Husband picked this up thinking it was vegan but noticed at the last minute. Granted it doesn’t say vegan or plant based!! I’m guessing it’s geared toward people who can tolerate whey but not regular cheese for whatever reason. Stay reading those ingredients my friends.

by DarkBlueGlitter


  1. zosologist

    Whey protein can be synthesized. Vegan whey has been on the market now for a while and is still labeled as containing milk for allergy reasons.

  2. kalechipsaregood

    Honestly I’d rather just eat cheese than whatever processed mystery this is.

  3. FillThisEmptyCup

    Why are we having factory concoctions on this whole food sub?

  4. see_blue

    I can’t see the entire label, but it looks devoid of any nutrition. Just a bunch of processed garbage massaged to taste and have texture of cheese.

  5. lyx_plin

    Its actually cheese, just deconstructed, made worse with preservatives and palm oil, and then put together again.

    It has caseinate and whey, which are dairy protein. Its cheese, but worse. Use up or gift to someone, but don’t buy again!

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