2 pullman loaves, 1 boule in a dutch oven, 1 sheet pan pizza.

by Kinziekens


  1. Kinziekens

    Process for all three is the same, just varies in amounts. Left to right,

    Pullman 1:

    992 grams of poolish/starter (100% hydration)
    310 grams all purpose flour
    Handful of salt

    Pullman 2:

    1700 grams of poolish/starter
    560 grams all purpose flour
    Big handful of salt

    Boule in dutch oven:

    1133 grams poolish/starter
    360 grams all purpose flour
    Handful of salt

    Mixed dough in kitchen aid, no stretch and fold or coil fold. Bulk ferment 1.5 hrs, no shaping for Pullman loaves I just let the dough rise in the pan until 75%full. Bake Pullman loaves at 450 for 30-40 mins, remove lid and bake for 10 more mins,or until 205⁰ (I always temp). Bake boule in preheated dutch oven, 500⁰ for 20 mins, 450⁰ for 10, remove lid until 205⁰.

    Last picture is of pizza, [recipe.](https://electricbluefood.com/poolish-pizza-dough/)

  2. StoxDoctor

    I too make Pullman sourdough loafs. Perfect for toasting into the world’s best butter delivery device!

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