Husband made dinner ✨️

by Fragrant-Sock5628


  1. Fragrant-Sock5628

    Pistachio and yoghurt chicken curry, roasted cauliflower, and junjaro (kidney bean curry).

  2. FriendliestMenace

    Recipe right now or I’ll shave your pets.

  3. Zestyclose_Big_9090

    Holy shit! My husband offered to make me dinner tonight if I went to the store for the ingredients which I did and now he’s talking about ordering a pizza. 🥴

  4. jasmin35w

    Great spouse

    Hope you both enjoyed it ☺️

  5. Optimal_Bird_3023

    Phewwww that looks SO GOOD I’m starving now

  6. ChardCool1290

    well done, Sir. You deserve some dessert tonight !

  7. foreskinfive

    Monochromatic meals. Hot brown and plenty of it!

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