This entire bag of pasta is 400 calories with 16 grams of protein! It’s super filling and taste great! 10/10 would recommend

The meal details:
– Pasta 200C + 8P (half pack)
– Chicken 160C + 16P

Entire meal is 400 calories with sauce!!

by busybeemee


  1. Dangerous_Scar2297

    I I feel like you could get a lot more nutritional value if you made that yourself and you could save calories. The amount of processed chemicals in that meal is astounding.

  2. misscoffeetablebook

    what type of chicken do you use for this? looks great for a quick easy dinner and cheaper than going out to eat

  3. broady1247

    I used to do something similar (think it was the frozen Alfredo with broccoli) but mixed it with canned tuna and it reminded me of my college days eating tuna helper. Good to have when I have to call it in for dinner and just can’t be arsed to cook

  4. ceceodie

    Maybe if you want to remove any joy form you life…

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