My loaves are not cool enough to slice yet. My 2½ year old disagreed. When I would not cut him a slice he decided to grab the ear and rip a chunk off for himself… back left loaf you can see the wound. Last time I made sandwich bread he straight up bit the end of my loaf while it was cooling.

by katydid73


  1. KittikatB

    Sounds like you need to cool your bread in a less toddler-accessible location.

  2. soft-scrambled

    That’s what you get for taking his nose

  3. TankApprehensive3053

    Dang toddlers. They ruin everything.

  4. pvanrens

    I don’t know for sure if it’s you that deserves the credit but that is one well raised toddler

  5. Rebelo86

    My kid ripped a fist full out of the wall of my latest sandwich loaf while I was cutting him a slice.

  6. AZ_Corwyn

    He was just checking to see if there’s a face-hugger in that loaf.

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