Have you ever wondered about the health benefits of combining olive oil with lemon juice on an empty stomach? In this video, we delve into the potential effects of this simple morning ritual. From detoxification to improved digestion, discover the potential advantages and possible side effects of this concoction. Join us as we explore the science behind this age-old remedy and its impact on your overall well-being. Don’t forget to subscribe for more informative content on health and nutrition! #OliveOil #LemonJuice #HealthBenefits #Nutrition #Wellness #EmptyStomach #NaturalRemedies

what happens if you take olive oil with
lemon juice on an empty stomach every
day did you know that the mixture of
lemon juice and olive oil is one of the
most powerful home remedies that is used
to treat various ailments olive oil and
lemon juice sound like a delicious salad
dressing but it’s also a powerful
concoction that can benefit your health
many people don’t realize just how
healthy a combination like this is and
the benefits of adding it to your daily
routine today in this video we’re going
to tell you why you should consider
drinking olive oil with lemon juice as
well as our recommendation for the best
olive oil for the job so without any
delay let’s get started number one helps
treat inflammatory diseases olive oil
and lemon juice are effective for
reducing inflammation in chronic
conditions such as arthritis asthma
allergies high blood pressure Crohn’s
disease diabetes migraines joint pain
Etc the antioxidants in the mixture
protect against free radicals which
cause swelling in joints and other
tissues mono unsaturated fatty acids
also decrease inflammation by
suppressing the immune system and
reducing blood flow to reduce swelling
redness and pain polyunsaturated fatty
acids from lemon juice also have
anti-inflammatory properties the
antioxidants from both ingredients will
fight against swelling and Pain by
neutralizing the free radical and
reducing oxidative stress in the body
number two helps increase concentration
and strengthens memory both olive oil
and lemon juice contain antioxidants
that can help protect brain cells from
damage caused by free radicals by
reducing oxidative stress and
inflammation in the brain these
antioxidants May support cognitive
function and memory retention olive oil
contains omega-3 fatty acids which are
essential for brain brain health these
fatty acids play a crucial role in
building and maintaining the structure
of brain cells as well as facilitating
communication between
neurons also olive oil has shown to
improve blood flow including blood flow
to the brain by enhancing circulation
olive oil may increase the delivery of
oxygen and nutrients to brain cells
promoting optimal brain function and
cognition in the same way lemon juice
despite its a taste has an alkalizing
effect on the body once metabolized
maintaining a balanced pH level in the
body May support overall health
including brain function some proponents
believe that an alkaline environment in
the body is conducive to improved
cognitive function and mental
Clarity the ritual of consuming olive
oil with lemon juice on an empty stomach
every day May provide a mental boost due
to the routine itself establishing a
regular habit can help promote
mindfulness and mental focus which may
contribute to increased concentration
and memory number three promotes the
health of skin and hair clear skin
starts from within the oleic acid and
vitamin E in olive oil and lemon juice
protect against sun damage boost
collagen production in the skin for a
youthful appearance and help to prevent
acne the antioxidants in the mixture
detoxify the cells of your body which
will cleanse your pores of dirt and oil
that can cause pimples the vitamin C
from the lemon juice also brighten skin
for a healthy glow monounsaturated fatty
acids present in olive oil can also
penetrate deep through the skin to
strengthen collagen fibers to reduce
wrinkles similarly in the case of hair
the mixture of olive oil with lemon
provides essential building blocks for
monounsaturated fatty acids vitamin E
and antioxidants which can help nourish
the scalp and hair follicles
additionally lemon juice has a stringent
properties and is acidic in nature when
applied topically or consumed orally it
may help balance the pH levels of the
scalp and reduce excess oiliness a
healthy scalp environment is essential
for promoting hair growth and preventing
issues like dandruff and scalp
infections lemon juice has anti
microbial properties that may help
combat dandruff causing fungi and
bacteria when applied topically or
consumed Orly by reducing dandruff and
scalp inflammation lemon juice May
promote a healthier scalp environment
conducive to hair growth number four it
helps to stimulate blood circulation and
improves cardiovascular system the
benefits of drinking olive oil and lemon
juice are good for the heart because it
helps to lower blood pressure
cholesterol levels the bad cholesterol
and triglycerides while increasing HDL
levels good cholesterol the antioxidants
in olive oil and lemon juice protect
against plaque buildup in the arteries
that cause
atherosclerosis heart attacks and
strokes this reduces the risk of heart
disease improves blood circulation and
even improves blood sugar levels olive
oil contains compounds such as a acid
that have been shown to promote
vasodilation the widening of blood
vessels this allows for improved blood
flow through the body including to the
extremities also endothelial cells line
the interior surface of blood vessels
and play a crucial role in regulating
blood flow olive oil has shown to
improve endothelial function leading to
better blood vessel dilation and blood
flow lemon juice with its high vitamin C
content also support endothelial Health
number five regulates digestive system
olive oil and lemon juice helps to
soften mucous membranes of the stomach
improve kidney function and gallbladder
functions and it’s a good treatment for
urinary tract infections and
constipation the benefits of drinking
olive oil and lemon juice regulate the
digestive system by stimulating gastric
juices that Aid in a more effective
breakdown of food while increasing
metabolism which will decrease obesity
and the chance of stomach ulcers when
metabolism increases so do energy levels
which lead to more physical activity for
increased weight loss results number six
relief for the liver it contributes to
improving the performance of the liver
and its functions making it healthier
one of the most important benefits of
the combination of oil and lemon on an
empty stomach is definitely the
purifying effect that lightens the liver
often in fact thanks to a little careful
nutrition there can be annoyances such
as swelling a pasty mouth and an acid
taste when waking up severe headaches
all symptoms that show how to purify and
detoxify Us number seven maintains the
Integrity of blood vessels bones and
teeth olive oil is rich in
monounsaturated fats particularly oleic
which have been shown to support
cardiovascular health these healthy fats
help maintain the Integrity of blood
vessel walls reducing the risk of
inflammation plaque buildup and Vascular
damage olive oil contains vitamin K
which plays a crucial role in bone
metabolism and calcium
absorption Additionally the
anti-inflammatory properties of olive
oil may help reduce bone loss and
prevent conditions like osteoporosis
lemon juice with its vitamin C content
may also contribute to bone health by
supporting collagen production similarly
vitamin C from lemon juice is vital for
gum health and wound healing in the oral
cavity Additionally the antibacterial
properties of lemon juice may help
reduce oral bacteria that contribute to
tooth decay and gum disease olive oil’s
anti-inflammatory effects also benefit
oral health by reducing inflammation in
the gums number eight helps in weight
loss olive oil may contain a lot of fat
but that doesn’t mean it’s making you
fat in fact it might be the opposite one
study found that women with excess body
fat who added 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of
olive oil to their diet found that they
were able to lose weight easier and also
experienced more blood pressure
reduction than women eating the same
amount of soy bean oil drinking olive
oil and lemon juice can help you lose
weight because your body’s metabolism
increases leading to increased energy
The increased energy leads to more
physical activity which will burn excess
calories that are stored as fat you can
replace one meal with the mixture or use
it as a salad dressing by adding extra
virgin olive oil to your existing diet
number nine helps break kidney stones
drinking olive oil and lemon juice can
reduce the risk of kidney stones because
it promotes a healthy digestive
system this mixture helps to eliminate
waste and toxins from the body to
prevent kidney stones the antioxidant
properties also protect against the
development of kidney stones by reducing
inflammation and preventing calcium
deposits in the
kidneys research shows that citric acid
may help prevent kidney stones
bit why the citric acid increases the pH
of urine which makes the environment
less conducive to kidney stone formation
in fact 4 ounz of lemon juice per day
can be enough to prevent kidney stone
formation number 10 improves the body’s
energy olive oil and lemon juice contain
powerful antioxidants that fight against
free radicals which damage cells
throughout the body leading to Chronic
diseases like cancer Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease heart disease
Diabetes melitus Type 2 and obesity the
vitamins and minerals in the mixture
also protect against DNA damage that can
cause cells to mutate into cancer cells
antioxidants from lemon juice also
detoxify the liver and gallbladder to
remove toxins from your body regular
consumption of this mixture can boost
your your health and energy by improving
blood flow throughout the body and
protecting against chronic diseases
daily consumption of olive oil and lemon
juice will provide a range of beneficial
effects this mixture can serve as a
natural laxative when taken with warm
water on a regular basis so how do you
prepare this mixture mix half a
tablespoon of olive oil with half a
tablespoon of fresh lemon
juice this remedy can be taken every day
before breakfast or this has to be
consumed at least three times a week to
get the maximum benefit and it should
not be taken more than one spoon per day
which olive oil should you drink which
olive oil is best for sipping while all
olive oil is healthy one type of olive
oil rains Supreme extra virgin olive oil
IU IU is cold pressed unheated and made
with minimal processing producers simply
Crush olives and separate the oils from
the pulp so the delicate micronutrients
that make olive oil so healthy remain in
the oil that’s why most of the olive oil
health research covers IU so why not
give it a try starting your day with a
glass of olive oil and lemon juice on an
empty stomach could be just the
refreshing boost that you need to
Kickstart your day the right way if you
found this video helped F then remember
to like And subscribe to our channel so
that you can get more informative health
related videos in the future thanks for
watching see you in the next video


  1. It could work for you and me but remember everyone is different it you are a diabetic you should check yourself after doing this it could help everyone 💯👍

  2. I X Desert Spoon of SQUEEZED Lemon Juice And Teaspoon Of Extra Virgin Olive oil !!! A Half Pint MUG or Glass 😁a Limey Each Morning. BEFORE Breakfast. a Limey g

  3. How true is this program what if I have two olives for breakfast And have olive oil and lemon juice in my salad is it the same as you suggest?

  4. So i drank a bottle of olive oil and ate 5 lemons…i don't feel really good atm…I should of had it on an empty stomach..i had a Baconator combo just before..

  5. How long after drinking it does it take to work in the bedroom? The first night or is this one of those things that take 2 weeks or a month?

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