Cringing both physically and psychically at this..

by hitchinvertigo


  1. AriDollz

    …. What is even happening… What is it…?

  2. AnUnknownDisorder

    A knife and fork have never made me cringe before. I’m impressed and appalled.

  3. Mingsical

    For some reason i thought he put ice cream on that

  4. Blindvieh

    Just give me the foooooooooooooooood…

  5. -Lengthiness77

    The wait staff not trained enough to waste everyone’s time like this

  6. sin_not_the_sinner

    Just give me my damn dessert dude

  7. frankofantasma

    It’s like watching a child playing with his food.
    Let me guess: Turkiye

  8. Resident_Iron6701

    Thats going to be 50 dollars thank you

  9. sweet-tea-13

    Lmao pretty sure he put some sort of curse on it 🤣

  10. totallynotabotXP

    Well it seems at least they’ve significantly tuned down the bullshit, now if they just stop it all together…

  11. TheZan87

    How much extra can i pay for you to prepare it in the kitchen and just bring it to me when it’s done?

  12. Revayan

    Well people go to these fancy places to watch shit like this. The servers/chefs double up as entertainers.

    As for the food itself it looks like baklava with ice cream, not the worst combination tbh

  13. Biskey_29

    Why is it always the same type of cake?

  14. Arge101

    Turns out you can’t polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter…

  15. Lvntern

    Fuck I’ve seen like 20 different versions of whatever the fuck this dish is be tossed around, mangled, and dangled on people lips, I thought it was over

  16. Interesting-Oil5321

    this makes me want to block OP and the sub as well ……

  17. Sulley87

    We have already seen too many variations of this, it’s not even that bad.

    side note: baklava and ice cream is still delicious regardless of utensil drumming.

  18. dreadpiratepissbeard

    Is it just me or is everyone in the background clearly also waitstaff

  19. No-Echo-8927

    anyone going to these types of restaurants deserve everything they get 🙂

  20. Lopsided-Egg-8322

    clinkity clankity let me eat my fucking pie already would you

  21. KimJongIlLover

    My homie in the background is like “dafuq am I watching?”

  22. Small-Explorer7025

    Fuck that. Someone paid for this torture? Jesus Christ.

  23. Initial-Stick-561

    Any one can tell me what kind of cheese that is they put in the Baklava?

  24. DustWarden

    For the love of God _finish_ _preparing_ _the_ _food_ _in_ _the_ _kitchen_

  25. I’m unimpressed. I could just whap my own food. What the fuck.

    Just assemble my food in the kitchen instead of being a fucking party clown in the dining hall. Numpty.

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