from all the stabilizers to
make it sit in the cabinet
other a cream ice is still as pure as an
Italian ice we’re just
adding so a wonderful variation
smoother people say will your machine
making really smooth uh Italian ice and
please listen together will my machine
make a smooth Italian ice the answer is
yes and no uh it’s all about the sugar
content uh if you’re on bay8 Street in
Brooklyn which is an all Italian
neighborhood they don’t speak English
they are making what’s called Grita or
Granite Tech it’s uh in a bigger machine
bigger than this it’s 6 lb of sugar it’s
crunch it’s icy they love it if you go
into Manhattan we’re selling New York
style Italian ice it’s not six P of
sugar it’s now 7 lb of sugar and it’s a
beautiful product that’s what I’m making
here today New York style if I go to
Philadelphia down the Jersey Turnpike
the name changes from Italian ice to
Italian water ice and it’s 8 PB of sugar
one more pound of sugar than New York
two more than the Brooklyn and now it’s
just dead smooth and very very smooth
and if you like it that way that’s great
so there’s nothing no wrong way to do it
but machine has nothing to do with it
what makes it Italian
ice is the beater because you’re
literally making wet cement and you need
a con you need a cement mixer to make it
no other machine will do it they’ll
break down and they won’t you know foure
warranty these things are so strong
strong that we can run it 24 hours a day
for the next 2 5 years making Italian
Ice uh but it’s such a great profit I
and if you buy the proper inexpensive
sugar you’ll make even more Prof you too
can drive a
back ready yeah that’s
beautiful okay everybody
watch here we
go at that is that nice
and look at that
color all
natural now I can even uh at speed so
that’s getting everything out f as it
down and everything went into the
machine you can’t do that with any other
badge freezer it won’t go in the opening
and they’ll Avid your warranty because
the machines are so flimsy uh Jeff came
in this morning and he said he asked
those of you in his class yesterday if
you uh came in late to this Jeff has a
two-day class at his ice cream power
that teaches you how to make ice cream I
and all his secret formulas he also
makes you wait on the tables clean his
car dishes you know he calls it teaching
know um but he said he asked the class
how many of you have looked on eBay uh
for a used Emy Thompson and all the
hands went off and they said how many of
you uh have found a used machine on Emy
Thompson and no hands went out and the
reason is the other machines on the
market which are all Chinese parts and
made in Italy they last eight years at
the best so if you go on E if you go on
eBay right now you’ll find about 110
capan techno gels Electro freezes scul
thingss uh that you uh are worn out and
the guy’s unloading it to buy an Emy
Thompson while he thinks he can still
get some money out of it the only way
you’re going to find an emery Thompson
is if the last person in the family has
died off and the lawyer is dividing up
the estate then a used machine comp want
to prove it go to eBay today there is a
72y old emry Thompson batch freezer um
on the machine and if you’re going to
start up a brand new business and you’re
going to spend money for rent and FL
flavors and cups and hats and everything
else and you’re going to depend that
business on a 72y old machine well God
bless you because you got more faith
than I do uh in know in my company you
know 72 years I got a lot of them
running that old but that’s crazy come
on up and try this let
me isn’t that
Sammy come here

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